  • 學位論文


Research of the Taiwan Rice Technology evolution (Prehistoric ~1950 ages)

指導教授 : 溫振華


技術(technology),是人類改變或控制客觀環境時所創造、使用的各種手段或活動。而技術的創新與變革需有相應的物質水準及人文環境,故技術可說是一個社會物質生活水準的最佳評判標準,也是辨識族群文化特徵的主要象徵。世界三大糧食作物之一的水稻,長期以來是臺灣最重要的作物,對該項產業進行貫時性的觀察分析,除可探究其內部技術變遷的歷程,更可作為其背後臺灣人文社會景況的最佳例證。 臺灣擁有原生稻種,在史前時期並曾有多種稻種被引入用於耕作,使臺灣的稻作經營初始便呈現多元化的樣貌。史前人運用各式器具從事稻耕,並已有選種的行為,顯示對特定品種的追求。至有文字記載的原住民時期,原住民採取順應自然條件的粗放耕作方式,搭配鋤農業型態的農具及以糯稻為中心的耐旱品種,進行一年一穫的稻作經營。而各地平埔族經營方式的差異,則大體呈現某種地域的分化性。 自17世紀前期開始,隨著具中國南方精耕細作稻耕知識體系的漢人大量移墾,攜來犁農業體系的農具及牛隻獸力,使臺灣稻作經營轉向精耕細作化。在18世紀中葉之前,由於相關建設仍未完備,加以拓墾地區係以南部為主,在自然環境的限制下係以晚稻為中心的一年一穫經營為主,但育苗、插秧、中耕管理、收穫等稻耕體系則隨著漢人的人數優勢而成為臺灣最主要的稻耕技術。至18世紀中葉,在外銷市場的大量需求下,稻作經營逐漸走向一年二穫。而為因應各地環境的差異,農民選取上千種品種因應,並發展出澁仔法、滲仔法、單季栽培法、直播法、乾播法等耕作安排。加上隨著長期與土地的互動而發展出農諺等在地農業知識,在品種運用、農耕技術、農業知識之間,漢人逐步建立起一套具在地特色的在來農法體系。 在20世紀初,日本在明治年間以良種、集約、多肥為中心的稻作革新技術被引入臺灣。由於臺灣原有稻作技術已甚發達,故稻作改革主要集於栽培技術與品種限定,透過農事、行政、警察體系的動員下強制嵌入在來農法中。而良種改革在初期因日本稻種無法適應的情況下,係以限定在來米品種而展開;多肥則因在來米種的特性,僅能以獎勵綠肥、堆肥等有機肥料為主,顯示國家的強制介入仍須因應現地的情況。至1920年代後期,隨著國家力量的推動與市場誘因下觸發的蓬萊米種擴張,臺灣稻種趨向單一化。而為增加對自然適應力較弱,卻適應日本人口感的蓬萊米之產量,農政單位並更積極推動如消毒、正條密植、拔稗、電氣化除蟲、動力化灌溉等集約措施,農人也必須修改農時因應。而對肥效反應性高的米種的出現,多肥農法終可大量推廣。但化學藥劑、化學肥料的採用,則種下日後對環境衝擊的隱憂。


秈稻 粳稻 稻作技術 農具


Technology is every method or action created and used by human change or control objective environment. The technical innovation and the transformation must have the corresponding materials standard and the humanities environment, therefore the technology is so-called that best judgment standard of a society its material life standard, is also recognizes the main characterization of ethnic group culture. Paddy rice, one of the three main grain crops in the world, is the most important crops for a long time in Taiwan, proceed to panel study on the industry, in addition to research the process of the internal technology evolution and may take the best illustration behind Taiwan humanities society situation. There are the primary rice seeds in Taiwan, and once had many kinds of rice seeds to introduce uses in cultivating in prehistoric times, causes the management of Taiwan's rice in the beginning then to present multiplex appearances. Prehistoric people use al kinds of implements to be engaged in the rice cultivation and had the seed selection behavior, demonstrated to the specific variety pursue. To aboriginal period which had the writing records, aborigines adopt the cultivation way complies with the natural condition, combine the farm tool of the hoe agriculture state and take the glutinous rice as the central drought resistance variety, proceed to make the rice of management which harvest one time each year. But the modes of business difference in regional Pingpu ethnicities, then presents some kind of region roughly the differentiation. Since the early-17th century, along with a large number of Han people cultivations which had the knowledge system of south China the careful and intensive cultivation rice to plow, brought farm implements and cow animals power of the plow agricultural system's farm, caused the management of Taiwan rice to change the careful and intensive cultivation. Before the mid-18th century, due to related constructs developed still not completely and opened new land the area were by the south mainly, took the late rice of management which harvest one time each year as the center under natural environment's limit, but the rice cultivation system of grew seedlings, transplanted rice seedlings, row management, harvest etc. harvest to plow the system to become the most main taiwan rice technology along with Han people's population superiority. After the mid-18th century to toward gradually two harvests one year, for in accordance to the regional environment's difference, the farmer selected over a thousand kind of varieties, and developed the farming arrangements of aberdeen dialysis method, single-season cultivation method, the direct seeding method, dry sowing method. In addition to develop the agricultural knowledge of peasants' proverb etc. along with long-term interaction with the land, the Han people establish local characteristic agricultural law system gradually among species using, farming technology and the agricultural knowledge. At the Beginning of the 20th century, Japan government in the Meiji year using the improved variety, intensive, fat as the innovation technology of central rice, is imported to Taiwan for Japan's grain demand. Because the the rice technology which Taiwan own originally really developed, therefore in the intensive farming mainly chooses saline election , common yangtianba and actively repellent projects by the farming, the administration, and the mobilization of the police system forces inserting to come in the agricultural law. However, the initial seeds of reform, because the Japanese rice seed is unable in the situation, are defined Indica rice to develop; heavy manuring due to the characteristic of Indica rice can only reward organic fertilizer of the green manure and the compost primarily etc, the demonstration country's compulsion involvement must in accordance to the location situation. Up to 1920 later periods, the dilation of the Japonica rice moved with national forces and affected by market incentives, Taiwan rice seed trend simplification. However, to increase the yield of Japonica rice which have weak natural adaptation but adapt to the japanese taste , the agricultural politics unit promotes intensive measures more active, such as the disinfection, the strip close planting, stubbs crusgalli, the disinsected electrification, driving force of the irrigation, the farmer must revise the farmer season in accordance. The appearance of the rice which have high reactivity on manuria effect, heavy manuring culture may promote massively finally. However , the use of chemical medicament and chemical fertilizer will impact on the environment in the future.




