  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 杞昭安


本研究目的在瞭解國中資源班教師自我決策教學的態度與實施現況。以台北市及新北市國中資源班教師為研究對象,採用自編的「國中資源班教師自我決策教學的態度與實施現況」問卷進行調查,有效問卷199 份,可用率達81.9%。資料分析以描述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson 相關分析及卡方同質性檢定,歸納研究結果如下: 一、國中資源班教師認為自我決策教學是重要的,但在可行性與實施現況仍有差距 二、不同背景變項教師自我決策教學的態度與實施現況有差異 (一)不同特教教學年資教師在重要性上有差異。 (二)不同性別及不同教師身分教師在可行性上有差異。 (三)不同教師身分、教育程度及特教專業背景教師在實施現況上有差異。 三、自我決策教學態度與實施現況有顯著正相關。 四、國中資源班教師認為實施自我決策教學最困難之處為「學生的認知能力有限,無法學習自我決策」。 五、不同背景變項在實施自我決策教學困難上有差異。 最後,依據研究結果,對教育主管機關、教師及未來研究方向提出建議。


The main purpose of this research is to explore the perception and the current practice of the resource room teachers on teaching self-determination in junior high school. The resource room teachers of Taipei City and New Taipei City were selected as the research objects.A questionnaire survey was conducted in this research based on the self-made “questionnaire regarding the perception and the current practice of the resource room teachers on teaching self-determination in junior high school”. The valid questionnaires were 199, and the available percentage was 81.9. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and Chi-square test. This study came to the following conclusions: 1.The resource room teachers in junior high school think teaching of self-determination is important to the students, but have differences on the feasibility and the current practice of teaching self-determination. 2.The significant differences among teachers with different background toward the perception and the current practice of teaching self-determination. (1)Teachers in different year of experience in special education have the significant differences on the importance of teaching self-determination. (2)Teachers in different gender and classifications of teacher qualifications have the significant differences on the feasibility of teaching self-determination. (3)Teachers in different classifications of teacher qualifications, education degree and background of special education knowledge have the significant differences on the current practice of teaching self-determination. 3.There was significant positive correlation between the perception and the current practice of teaching self-determination. 4.The most difficulty point of teaching self-determination for the resource room teachers in junior high school is caused by the cognitive deficit of the students, and the result is it’s hard to learn self-determination skills. 5.The significant differences among teachers with different background toward the difficulty of teaching self-determination. Finally, based on its findings of the study, some suggestions were proposed as a reference for education administrational institutes, the resource room teachers in junior high school and future studies.


