  • 學位論文


A Study on Knowledge Contents of Legal Education in Our Junior High School-The Content Analysis of Civics Textbook

指導教授 : 林永豐 博士


校所名稱:國立台灣師範大學政治學研究所 論文題目:我國國中法律教育課程內涵之研究-公民科教科書法律內容之分析 畢業時間:2010年 研究生姓名:吳美品 指導教授:林永豐 博士 論文摘要: 我國國中階段沒有專設的法律教育課程,基本上是結合公民教育實施,公民科教科書自然成為學校法律教育的教學教材。九年一貫社會領域課程綱要於2008年修訂,課程標準改變,課程即隨之改變,教科書編輯也跟著改變。適值教科書開放,在「一綱多本」政策下,身為教師站在教學第一線上,對教科書內容尤其關心。 本研究之主要目的在了解「我國國中法律教育課程的內涵」。論文的發展軸線,一是以文獻探討:理解法律教育的立論基礎,學界對法律教育課程內涵的看法,九年一貫社會領域課程綱要,相關實證研究,據以發展出本研究之研究工具。二是透過內容分析法:研究我國國中公民教科書(2009年版)「康軒版」、「南一版」、「翰林版」所陳述的法律課程內涵及不同版本之差別。 本研究對於我國國中法律教育課程公民科教科書內容之分析,有如下的結論: 一、 法律教材部分: 三版本均符合九年一貫社會學習領域課程綱要之訂定。 二、 法律知識主題: (一) 份量較多者為「法律素養」中「法律的基本概念」、「民法」中「認識民法」、「刑法」中「認識犯罪與犯罪型態」 (二) 份量較少者為「行政法」中「行政行為」,是三版本較少提及者。 三、 教科書編寫策略上: (一) 使用「分項陳述」、「說明解釋」、「舉例說明」等說明性技巧最多。 (二) 使用「無預設或固定答案」、「問題解決」等應用性技巧較少。 基於研究發現,本研究分別針對課程設計、教材編輯、提升編寫技巧、兼顧學生批判思考能力及依法解決問題能力的培養、後續研究等提出建議事項。


Abstract National Taiwan Normal University Graduate Institute of Political Science A Study On Knowledge Contents of the Legal Education in Our Junior High School—The Content Analysis of Civics Textbook Student:Mei-Pin Wu Advisor:Yung-Feng Lin Ph.D. Abstract: There are no specific subjects of law-related in secondary curriculum. However, law-related is included and taught in civics. As a result, civics textbooks become teaching materials of legal education in secondary school. The Grade 1-9 Social Studies Learning Areas Curriculum Guidelines are revised in 2008. Now that the curriculum guidelines changed, the courses were to be updated, in a time when the formerly monopoly doctrine of textbooks by the government was released. Facing the new “one curriculum, various textbooks”policy, teachers, who are at the “front” of the educational system, now should give care to the contents of textbooks. The main purposes of this research are to understand “the knowledge contents of the legal education in our junior high school.” The main structure of this thesis is divided into two parts: First, by studying relevant literature: to understand rationales of legal education, the general viewpoints of the academics on the knowledge contents, and relevant pragmatic researches, and eventually, to design the research tool of this paper. Second, by analyzing content : to explore the involved legal knowledge contents of current (2009) junior high school civics textbooks, namely, Kang Xuan edition, Nani edition, He Lin edition, and their differences. This research has the following three man conclusions : 1. About material of legal education: All the three editions conform to the junior high school curriculum guides. 2. About subjects of legal knowledge: (a) The following occupy more contents and are the core legal knowledge of each textbook: “Legal accomplishment ”, “Civil law, “Criminal law” (b) The following given less treatment is: “Administrative law ” 3. About strategies of textbook compilation: (a) Explanatory skills such as ”itemizing narrative”, “exposition and explanation” , and “illustration by examples” are mostly used. (b) Heuristic skills like “analysis”, ”contrast and comparison”, “cause and effect”, and “deduction and induction” are more or less used in turn. Based on the results of this research, for compilation of textbooks we offer the following suggestions or considerations: to Enhance Curriculum design, to upgrade compiling ,and editing skills and raise the thinking ability ,and to offer follow-up studies.




