  • 學位論文


Incorporating Digital Games into the 5E Learning Cycle to Promote 8th Graders' Learning in Optics Concepts

指導教授 : 許瑛玿博士


面對十二年國教的教育改革,讓學生自主的參與課堂上的學習是老師教學的重要目標,透過嵌入數位遊戲於5E學習環教學法,讓學生在遊戲中探索進而學習到老師所要教授的科學概念。本研究選取光學概念進行嵌入數位遊戲於5E學習環的教學設計。31位八年級學生實驗組接受嵌入數位遊戲於5E學習環教學法,34位八年級學生接受傳統講述式教學法。本研究採準實驗研究法,以光的反射與折射概念測驗為學習成就評量來瞭解學生教學前後概念轉變情形,並輔以學生學習單的質性資料分析來深入探討造成學生概念轉變的可能理由。並比較傳統講述式教學法與數位遊戲融入教學後對學習成效之影響差異,以及針對不同的學生面向(性別、學習成就)、題目題型(文字題、圖形題)等進行共變數分析(ANCOVA)來探討學生經歷嵌入數位遊戲於5E學習環教學法的學習成就差異。 研究結果顯示,實驗組(t=-4.995;p<.001)學生在嵌入數位遊戲於5E學習環教學法後的學習成就顯著提升,而對照組(t=-2.239;p<.05)學生在傳統教學後的學習成就顯著提升。但在效果量(Effect Size, E.S.)上,實驗組達中度效果量(E.S.=0.791)而對照組為低度效果量(E.S.=0.403),顯示實驗組之效果量較高。進一步以單因子共變數分析結果顯示,兩種教學法均未達顯著差異(F =3.718;p>.05),表示本研究所設計之嵌入數位遊戲於5E學習環教學法與傳統教學法間在學生光學概念理解上並無明顯差異。不同性別之學生以傳統教學法(F=0.006;p>.05)或嵌入數位遊戲於5E學習環教學法學習光學概念(F=0.156;p>.05),對於其概念學習成就並無明顯差異。 不同學習成就之學生以嵌入數位遊戲於5E學習環教學法學習光學概念,對於其概念學習成就有明顯差異(F=15.182;p<.01)。針對不同教學法對文字題型的影響未達顯著水準(F=1.267;p>.05);然而,圖形題型的影響達顯著水準(F=4.655;p<.05),表示學生在圖形題的得分上實驗組與對照組有明顯差異,而且實驗組學生的得分顯著高於對照組。 實驗組在光學概念學習上的改變情形,平面鏡部分:(1)經過教學後,學生可注意物距與像距相等之關係。(2)較少學生說出物體大小與成像大小的相等關係。(3)多數學生認為物體距離鏡子愈遠,鏡中的成像會愈小。凹面鏡部分:(1)學生受到平面鏡成像性質的影響,認為物距等於像距。(2)部分學生認為只要是凹面鏡,不論物體所在位置為何,成像都是放大的。凸面鏡部分:(1)經教學後學生可繪製出物體成像之光徑圖,並得出成像性質及位置。(2)部分學生具有光線會會聚於虛焦點的迷思。凸透鏡部分:(1)部分學生受到面鏡成像的影響,認為物體經凸透鏡成像是經由反射造成。(2)部分學生受物體經凸面鏡成像性質的影響,認為物體經凸透鏡成像後會變小。(3)有學生認為雙凸透鏡兩邊的形狀相同,所以透鏡兩邊物體與像的性質會相同。(4)部分學生可說出光線經由凸透鏡折射後,光線會往透鏡較厚的一邊偏折,而平行光經透鏡折射後,可會聚於透鏡另一側的焦點上。(5)大部分學生經教學後,可繪出正確光徑圖及成像之性質。凹透鏡部分:(1)部分學生受凹面鏡成像性質影響,認為物體經凹透鏡折射後像會變大。(2)部分學生由3張相同大小物體在凹透鏡不同位置的成像學習單,可以說出物體離凹透鏡愈近,經凹透鏡所形成的像愈大。未來研究可設計數位遊戲融入應用電子白板的教學,並讓學生以小組學習的方式進行學習,以探討合作學習對學生在光學概念學習的影響。


