  • 學位論文


China's propaganda towards Taiwan : Policies , Action and Channels

指導教授 : 黃城


在中共對台工作裡,除了過去軍事衝突或外交競逐外,兩岸主要的戰場就是在宣傳戰上。長期以來,中共對台宣傳外界諱莫如深。本研究採取決策研究途徑、政府傳播研究途徑,並配合前往兩岸三地進行相關新聞守門人及學者專家訪談,希望釐清中共對台宣傳時,包括傳播者、傳播內容、傳播管道、反宣傳及宣傳效果等相關環節。 本研究發現,外界往往忽略胡錦濤辦公室、中共中央辦公室、中央書記處等單位的「幕僚代決策」角色;在2004年中共對台發表「五一七聲明」後,對台宣傳攻勢轉趨靈活。及至《反分裂國家法》公布後,中共「以法遏獨」策略奏效,在圈定對台政策「紅線」之後,使得「一個中國」原則、「聯美制台」、「反獨促統」、「寄希望於台灣人民」的宣傳策略輪廓更加清晰。中共同時兼用「視覺行銷」等概念,提升宣傳滲透的力度。 在宣傳管道部分,本研究發現中共涉台部門多陷於「團體盲思」氛圍,兩岸媒介透過新聞合作,各自發展出一套「趨吉避凶」策略,致力於收視率的提升,並避免踏入雙方忌諱的政治誤區。至於中共對台宣傳效果部分,在大陸境內凝聚其內部共識有其成效;近年來在國際媒體視聽中也逐漸有所斬獲,原因在於台灣領導人政策多變,外界難以掌握。另外,台灣致力於「去中國化」,放棄外籍人士華語養成培訓工作也讓國際難見台灣視聽。 整體而言,中共對台宣傳主體—台灣民眾對其宣傳效果評價不高。主要在於台灣民眾認知大陸對我敵意甚深,成為既定的「認知框架」,使得相關宣傳內容失效。儘管台灣官方並未投資反制中共對台宣傳資源,但透過半官方機構抽取廣告,形成媒體報導時的「寒蟬效應」,以及台灣本土媒體強化仇中、恨中的反制論述,甚至地下電台散播謠言,這些刻意的傳播行為在台灣早已形成「反中」的防禦網,讓所謂中共對台宣傳「績效卓著」,成為一場「國王的新衣」的荒謬劇。


宣傳 策略 新聞框架 團體盲思 議題設定


In addition to military conflict and diplomatic competition in the past, the major battlefield between Taiwan and China is propaganda. It has been a long time since the outside world has not been able to get a clear picture about China’s propaganda toward Taiwan. This dissertation assumes “ Decision-Making Approach ”, ” Government Communication Approach ” and “ Interviews with relative journalists and professionals in China , Hong Kong and Taiwan ” hopefully to clarify all the dimensions of China’s propaganda to Taiwan, including the communicators, contents, channels and both the effects of anti-propaganda and propaganda. After studying, we found that people often neglect the unobvious “Staff Decision Making” roles such as Hu Jintao’s Office, the China Central Office, and the Secretariat of the Communist Party of China Central Committee. After the May 17 Statement released in 2004 , China adjusted her propaganda offense to be more flexible. After the Anti-Secession Law passed, China’s strategy of “ Anti-Taiwan’s Independence through law ” came into effect. Therefore , the bottom line of “ Taiwan’s Policy ” was made. The contour of propaganda strategies was more distinguished through “ One China Policy ”, “Allying with the USA and Deterring Taiwan”, “ Anti-Dependence and Unification Enhancement ” and “ Preaching Taiwan People ”. Meanwhile, the concept of Vision Marketing has being adapted to uplift the effect of propaganda penetration. Regarding the channels of propaganda, we found most of the Taiwan affairs departments or offices fall into “ Group Think ”. The cross strait media cooperate through press and operate cautiously. They strive to raise the audience rating, and also improve the influence of people’s condensation in Mainland China. These years, it is getting progressive among the international media. The main reason is that the fluctuating polices made by Taiwan’s leaders result in more complicated situations to be understood. Meanwhile, Taiwan has tried very hard to “ deSinification ” and give up to attract foreigners to study Chinese in Taiwan . Both make Taiwan less visible in international society. In general , in response to the main target of China’s propaganda, Taiwan people who turn out that they don’t appreciate it favorably. The main reason is most Taiwanese recognize that the Chinese Government treats Taiwan hostilely. What results in the end is cutting down the effects of the Chinese Government’s propaganda toward Taiwan. Even though the Taiwanese Government doesn’t implement counterpropaganda against Mainland China’s propaganda sources, the threat of canceling commercials or advertisements forces the press to subordinate. Also, some of the Taiwan localized media strengthen hostility toward Mainland China and rumors broadcasted by the illegal radio stations. All of these intended communication behaviors form a defensive network to oppose against Mainland China. Such web turns the so-called outstanding “ outstanding ” effect of propaganda to Taiwan into a ridiculous fairy tale like “ The Emperor's New Clothes ”.


Propaganda strategy news frame agenda setting group think


魏紹徵(1957),《宣傳技術之研究》。台北:國民黨中央委員會第四 組編印。


