  • 學位論文


The Media Representation of the First Lady – In the case of Christine Chow Ma

指導教授 : 彭懷恩 范世平


本研究以台灣四大報,聯合報、蘋果日報、自由時報跟中國時報為主要分析對象,探討四大報紙呈現的中華民國第一夫人周美青形象。從馬英九當選總統開始,媒體處理周美青的報導。本研究以女性主義的出發點去探究,媒體對於第一夫人又是以何種態度報導。四家報紙在面對同一個新聞事件發生時,又是用怎樣的方式處理,並呈現在觀眾面前。觀眾所見所聞,其中又包含了何種新聞的建構,新聞記者用的詞彙,又隱含何種符號意義?是本文所探討的。 採用的研究方法是文本分析,挑選馬英九當選後的三個跟周美青有關的新聞事件,一、周美青兆豐銀行工作爭議,從媒體報導中,分析其中隱含的父權思想以及對女性的刻板印象。二、周美青首度外交出訪表現,當上第一夫人後的第一次出訪,周美青得到的鎂光燈焦點,遠勝過以往的第一夫人,透過媒體,呈現出的有溫良恭儉讓的官夫人形象跟新時代女性的獨特魅力。三、周美青八八水災勘災形象。八八水災讓總統馬英九聲望探底,不僅是台灣的一場浩劫,更是馬英九史上最大的政治洪災。面對丈夫民調一蹶不振,周美青關懷災區的行動,在媒體建構下的形象,卻是積極正面。從職業婦女到災區勘災。從鉅觀的標題象徵,到微觀的內文符號,加以探討。


In this study, four major Taiwan newspaper United Daily News, Apple Daily, China Times, Liberty Times as the main analysis with the object of showing the four major newspapers, the First Lady of the Republic of China Christine Chow Ma image. From Ma Ying-jeou was elected Taiwan president, media processing Christine Chow Ma reports. In this study, the starting point of feminism to explore the media for what kind of attitude which is the first lady reported. Four newspapers in the face of the same news event, but also what kind of approach, and presented in front of an audience, which also includes the construction of what kind of news, but also implies what symbols mean? Approach to the study of text analysis, select three news events related with Christine Chow Ma. First, Christine Chow Ma job controversy, from media reports, the analysis of the underlying patriarchal ideology and stereotypes of women . Second, Christine Chow Ma first diplomatic visit to the performance, when the first lady after the first visit, Christine Chow Ma been was the focus of spotlight, far surpassing the previous first lady, through the media, showing a new era of women's unique charm. Third, the charity image of Christine Chow Ma. Floods reputation bottom to President Ma, Ying-jeou, Taiwan is not only a calamity, is Ma, Ying-jeou in the history of the biggest political floods. Poll slump face of her husband, Christine Chow Ma care disaster operations, under construction in the media image is positive. The title of a symbol from macroscopic to microscopic text symbols to be explored.


Christine Chow Ma first lady feminism representation


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