  • 學位論文


The Impact of Political Ideology on Literary Translation: On the Chinese Translation of Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell

指導教授 : 李根芳博士


以色列學者埃文.佐哈提出的多元系統論認為,在一個特定的文學系統內,若某一文學正「經歷某種危機或轉折點,或出現文學真空」時,翻譯文學將成為接近系統中心的主要活動,經過與譯入語其他並存系統(如政治、經濟、社會文化)產生連繫,從而採取特定的規範、行為和政策,並發揮預設之功能(例如為政治意識形態服務)。英國翻譯理論家赫曼斯率先將「操縱」觀念導入翻譯行為的研究,認為所有翻譯都是為了服務某種目的而操縱原文。原籍比利時的勒菲弗爾(André Lefevere)則進一步將翻譯研究納入改寫及折射(refraction)的範疇。他指出翻譯為文學作品所樹立的形象,主要受到譯者或贊助者的意識形態和主流詩學所宰制。這類被統治階層接受並視為合法的經典化文學(legitimate & canonized literary repertoire),往往與歷史上的重大事件或特殊的時空背景擁有密不可分的關係。 「反共文藝」是五○年代臺灣主流文學勢力極力吹捧的文化霸權。以孫中山三民主義思想為主軸的政治意識形態逐漸在臺灣文化多元系統中佔據統治地位。英國作家喬治.歐威爾完成於一九四八年的《一九八四》所捍衛及反對的價值觀雙雙相容於當時國民黨政府及美國政府的政治利益,因此臺灣的中譯本很快就於一九五○年問世。本文設定的主要目標,乃援引勒菲弗爾的翻譯改寫理論,探討《一九八四》的中譯本如何經由刪節、改寫、淡化、濃縮等手法,以符合臺灣五○年代主流政治意識形態設定的文藝政策。


歐威爾 一九八四 意識形態 翻譯 改寫


Itamar Even-Zohar argues in his polysystem theory that, in a given literary system, translated literature becomes one of its most important activities to assume the central position of a literature when there are turning points, crises, or literary vacuums in it. Translated literature is then correlated with other co-systems of the target culture, such as political, economic and socio-cultural systems, to adopt specific norms, behaviors and policies to function as expected. For example, translated literature could be subservient to the dominant political ideology. The British translation theorist Theo Hermans, known as the initiator of the idea of “manipulation” in translation studies, claims that all translation implies a degree of manipulation of the source text for a certain purpose. Andre Lefevere continues to argue that translations can be realized through rewriting and refraction of the original. He points out the literary image established by translation is dominated by the ideology of the translator or the patronage and the dominant poetics in the target culture. Such legitimate and canonized literary repertoire accepted by the ruling class is usually inseparable from major historic events or special contexts. “Anti-communist literature” is recognized as the cultural hegemony of Taiwan’s dominant literature in the 1950s. At the time, the political ideology based on Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s “Three Principles of the People” gradually occupied the dominant position of Taiwan’s cultural polysystem. The values defended and opposed by George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four were both compatible with the political interests of the KMT National Government and the U.S. Government in the 1950s. The Chinese translation of Nineteen Eighty-Four was soon published in Taiwan in 1950 as a result. This thesis, on the basis of Andre Lefevere’s rewriting theory, is aimed to discuss how the Chinese translation of Nineteen Eighty-Four was completed through approaches like abridgment, rewriting, reduction and abbreviation in accordance with the dominant political ideology within the literary policies implemented in Taiwan in the 1950s.


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