  • 學位論文


The relationships among gender, teachers' expectancy, and mathematic learning attitude of higher grade elementary students

指導教授 : 陳李綢


本研究主要在探討「師生性別」、「教師數學期望」、國小高年級學生的「數學學習態度」與學生數學成就表現的關係。研究方法為問卷調查法,研究者以台中市之國小高年級的783位學生及242位教師為研究對象。以「教師數學期望問卷」與「學生數學態度問卷」為研究工具,調查所得的資料以單因子變異數分析、雙因子變異數分析、多元逐步迴歸分析進行資料處理及分析,茲將本研究的主要發現分為三大部分,分別說明如下: 一、教師數學期望 1.不同性別、任教年級的教師其數學性別刻板印象的表現上沒有差異。 2.不同年齡層、學歷、教學年資的教師在性別刻板印象表現上有差異。 3.教師對男女學生所抱持的數學期待沒有差異。 二、學生數學學習態度的表現 1.不同年級、性別的學生在自我概念、成就動機、歸因風格、知覺教師期望的表現上均沒有交互作用存在。 2.不同「年級」的學生在自我概念、內在歸因風格、知覺教師期望的表現上有差異。 3.不同「性別」的學生在自我概念、知覺教師期望的表現上有差異。 三、師生性別的交互作用 1.師生性別與學生的數學學習成績、自我概念、成就動機、歸因風格的表現上沒有交互作用存在。 2.師生性別與學生的知覺教師期望表現存有交互作用。 3.學生在數學學習態度各分量表中的表現(包括:自我概念、成就動機、歸因風格、知覺教師期望)呈現高度相關,其中「外在歸因風格」與其他四個分量表呈負相關,其餘各分量表間均屬於正相關。 4.學生的「自我概念」及「外在歸因風格」能有效預測學生數學成就表現,且預測力達21%。


This research mainly explores the relation between the mathematics performance of male and female student differentiated by the teachers’ gender stereotyping, the influence of different gender expectancy, students’ self-conception, achievement motivation and attributing styles. The subjects were 783 higher grade student (elementary school in Taichuang city) and 242 teachers. The measures used were “the student mathematics manner questionnaire” and “the teacher mathematics expectancy questionnaire”. The data were analyzed by t-test, F-test, and multi-dimensional stepwise regression. The findings divide into three major parts as follows: Part 1: Teacher’s expectancy for mathematics 1.There is no differences in gender stereotyping by teachers’ gender and teaching grade. 2.There are significant differences in gender stereotyping by teachers’ age, the level of education, and years of teaching. 3.There are no differences in the teachers’ expectancy of male and female students regarding different accomplishment in mathematics. Part 2: Students’ attitude toward the performance in studing Mathematics 1.There is no interaction effect between grade and gender in students’ learning mathematic attitude. 2.Significant effects were obtained for students’ self-concept, intrinsic attribution style, and perception of teachers’ expectancy. 3.Opposite sex students were significantly different on self-concept and perception of teacher’s expectancy. Part3: The interaction between teachers’ and students’ gender 1.There are no interaction between teachers’ and students’ gender on students’ mathematic performance, self-concept, achievement motivation, and attributing style. 2.There is a significant interaction between teachers’ and students’ gender on students’ perception of teachers’ expectancy. 3.There are significant correlations between students’ manner in studying mathematics and each scale( including students’ self- concept, achievement motivation, attributing style, perception of teacher ‘s expectancy ) . The extrinsic attributing style has inverse correlation with the other four scales. 4.The students “self- concept” and ”extrinsic attributing style” accounted for 21% students’ mathematic achievement.


吳武典、陳秀蓉 (1978)。教師領導行為與學生的期待、學業成就及生活適應。教育心理學報,11,87-104。


許囷芸(2014)。新移民子女數學學習態度之研究 -以桃園縣一所國民小學為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201400277