One of the crucial goals in the twelve-year compulsory education reform is to encourage students to actively participate in learning activities. Through the pedagogy that incorporating digital games into 5E learning cycle, this study was anticipated that students can learn scientific concepts by exploring the games. In this study, the pedagogical design focused on the concepts of refraction and reflection. A quasi-experimental design was adopted to investigate how the pedagogical design might impact on students’ learning of the concepts. A total of 65 eighth graders from two classes participated in this study. One class with 31 students was taught with the new pedagogical design, while the other class with 34 students was taught with traditional lecturing method. An assessment of conceptual understanding was used to examine the students’ learning outcomes. Qualitatively, the students’ worksheets were analyzed in order to look into the factors that might account for their conceptual change. Regarding the comparison between the two classes, ANCOVA was adopted to examine how students’ gender and different levels of achievement, and the types (texts or pictures) of assessment items might influence students’ learning. The findings showed that both the experimental and the control group significantly improved their understandings of the concepts after the instruction (the experiment group: t=-4.995; p<.001; the control group: t=-2.239; p<.05). According to the effect size (E. S.), the experiment group reached a medium level (E.S.=0.791) while the control group had a lower effect size (E.S.=0.403). This indicates that the experimental group with the new pedagogical design had larger effect size. The one-way ANCOVA analysis showed that there was no significant difference in the students’ conceptual understandings between the two groups (F =3.718; p>.05). Also, there was no sinificant difference in the students’ conceptual understandings between male and female students in both groups (the control group: F=0.006; p>.05; the experimental group: F=0.156; p>.05). Students’ different academic levels significantly influenced their understanding of the concepts (F=15.182; p<.01). Regarding the types of the assessment items, students in the experimental group scored significantly higher on the items presented with pictures than those in the control group (F=4.655; p<.05). The analysis of qualitative data showed how students’ conceptual understandings were changed by the pedagogy that incorporating digital games into 5E learning cycle, the experimental group. For instances, the students’ conceptual changes in the concept of plane mirrors: (1) Students became more aware of that the object distance is the same as the image distance after the instruction. (2) Fewer students understood that the size of the object was actually the same as that of its image. (3) Most of the students thought the farther the object was, the smaller the image would be. For the students’ conceptual changes in the concept of concave mirrors: (1) Influenced by the concept of plane mirror, students thought the object distance is the same as the image distance. (2) Part of the students thought the images of a concave mirror are always larger than the object no matter the object distance. For the students’ conceptual changes in the concept of convex mirrors: (1) Students were able to draw the path of the light, the image and its location in a diagram. (2) Some students still had the myth that through a convex mirror, light converges in a focal point. For the students’ conceptual changes in the concept of convex lenses: (1) Influenced by the concept of plane mirrors, part of the students thought the formation of the image is because of reflection. (2) Influenced by the concept of convex mirrors, some students thought that through convex lenses, the images are always smaller than the object. (3) Some students thought that as double-convex lenses have the same shapes on both sides, the object and the nature of its images on both sides would be the same. (4) Some students were able to state that through convex lenses, light will deflect to the thicker side of the lens; through the lens, parallel light will converge on the focal point at the other side of the lens. (5) Most of the students were able to draw correct optical path and images in a diagram. For the students’ conceptual changes in the concept of concave lenses: (1) influenced by the concept of concave mirrors, some students thought that the images of the concave mirrors are bigger than the object. (2) After completing the worksheets on the topic that differet distance results in different size of the image, some students were able to state that to a concave lens, the closer the object is, the bigger its image would be. I suggest that in the future, with students learning in groups, the research may focus on how cooperative learning might impact on students’ learning of the concepts of refraction and reflection in a pedagogical design that combined both the digital-game and interactive whiteboard.




吳曉青(2016)。Google Classroom融入5E模式對學生的興趣影響之行動研究─以七年級自然與生活科技為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201600404
