  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張峻嘉


人的一生中,睡眠就花費了三分之一的時間,可見睡眠對人的重要性。有關睡眠的研究中,許多是醫學方面的探討,卻少由空間角度切入分析。在社會中許多提供睡眠的空間中,居住於學生宿舍中的住宿生常面臨著較艱困的睡眠環境。本文由列斐伏爾提出的空間三元組—空間實踐、空間再現、再現空間—的概念,來觀察不同尺度的空間力量如何形塑出具有安全、安靜、安心的睡眠空間特質。然而形塑出此種特質的睡眠空間實與時間規範、生活節奏密切相關,亦即宿舍及住宿生如何透過時間的協調來生產出睡眠空間,因此不同尺度的時間節奏如何交錯影響為本研究的另一主軸。   研究結果發現,在學一舍的門禁、洗浴時間規範下,使得住宿生的作息有基本的一致性,但仍有許多不同的睡眠作息狀態,這反應至隔日早晨的不佳學習狀況,因此台師大於98學年度正式辦理規律生活寢室,透過斷網的時間規範,再度約束住宿生的睡眠作息。從中可觀察到住宿生個人睡眠節奏、學一舍規定的睡眠節奏,到台師大再次宣稱的睡眠節奏,具有不同尺度的時間規範,然而這也是在現代化24小時的時間規範之下。   人群的節奏運行必須要佔有空間才能達成。學一舍於民國64年啟用,宿舍外透過各種空間標誌、監視器和夜間門房的目光監看及例行的關門,讓門禁時間能在空間中落實,也讓學一舍夜間仍有著安全的管理。學一舍內由於為同系居住的寢室空間分配,使得睡眠規範可以透過學姊的權威而向下傳達。學一舍的洗浴空間集中在一功能區中,這個洗浴空間讓住宿生認為每夜睡前的清潔為理所當然,也指向著睡眠的床舖是乾淨的神聖意涵,並透過個人床舖上置放的私人物品形塑自我空間,進入安心入眠。


睡眠 節奏 空間的生產 學一舍


In human life, sleeping is very important because people spend average one third of their lifetime on sleeping. According to studies, many sleeping studies focus on medical field, but only a few studies analyze sleep from space perspective. In our society, there are many space that people can sleep, and one of them is dormitory, which usually has bad sleeping environment. This thesis use Henri Lefebvre’s conceptual triad in production of space, which includes spatial practice, representations of space, and representational spaces to observe how different space scales shape the safety, peaceful ,and relieved sleeping space. However, the characters of shaping the sleeping space of dormitory have correlation with the norm of time and rhythm of life. This study will focus on how the dormitory and boarders coordinate time to product the sleeping space as well as how the different time scales affect each other in the dormitory. Results show that the controls on entrance guard and hot water supply by National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) dormitory actually change individual’s practice to have even more similar night schedule. However, the differences of sleeping routine still exist. It results the drowsy students in classroom in the next day morning. As the result, NTNU has executed the rule life quarters policy in 2009. By limiting the internet using time, it restraints the students sleeping routine again. In this process, it displays different scales of the time norm: the boarders sleeping rhythm, the sleeping rhythm regulated by NTNU Dormitory, and the sleeping rhythm announced by NTNU. These rhythms are all under the time norm of the modern age-the rhythm of 24 hours. The operation of rhythm of life must occupy space to work out. NTNU Dormitory has been available since 1975. Outside the NTNU dormitory, safety of the environment are insured by many signs, surveillances and the janitor’s guarding. The dormitory routine closes routinely and its entrance guard time occupied the building in the night. Inside the NTNU dormitory, the same department boarders will be distributed to the same quarters to make the norm of sleep easily convey from senior to junior. The NTUN dormitory’s bath space is centralized in an area, and taking a bath before sleep implies sleeping space is clean and sacred. Some students put personal items in order to form their own space and then sleep in relief.


sleep rhythm the production of space NTNU Dormitory


