  • 學位論文


Exploring the Effects of Multimedia Instruction on Junior High School Students’ Achievement

指導教授 : 張文華 博士


中文摘要 本研究目的在探討電腦多媒體融入教學及一般傳統教學對國中 學生學習生殖遺傳單元的學習成效的影響。研究中採用準實驗研究法, 探討北部某國中九年級學生四個班級共111 名,分別以國中自然與生 活科技領域之生殖遺傳單元進行電腦多媒體融入教學與一般傳統教 學。資料來源包括「生殖遺傳學習成就測驗」及「半結構式晤談」; 分析方法中,量的資料分析是針對學生在教學之後的成績是否具有顯 著進步;實驗組和控制組的進步幅度是否具有顯著差異;另外依學習 成就測驗前測表現分為高成就組(前33%)、中成就組(34%)和低成就 組(後33%),探討多媒體融入教學對於不同的學習成就學生的影響是 否有所差異。兩組學生在教學前後接受「生殖遺傳學習成就測驗」測 驗,教學結束兩週後再進行相同的「生殖遺傳學習成就測驗」延宕測, 然後進行測驗結果採用T-test 及ANCOVA 等統計方式進行檢驗變項 間的關係。質的資料分析為針對學生的半結構式晤談的內容進行轉錄 及分析,以利做為量的資料分析之佐證。 綜合以上的結果,分析電腦多媒體融入教學對國中學生學習生殖 遺傳單元所產生的學習成效之影響。歸納本研究結果得到結論如下: 一、電腦多媒體融入教學與一般傳統教學分別在教學後,在學習成 就測驗上的前測與後測、延宕測的表現上兩種教學法均有顯著 差異。 二、實驗組學生的學習成效顯著優於控制組的學生,顯示電腦多媒 體融入教學確實能幫助學生提升生殖遺傳概念的學習成效。 三、電腦多媒體融入教學對學生在「細胞分裂與減數分裂」與「遺 傳概念」概念之學習成效不具有顯著差異。反而在「孟德爾法 則」概念的學習成效具有顯著的進步。 四、對不同成就組的學生而言,電腦多媒體融入教學對高分成就組 的學生在生殖遺傳學習成效有顯著的助益。而對中、低成就組 的學生則無顯著差異。 根據以上的研究結果,本論文在最後給予教學上一些建議,包 括未來的研究方向,與教學在運用多媒體時,所應注意的方向,希望 能提供教學界參考之用。


Abstract The goal of this research is to investigate the effect of applying computer multimedia-incorporated teaching on nineth grader students’ achievement of Unit “Reproduction & Heredity.” This research adopts a quasi-experiment design and the study object is 111 9th grade student in the northern certain junior high school. Compare a computer multimedia-incorporated teaching(as experimental group) with a general traditional teaching(as control group), the teacher researcher carried 4 lessons of Unit “Reproduction & Heredity” in her junior high school. Both groups of students took pre-test, post-test and delay-test of a teacher-developed achievement test. Based on results of t-test and ANCOVAs and student interviews, the results of this research included: 1.The pre-tests, post-tests, and procrastinating tests of learning achievements exactly have definite differences after teaching through the computer multimedia fit into teaching or the ordinary traditional teaching. 2.There are significant differences in the learning achievement between students in multimedia-incorporated teaching and in conventional teaching. Students who accepted the multimedia-incorporated teaching surpass that students who accepted the conventional teaching method. 3.In the understanding of cell division, mitosis and the concept of inheritance, after teaching, all the students show no remarkable progress, but in the concept of the Mendelian Principles, the experimental group surpasses the control group, extrapolate that the computer multimedia-incorporated teaching has a notable benefit. 4.Speaking of the different learning achievement’s students, the students of higher-set of the learning achievement, when studying concept of reproduction & heredity unit, the multimedia-incorporated teaching really does a great help, but in the lower-set and average-set of the learning achievement, it makes no remarkable difference. According to the several previous research conclusions, there are some teaching advices at the end of this theses which includes the study direction in the future and teaching implecations.




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