  • 學位論文


A Study on Assessment Criteria of Policy Competition to Attract Foreign Direct Investment in Taiwan High-Tech Industries

指導教授 : 莊謙本


經濟成長之主因來自於資本之累積,而投資決定了成長。外人直接投資(Foreign Direct Investment,以下簡稱FDI)不但可迅速挹注國內資本的流量,而且對國內經濟成長具有很大的效果,同時引入新產品與新技術,產生所謂技術外溢效果。因此,過去二十多年,世界各國無不卯足全力利用不同政策工具吸引FDI,競爭情形轉趨激烈。本研究主要目的針對不同政策競爭方式,以確定目標、決策評估準則確立、權重訂定等步驟,建立層級結構找出目前臺灣吸引外資投入高科技產業最有利的競爭策略。 首先以專家訪談與模糊德菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method, FDM),萃取出競爭策略有三個階層五個構面廿八個準則。再利用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)設計出專家問卷,衡量各構面與準則彼此的權重。分析發現五個構面分類中之重要性依序為財政獎勵、金融獎勵、補貼式服務、特許權、管制性優惠。重要準則之前五項排名依序為投資獎助金、出口為基礎獎勵、投資資本為基礎獎勵、利潤為基礎獎勵與信用信證。 本研究以吸引外資投入臺灣高科技產業之政策競爭的評準則作業模式為主題,提供準則建立法則、權重模式,以供日後政府決策當局參考,期以此模式架構套用於各種不同政策評估系統中。


Capital accumulation is a major factor of economic growth, and economic growth depends on investment. FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) not only quickly ladles out the flow of domestic capital, but also has a significant effect on domestic economic growth, introducing new products and new technologies which results in so-called technology spillover effect. Therefore, over the past 20 years, every country in the world is mustering their efforts to attract FDI by using different policy competition instruments, so competition has become more and more intense. The main purpose of this study, for the various competition policy tools, aims to identify the target, to make the assessment criteria, and to set significance. And these steps establish a hierarchical structure to attract foreign investment in Taiwan high-tech industries, hoping to find the most competitive policy tool. First of all, expert interviews and Fuzzy Delphi Method to extract 3 sectors, 5 dimensions and 28 criteria. Second, AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) is used to design expert questionnaire, to measure the dimensions and significance of each criteria. The result of my analysis reveals that the following five dimensions are listed according to their importance: fiscial incentives, financial incentives, subsidized services, privileges, regulatory incentives. And the first five criteria of the importance principle are investment grants, export-based incentives, capital-investment-based incentives, profit-based incentives, and credit guarantees. This study aims to assess policy competition for high-tech industries to attract foreign investment in Taiwan, providing guidelines for the establishment of rules and weight models. These rules and models can be references for the authorities to make decisions in the future. I hope that this model will be applied in a variety of different sets of policy evaluation system.


何媛儀(2007)。由外國人直接投資現象分析台灣全球化經濟活動空間結構,國立成功大學都市計劃研究所碩士論文。全國博碩士論文資訊網, 095NCKU5347010,12。
