  • 學位論文


A Survey Study on Consumer Buying Behavior and Using Habits- A Case Study of Soft packaged tissue in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林欣美


本研究旨在了解一般消費大眾使用抽取式衛生紙的習慣以及對於包裝油墨等對人體有害之成分的了解情形進行現況調查,為使研究目的有效達成,先對各研究變項進行相關文獻探討,以建立理論架構,並據此理論架構發展問卷;有效問卷 1156 份,並利用統計軟體進行次數分配、百分比統計、交叉表及卡方分析等統計分析,本章根據研究結果與研究目的歸納出結論,消費者每人平均每日使用 17 張抽取式衛生紙(約0.6cm)全國累積一日使用量可疊出 322 座;消費者最常使用抽取式衛生紙於擦拭嘴巴;消費者最常使用抽取式衛生紙的族群除了成人以外其次是以嬰幼兒及孩童為主;消費者購買抽取式衛生紙以價格為主要考量;消費者購買抽取式衛生紙以舒潔為主要品牌喜好;消費者購買抽取式衛生紙以量販店為主要購買地點;消費者購買抽取式衛生紙以賣場為主要訊息管道;消費者購買抽取式衛生紙之頻率以一至未滿二個月為主;消費者購買抽取式衛生紙之數量以一串至二串為主;六成八以上消費者對包裝成分含有害物質不甚了解;八成三以上消費者對包裝油墨脫落表示不願意購買;七成八以上消費者對包裝油墨絕不脫落的產品表示願意購買;六成三以上消費者對包裝油墨有害成分造成人體危害表示了解。 根據結論,提出相關研究建議,抽取式衛生紙與日常生活息息相關且與人體有大量接觸,特別是經由口鼻及私密處產生影響,應針對包裝印刷有進一步的法令規章;新品牌之抽取式衛生紙欲上市,需塑造自我特色,以量販店、賣場做為抽取式衛生紙之銷售地點。而相關研究限制與後續研究方向部份,建議使用質性研究方式加以驗證;添加其他變項以豐富抽取式衛生紙之相關因素。


The purpose of this study was to realize the general consumers’ habits by using soft packaged tissues and to investigate the situation of harmful compositions due to package printing ink. In order to effectively reach the research goal, first we did literature reviewing to our variables aim to establish the theoretical framework. Then according to this framework we developed our questionnaires. Total 1156 valid questionnaires were returned; confirmatory factor analysis, percentage statistic, Chi-square analysis and data crosstab were used for the statistical analysis. According to the research results and purposes we generalized the following conclusions; each consumer uses 17 packaged tissues (about 0.6 centimeters) every day and the total amount of using packaged tissues from the whole consumers in Taiwan can be stacked to 322 bases. Packaged tissues are mostly used in wiping mouths. Adults are the most commonly used groups, while infants and children are the second commonly used groups. Price is the main reason when consumers are purchasing the packaged tissues. Kleenex is the major brand preference when consumers are purchasing the packaged tissues. Consumers consider hypermarkets as the main purchasing places for package tissues. Consumers consider hypermarkets as the main message tract for package tissues. The frequency for consumers to buy package tissues is one to less than two months. The amount of package tissues that consumers mainly purchase are one to two bunches. Over 68% of consumers don’t know the packaging contains hazardous substances. Over 83% of consumers considered not buying the package tissues whose packaged ink were fallen off the pack. Over 78% of consumers considered buying the package tissues if the packaged ink won’t fall off the pack. Over 63% of consumers realize packaged ink will harm human bodies. According to the conclusion, we brought forward our research suggestions as follows. Package tissues were closely attached to our daily lives and would have a great impact to human bodies, especially from mouths, noses and other private areas. Our government should develop further laws and regulations according to the packaging products. If a new brand of package tissues wanted to appear on the market, they should have their own specialties and characteristics. Hypermarkets should be considered the places to sell package tissues. About the research limitations and further researches; we suggested one should use qualitative research to verify. One should add more variables to enrich package tissues’ relevant factors.


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