  • 學位論文

性別秩序的規訓與懲罰 ──論跨性別者難以跨越的性別鴻溝

The Discipline and Punishment of Gender Order: On the Social Dilemma of Transgenders

指導教授 : 莊國銘


跨性別認同者在以異性戀父權體制為核心的社會中,一直是隱而未見的黑數,偶爾見諸報端、媒體報導,也多數呈現違常、邊緣等負面形象。 本研究以國內首例跨性別者遭遇職場性別歧視之訴訟案例為起點,試圖探討跨性別者在父權體制社會下,從職場到家庭,無論在公私場域或日常生活,均飽受社會規訓及父權體制的壓迫,由於性別認同不符合父權體制「男女生理性別與社會性別相符」的判準,被父權體制社會視為破壞性別秩序的人。 本研究分四個部分,第一部分從跨性別者性別展演的學習、探索歷程,看跨性別者在打造符合性別認同的身體展現時,還要面對外界無處不在的規訓;第二部分從職場處境看跨性別者發展出的因應對策;第三部分從日常生活出發,探討跨性者的廁所難題,尤其是男跨女者面對的女廁「恐男想像」,以及來自醫療體系、家庭等標準規訓場所,跨性別者因性別認同「不一樣」,飽受規訓與懲罰,更面臨家庭與親子關係的斷裂。第四部分討論父權體制的強力規訓,讓跨性別者遭遇性別規訓「內化」的困境。 研究發現,跨性別者的多元性別認同難以對應到多元性別展演,跨性別者在跨越性別的過程中,學習到性別展演仍需符合社會規範才能展現出來;而跨性別者儘管對同伴的遭遇感到同理、同情,仍難免個人化思考,認為跨性別者在職場上應各憑本事,以高EQ 和處事手段化解個人遭遇的不利對待。 尤有甚者,異性戀父權體制對於跨性別者的規訓,更進一步被跨性別者「內化」。有跨性別者難以跨過生理性別的鴻溝,更渴望享有異性戀男女的性別特權,以及隱身人群的安全感;跨性別者雖樂於用身體、外表當武器去鬆動二元體制,但私下仍希望能更被規訓一些,以符合父權體制的標準,不再被當成「他者」,飽受攻擊。 本研究希望指出,性別規訓不僅箝制跨性別者的行為、身體展演,在異性戀父權體制與資本主義社會結盟的現代社會,更不能忽略性別規訓具有的物質基礎。跨性別者因性別認同的「不一樣」,難以親近由異性戀父權體制打造的職場、婚姻及家庭制度中,使得最弱勢的跨性別者可能從性別弱勢淪為經濟弱勢。 跨性別者雖泛指性別認同不見容於異性戀二元體制者,但跨性者仍存在嚴重的階級問題,有錢、有能力、享有高社經地位的跨性者,性別帶來的困擾較少,而性別與階級交織的二元壓迫,讓身為被決定者的弱勢者更加弱勢,難以翻身。


跨性別 規訓 生理性別 社會性別


In a heterosexual-dominated society, the issue of transgender is always a hidden taboo. The image of transgender remains anomaly and periphery, even reported in media or newspaper. This study begins with the first discrimination law case on transgender, trying to explore the oppression of the societal discipline and the patriarchy system which concern the transgender in office, family, public sphere, private sphere, and every aspect in everyday life. The transgender is the anomie in the patriarchal criterion of “the coincidence between sexuality and gender”, and become then the order breaker in the patriarchy society. The first part of this research which is consisted of four parts will focus that how the transgender study and explore their own body images. While the transgender is making the body the gender-expressing tool, they have to deal with the omnipresent Foucaultian discipline. We investigate the response of transgender to the office issue in the second part and the toilet-problem, especially what the male-to-female transgender has to deal with——the androphobia—–in the third part. In the rest of the third part, we discuss what do the transgender have to deal in hospital system, family or any kind place filled with the discipline. The discipline and punishment, and the breaking of family and parenthood have hence become the hardest issue for transgender. In the last part of this research, we inspect the powerful discipline of patriarchy and the predicament of transgender when they’re facing the problem of gender-internalization. According to our research, the diversity of gender could not simply deal with the societal convention. The display of gender must be in accordance with the societal convention. Besides, even the transgender themselves could feel the predicament in the same way as their fellows, their way to face it would be personalized as much as possible. They always ask themselves to be on their own, handling the issue with high EQ and flexible ways. Moreover, the discipline of patriarchy is going to be internalized in transgender. Some of them couldn’t just pass the cleavage between sexuality and gender. They hope to be treated like the heterosexual, and own the right of be private. Although the transgender are willing to shake the dual-sexuality system with the body and the appearance in public; in private, they would like to be more “disciplined” to be subjected to the society in order to be not attacked. This research hopes to point out that the gender discipline confines not only the behavior and the body display, but also the living conditions when the patriarchal society is an alliance with capitalism society. The cleavage between sexuality and gender makes transgender become both gender vulnerable group and economical vulnerable group in office, marriage, and family system in a patriarchal society. Transgender are normally those whose gender inclination couldn’t be included in a heterosexuality society. However, there are indeed serious class conflicts within transgender world. Those transgender in wealthy, powerful, and high social-economical position would face fewer problems than those who are in worse positions. The dual coercion makes the relative vulnerable transgender more vulnerable and own less opportunity to improve their living conditions.


transgender discipline sex gender




