  • 學位論文


Analysis on performing scripts and their application of teaching in elementary schools about the subject matter "Journey to the West"of Taiwanese hand puppet

指導教授 : 陳龍廷


臺灣布袋戲的表演藝術是集合語言藝術、操偶技巧與後場配樂等多種元素而成。布袋戲的表演文本是運用本土語言文辭優美的特性,如口白、用詞、用語等結構性;突顯出口白中押韻性、趣味性、音樂性及戲劇性的特點,更提昇教學效能與優美臺灣文化的內涵。2002年以來多數母語教師從認識布袋戲開始,終於體驗出以布袋戲配合教學,深具效率;尤其口白(四念白)是學生在觀賞模仿過程中,寓教於樂學習母語最佳的捷徑。 《西遊記》是家戶喻曉老少咸宜的章回體小說,它描寫孫悟空大鬧三界與跟隨唐三藏取經的故事,因為劇情豐富、內容精彩、動人逗趣、人物活潑可愛,情節又可天馬行空任意揮灑,因此常被引用於布袋戲的戲目表演;更是國小學生的最愛。本論文要探討《西遊記》表演文本運用於布袋戲上的分析,探討各布袋戲傳承系統派表演的《西遊記》,找出表演文本的結構異同之處,保留傳統特色,增添現代創意的形式風格,轉化成合乎現代學童之需求,進行比較研究,讓有興趣的老師參考。 筆者從國內知名五洲園派黃海岱傳承表演文本、亦宛然傳承表演文本、小西園傳承表演文本,鍾任壁傳承表演文本,就劇情內容探討分析,做為學生在學校教學上的參考與應用。並配合九年一貫課程融入本土語、藝術人文、社團的教學運用以達到推廣之效為本研究之重點。將傳統劇本轉(換)化成淺顯易懂的現代兒童表演文本,可讓每個小學在藝術人文課程中,透過表演藝術課實際操作練習以達認知、情意、技能之效能,運用於偶戲社團實做的表演文本,更期望對臺灣特有的布袋戲傳統藝術文化能永續發展。


掌中戲 西遊記 五洲園 亦宛然 小西園 新興閣


he Taiwan performing art, Taiwanese hand puppet theater, combines many elements like language arts, puppet skills, and backstage music performance. Performing scripts of hand puppet theater makes use of graceful words of the local language, for example, structures like spoken words, phraseology, and wording, to highlight distinguishing features like rhymes, playfulness, musical and theatricality in spoken words, which would even improve teaching effectiveness and beautify contents of Taiwan culture. Since 2002 many mother tongue teachers had started with understanding hand puppet theater, and finally experienced that the combining teaching with hand puppet theater was quite effective. Particularly, spoken words (four spoken words) is the best shortcut for students to learn their mother tongue as an edutainment when they are watching and imitating. "Journey to the West" is a widely known Chinese traditional novel with a universal appeal. It depicts stories about Sun Wukong's uproar in three realms and how he went on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures with Tang-sanzang. Because the plots are abundant, contents are splendid, touching and amusing, and figures are lively and cute, and the story was written in an unrestrained and vigorous style, it has been often adopted in the performance of hand puppet theater, and it is even the elementary school students' favorite. This thesis will discuss the analysis on the performing scripts applied to hand puppet theater, discuss how various inherited hand puppet theater systems perform "Journey to the West" and discover similarities and dissimilarities in their structure of performing scripts, to preserve traditional characteristics, increase forms or styles of modern creativity, and to transform them to meet needs of today's children, and to do some comparative research for the references from teachers who are interested. The author discusses and analyzes in respect of plots from domestic famous performing scripts of Wu-Zhou style inherited from Huang Hai-dai, performing scripts inherited from I Wan Jan, performing scripts inherited from Hsiao Hsi Yuan, and performing scripts inherited from Zhong Ren-Bi, as a teaching reference and application for school students. In addition, in coordination with nine-year integrated curriculum, local languages, art humanities, teaching and adoption in associations are integrated to achieve promotion effects will be the key points of this research. Traditional scripts will be transformed to plain, easy-to-understand performing scripts for today's children. This will achieve effectiveness of cognition, affections, and skills by means of actual manipulation and practices in performing art lessons of the art humanity curriculum in every elementary school. And they will be adopted as performing scripts for implementation of hand puppet theater groups. Moreover, we expect this will contribute to sustainable development of the unique traditional hand puppet theater art and culture in Taiwan.


姚榮松 2010 〈臺灣閩南語歌仔冊鄉土題材之押韻與用字分析〉《臺灣學誌》臺北:國立臺灣師範大學,創刋號,第143-204頁。
陳龍廷 2010 《發現布袋戲》高雄:春暉。
張靜二 1984 《西遊記人物研究》臺北:學生書局
謝依婷 2005 《國民小學布袋戲社團運用及教學方法之個案研究〉─以北市和平國小社團為例 碩士論文。
陳龍廷 2008 《聽布袋戲:一個臺灣口頭文學研究》高雄市:春暉。
