  • 學位論文


The Development and Current Situation of Direct Selling Business: A Case Study of the Management Strategies of MJ Health Screening Center in Malaysia

指導教授 : 黃兆仁


直銷是二十一世紀行銷的主要通路之一,經由正派經營的直銷業者,努力參與社會公益、導正形象之下,已逐漸擺脫負面老鼠會的陰影。隨著經營成功例子增加,台灣巿場競爭也日趨激烈,然而一個成功的直銷公司所提供給直銷商的除了產品之外,還須搭配相關的服務,包括教育訓練、激勵制度、良好的公司形象與其他硬體設施等,除了可從中看出直銷公司的經營策略外,也是經營成功、提昇直銷商忠誠度、刺激其增加業績的原動力。   個案分析係運用質性研究,搭配「SWOT分析」、「五力分析」和相關「文獻」,分析研究個案公司其經營成功因素為何?而又創造了什麼競爭優勢?這些競爭優勢是否具有持續性?組織如何調整?以及績效評估如何與策略目標相結合等分析,同時給予理論或文獻的對照和印證。   本研究結論為直銷公司將作業流程標準化及電子化,有利於國際發展。再者,經營策略與直銷商經營是相互影響,一體兩面的關係。直銷組織國際化的過程中與經營規劃及管理能力除了有著密不可分的關係外,該組織更因公司經營策略方向塑造出許多獨特的競爭力。這些獨特的經營方針,又會藉由直銷組織的力量來加以傳遞,形成相輔相成的作用。而企業文化與決策者行事風格,非一朝一夕形成的,或許亦是影響企業競爭力與成長的關鍵因素之一。


Direct marketing is one of the main channels in twenty-first century; via proper & honest management and the Entrepreneurs of direct sales contribute themselves to participate in social welfare, they have gradually corrected the image from the shadow of negative rats. Viewing of the increment of successful businesses, the competition in Taiwan market becomes increasingly fierce; however, a successful direct marketing companies do not only provide direct marketers the products, but also the associated services, including education and training, incentive system, a good corporate image and other hardware facilities, from which we can see how the company to plan their business strategy, how to enhance their business success to strengthen distributors’ loyalty, to stimulate their motivation to achieve best performance. The use of qualitative case study analysis system, with "SWOT analysis", "Five Forces" and related "literature", a case study analysis of the factors to the success of its business the company? Create a competitive advantage but what? Whether these competitive advantages sustainable? Organization how to adjust? And performance assessment of how the combination of strategic goals such as analysis, while giving the theory or comparative literature and confirmed. The study concludes that direct marketing companies will standardize processes and electronic, is conducive to international development. Furthermore, business strategy and management are mutually affected distributors, one of the sides of the relationship. International direct sales organization and business process management capabilities in addition to planning and has a close relationship, the organization's business strategy is more a result of many unique shape the direction of the competitiveness. These unique approach to business, through direct sales organization will be the power to pass a complementary role. The corporate culture and decision-makers acting style, formed overnight, and perhaps also affect the competitiveness of enterprises and the key to growth factors.




