  • 學位論文

「科學語言遊戲」融入教學對物理文本的語意理解與語法應用之探討 — 以「生活中的力」單元為例

A Study of Applying "Science Language Games" into Physics Instruction and Its Effects on Students’ Semantic Understanding and Reporting Force Concepts.

指導教授 : 楊文金


本研究旨在探討「科學語言遊戲」融入教學前、後,高一學生對物理文本的語意理解及語法應用能力的差異。針對高一基礎物理「生活中的力」單元,發展了將「取代」、「命名」、「打包」、「拆解」四種科學語言遊戲融入物理教學的策略、「生活中的力」文本語意理解問卷與語法應用研究工具,針對台北縣某公立高中一個班、共計39名學生實施教學、前後測及測後晤談。 研究結果發現: 一、科學語言遊戲「命名」活動融入教學後,全體學生對名詞組語意正確理解的比率上升且達到顯著的差異。顯示針對名詞組的科學語言教學,確能有效促進學生對名詞組隱含之分類架構的理解。 二、在過程詞隱含之事件關係的語意理解方面,針對隱含因果關係的過程詞,在科學語言遊戲「拆解」活動融入教學後,高、中學習成就組對於具有因果關係的二事件之間,其事件發生的時序應先後發生而非同時發生,有較好的語意理解;所有組別的學生對於二事件具有因果關係時,其事件發生的時序應有先後的語意理解,也都可以獲得改善。 三、在學生的語法應用能力方面,經過「科學語言遊戲」融入教學後,整體學生對實驗觀察所構作的結論更為精簡,且所構作的名詞組更趨於精緻(對科學事件的描述更為精確)。教學後學生構作事件時所使用之語法上的問題能獲得解決,且所有組別對科學事件的描述都傾向於更能描述實驗變因之間的關係。 最後對以上的研究結果,提出相關的研究建議。


The aim of this study was to investigate the difference of semantic understanding and reporting force concepts of applying the "science language games" into physics instruction for the first graders of senior high school. On the basis of the unit "Force", the researcher developed the strategies of applying four science language games — replacing, naming, packing, and unpacking-- into physics instruction, the questionnaires concerning the semantic understanding of the unit "Force" and the research tools for reporting force concepts. Thirty-nine first-grade students of public senior high school in Taipei County participated in the study. From the instruction, the comparison and analysis of the pre-instructional questionnaires and post-instructional questionnaires, and post-instructional interviews, the major findings of this thesis are as below: First, after the instruction of science language game "naming", the percentage of all students who correctly understood the semantics of nominal group rose observably, indicating that the instruction of science language on nominal group could effectively improve students' understanding of the implicit taxonomic structure of nominal group. Second, in terms of the transitions implicit in the semantic understanding of the event relationship, particularly in the cause-effect relationship, after the instruction of science language game "unpacking", the groups of high and middle learning achievement acquired better semantic understanding in the cause-effect relationship between two events which happened successively instead of simultaneously. Moreover, all groups showed a great improvement on the semantic understanding of two events which had the cause-effect relationship and happened successively. Third, with respect to students' abilities in reporting, after the integration of the " science language games " into instruction, the conclusions all students made through their experimental observations became much more precise and the nominal group were inclined to be more accurate (in the description of scientific events). After the instruction, the grammatical problems the students encountered while constructing events could be solved. Furthermore, all of the groups tended to be more capable of depicting the relationship between experimental variants in scientific events. Finally, according to the findings, some suggestions for future study were proposed.




劉建言 (2010). 「文本的改寫」與「科學語言融入教學」對七年級學生學習神經系統單元的影響 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315184169
