  • 學位論文

學校綠建築在校園規劃上的應用 以南投縣埔里鎮水尾國小為例

The Application of Green School Building on School Architecture-take the Shueiwei Elementary School in Puli as an Example

指導教授 : 黃惟饒


由於社會環境及教育理念的轉變,學校建築應以學生的學習環境為主軸,重視其主體性與需求性,讓學童在校園中快樂的學習與成長。而近年來「綠建築」已成為世界的潮流與趨勢,是以,學校建築的規劃與設計應加強對自然環境的保護,將「永續發展」的理念導入校園規劃中。 本研究旨在探討綠建築觀念落實在學校建築的可能性,並以水尾國小為例,分析其學校綠建築的運作情形。本研究主要以文獻分析、訪問及觀察等方法進行探討。本研究之主要發現如下: 一、現代性學校建築深受現代性建築的影響,具有權力與意識型態宰制、制式與 規格化、階層化取向之特色。 二、綠建築的校園規劃應遵循環境生態、教育配合、科技態度、健康等原則。 三、水尾國小之學校綠建築實例分析有以下之特點:在環境生態的規劃上能兼顧 校外與校內生態、在教育配合的規劃上展現良好的成效、在科技觀點的規劃 上應加強高科技技術、在健康原則的規劃上大致符合自然、舒適、安全之要 求,若能在避免危害的安全性上再加以斟酌,則會有更好的安全保障。 四、水尾國小「開放師生共同參與」、「學校綠建築即教學場景」、「結合校內外生 態環境」、「運用低科技技術達致節能」等綠建築的規畫模式值得他校學習與 借鏡。 根據研究結果,本研究對教育行政機關、學校單位及未來研究提出下列建議: 一、對教育行政機關的建議有:建立各校的建築資料與成功經驗、充足學校建築 的教育經費、辦理學校綠建築規劃相關的知能研習。 二、對學校單位的建議有:校園規劃的過程應採取參與式的規畫方式、配合學校 建築,設計一系列的環保教育課程、運用現代科技以設計出與環境共存的節 能空間、加強校園的綠化美化與創造富教育性的校園環境、充分結合社區資 源,發展出有特色的校園文化。 三、對後續研究提出的建議有:擴大訪談對象、以用後評估來強化研究內容、以 不同的研究方法增加研究的可信度。


Based on the change of social environment and educational perspectives, the school building must focus on pupils’ learning surroundings, subjectivity, and needs. This place can provide them happy study and growth. Especially, the “green building”has become worldwide known and acceptable in recent years. Therefore, the plan and design of the school architecture ought to be emphasized on the protection of the earth and include the perspectives of sustainabilies into it. This study is aiming to research how the green school building theories can be applied to the school architecture, and explore the reconstruction of this school planning at the Shueiwei Elementary School after 921 earthquake. The main methods of this study are the data analysis, interview and observation. The major conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.Being influenced by the modern architecture, the monopoly of power and ideology, the typification and fixing type, normalization and stratification are the features of modern school architectures. 2.Green school building planning should abide the following principles :(a)the protection of the environment,(b)the implementation of the education,(c)the attitude of the technology,(d)the setting of the health. 3.The features of the analysis of the Shueiwei Elementary School architecture are: (a)both outer and inner space of the compus were considered in the biological and environmented planning,(b)the educational implementain is proved to a satisfied condition,(c)the schematization of the technology should be enhanced by the dimention of the high technology,(d)the health setting is matched with the needs of nature, comfort and safety of the campus’ planning. If the pollution problem can be improved greatly, the teachers and pupils’ safety will be better insured. 4.The achievements of the Shueiwei Elementary School planning on green school buildings can be an application to other schools including as:(a)participatory architecture,(b)school green buildings as instructional site,(c)connected with outer and inner school environment,(d)applied law technology to save energy. According to research findings of the researcher, the main suggestions of this study are: 1.The educational administrations on the recommendations includes:(a)to build the architecture data and successful experiences on every school,(b)to supply school architecture budget sufficiently,(c)to organize the knowledge workshop about the school green buildings. 2.The individnal school on the recommendations :(a)into the process of the green school building planning should take a participatory architecture mode,(b)to adopt a series of curriculam of the environment protection to school architecture,(c)to apply the modern technology to design the school space of saving energy,(d)to emphasize the school green and beauty works and create with a good educational school surroundings,(e)to join the local sources and develop a specific school culture. 3.The continual research on the recommendations:(a)to increase the number of interviewees,(b)to apply the “post-occupancy evaluation” to improve the research,(c)to adopt the various ways to improve the research reliability.




