  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Teacher Professional Development Appraisal of Junior High School in Taipei County

指導教授 : 游進年博士


教育品質的提升,有賴教師持續專業成長。教師評鑑可說是提升教師素質、促進教師專業發展的重要機制,也是目前中央及地方教育主管機關積極推動的工作,現場教育工作者應了解教師專業發展評鑑於學校現場的實施狀況及可行模式。援此,本研究以贊英國中為研究個案,採用質性研究,以訪談、觀察及文件分析等資料收集方式,首先,探討贊英國中推動教師專業發展評鑑的歷程;其次,了解學校校長、教師兼任行政人員、教師及家長在實施歷程中扮演的角色及影響;並且分析遭遇問題與因應策略,以呈現臺北縣贊英國中教師專業發展評鑑的推動狀況。最後提出建議,俾供學校及教育單位推動教師專業發展評鑑之參考。 本研究主要發現有: 一、贊英國中推動教師專業發展評鑑為由上而下主導模式,但形式上仍透過「參與決定」模式,辦理的方式與實施內涵均透過會議溝通、討論後決定之,具周延之行政程序 二、贊英國中推動教師專業評鑑之計畫係以教育部計畫為藍本,配合學校推動需求進行小幅修正 三、教師專業發展評鑑對教師專業成長確有助益,亦能增進教師對教育政策的瞭解,並強化學校專業對話機制與正向發展的動能 四、在教師專業發展評鑑試辦工作的推動過程中,贊英國中校長、兼任行政人員、教師及家長扮演不同角色並發揮其不同的影響。校長是領導者,行政人員發揮溝通及規劃者的功能,教師為具關鍵影響力的執行者,家長扮演支持者 五、贊英國中推動教師專業發展評鑑過程中曾經面臨教師沒有參與意願、對話研討時間難覓、參與教師負擔壓力大、評鑑人員專業能力受質疑等問題。為解決推動教師專業發展評鑑過程中面臨之困境,贊英國中採行:溝通建立共識,由行政人員及新進教師先行試辦,進而影響其他教師參與;相關處室協助處理課務排配問題;整合相關工作、融入其他教育方案以減少負擔;建立專業評鑑人員培訓機制等相關因應策略。 六、教師專業發展評鑑目前因缺乏法理依據,說服力不夠。要順利推動教師專業發展評鑑,需強化教師對方案的理解與認同,並可由新進教師開始,逐年漸進增加參與比例 最後,根據研究結果提出建議,供學校、教育行政機關參考,並在研究對象與研究方法方面對未來研究提出建議。 一、對個案學校的建議 (一)依據學校狀況及教師需求,發展教師評鑑方案特色,規劃專業成長活動 (二)持續鼓勵教師參與試辦,提升教學及班級經營成效,達成優質學校願景 (三)獎勵優良教師成為教學輔導教師,邀請學者專家提供協助,強化校內外評鑑人員陣容 (四)增進行政人員教學領導專業知能,型塑學校成為學習型組織 二、對其他學校的建議 (一)規劃多元研習課程,釐清教師專業發展評鑑概念 (二)擴大計畫決策參與,建構對話溝通的平台 (三)提供環境及心理支持,減少推動阻力 (四)整合相關方案,計畫性推動變革 (五)推動教師專業成長,提升教育品質 三、對教育行政主管機關的建議: (一)加強教師專業發展評鑑的溝通與宣導,強化行政教學領導功能,降低教師的疑慮與阻力 (二)了解現場實況,建立完善配套措施,增進教師參與意願 (三)確定「教師專業發展評鑑」的法源與定調,逐年漸進提升教育品質 四、對未來研究的建議: (一)擴大研究對象 (二)兼顧「質」與「量」的研究


This thesis is aimed to explore the appraisal of professional development for teachers at Chan Inn Junior High School in Taipei County.The purposes are focused on the role-playing and influence of the principal, the administrators, teachers with administrative personnel roles, teachers and parents; the predicaments and the strategies. Both interviews and observations were administered to collected fiste-hand data. Document analysis was included as well in terms of triangulations. Based on the research,several conclusions are as follows: 1. Chan Inn Junior High School adopts a top-down model to promote the professional development appraisal, the plan and procedures are decided by all the participants. 2.To some degrees, teachers in Chan Inn Junior High School can understand the policy well and execute it in full compliance with the regulations announced by Ministry of Education. 3.During the trial implementation, teacher’s effectiveness and their understanding of education policies have been promoted. 4.Participants with different characteristics and roles will have different influences. The principal acts as the leader, the administrative personnel as the communicators and programmer, teachers as the main executor, and parents as the supporters. 5.Time of practicing the appraisal of professional development is insufficient. The school itself can search for tactics to solve this predicaments by taking some load off their positions and urging a much more effect through integrating the appraisal into other education plans. Chan Inn Junior High School capitalizes on communication to build up common consensus. It starts from the administrators and the new-coming teachers; gradually, other teachers will be influenced to join. Colleague offices try to tackle the arrangements of classes, integrate concerned work,consolidate other education policies to decrease pressure, and establish the system to train the people for appraisal. 6. There is no laws for the appraisal of professional development for teachers. Thus, the plan is not persuasive enough for teachers. To promote the appraisal of professional development for teachers, we should enhance teachers’ identification of the plan. We can apply the appraisal to those new-coming teachers and increase the rate year by year. According to the conclusions,some suggestions are offered as follows. 1.Suggestions for Chan Inn Junior High School (1)Develop features for the appraisal of professional development, design professional growth activity, based on the school’s situation and the teachers’ needs. (2)Keep encouraging teachers’ involvement and enhance the efficiency of teaching and conducting classes to achieve the school’s perspectives. (3)Reward those fantastic teachers to assist others, invite some experts to offer hands, and strengthen the faculty in the appraisal of professional development. (4)Sharpen the administrative personnel’s professional knowledge in instructional leadship and mold the school into a learning organization. 2.Suggestions for peer schools (1)Design productive courses for teachers to take so that teachers can understand thoroughly the concept of appraisal of professional development. (2)Enlarge the participation of designing program and set up the stage for communication. (3)Offer environmental and psychological support to decrease obstacles. (4)Integrate other related plans and promote revolution gradually. (5)Promote the professional development to sharpen the education duality. 3.Suggestions for education organizations (1)Enhance the communication and guidance for appraisal of professional development, enhance the administrative function, and decrease teachers’ pressure and impediment. (2)Understand the situation, build up fantastic supplementary measures, and increase teachers’ will to join. (3)Enact the law of appraisal of professional development, and increase the quality of education year by year. 4.Suggestions for the future research (1)Enlarge the sample. (2)Deliver both the quantative and qualitative research methods to collect data needed.




Shen, C. T. (2009). 教師專業發展評鑑與專業學習社群之個案研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315161204
