  • 學位論文


The sustainable development of common-pool resources: behavioral analysis of ROSCA participation

指導教授 : 葉家瑜


台灣許多地方性的發展存在許多共用資源(common resources)的管理問題,包括生態、景觀、與文化等資源,然而皆難以避免共用資源的悲劇(tragedy of the common)發生,因此如何經營共用資源是地方永續發展之關鍵性因素。本研究根據國內外研究發現建立共用資源永續發展之關鍵因素在於公民治理(self-governance)機制的建立,且認為永續治理的關鍵因素在於收益的公平分配與成本的公平分擔的財政機制。然而,國內外研究皆未提出具體可行的作法,本研究認為民間合會(Rotating Savings and Credit Association,ROSCA)廣泛施行於發展中國家,提供微型企業靈活調度資金,可作為地方永續發展的財政機制,故本研究蒐集台灣近年來互助會參與的行為探討公民治理制度建立的可行性,使用行政院主計總處2004年到2013年家庭收支調查資料,將混合資料(pooling data)分別以累積標準常態分配模型(Probit model)與累積對數分配模型(Logit Model)分析探討家庭社會經濟特徵對民間合會參與度的影響,並針對共用資源的公民治理制度提出永續發展策略。研究結果Logit模型的解釋力比Probit模型還好,故根據Logit模型可知,近年來第一級產業(農林漁牧業)的家戶參與互助會的需求有逐年增加的趨勢,且年齡越高的人有較高的機率參與互助會。以桃米生態社區為例,農業仍為主要產業,且根據埔里鎮戶政事務所年齡層顯示,桃米里以45到65歲的人口為多數,顯示合會機制符合地方發展的需求,故當地居民可嘗試建立利益共享及成本分攤之機制,以促進地方之永續發展。


Many development projects in Taiwan engage management issues on common resources, including ecological, landscape, and cultural resources. However, it is difficult to avoid the tragedy of the commons. Based on many related research works, this study find that a plausible method to develop common resources with sustainability is to build a self-governance scheme in local society where a financial mechanism can be formed by the group members to fairly share the benefits and costs from the development. However, the current research works do not propose practical approach on this issue. This study recognizes that the system of Rotating Savings and Credit Association (ROSCA) widely practicing in developing countries can be an alternative method to provide micro-enterprise funds with high flexibility. Therefore, this study uses the household income and expenditure survey data from 2004 to 2013 conducted by Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics to generate the ROSCA’s participation behaviors in Taiwan for exploring the feasibility of the self-governance scheme. This study applies Probit model and Logit Model to analyze the social and economic characteristics to affect ROSCA’s participation. Logit model results better than Probit model. According to the Logit model results, the households working in the primary industry (agricultural, forestry, fishery and husbandry) have higher possibility of participating in ROSCA; household head with higher age also have higher probability of participation. For example of Taumi ecological communities, agriculture is the main industry and the age of the major population is among 45-65 years, which generate higher needs on ROSCA participation. It is suggested that the local residents can try to establish a financial mechanisms for sharing benefit and costs in order to develop the community resources sustainably.


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