  • 學位論文


There Is So Much The Political Implication In Tourism -Reproduction of Space in The Culture Resort of the Chiangs

指導教授 : 李素馨


『兩蔣文化園區』於民國95年成立,是桃園縣政府主導規劃,並結合縣內民間力量,成功整合散落於桃園縣大溪鎮與復興鄉的帶狀觀光景點。觀光園區的成立代表著當地從過去舊有的政治空間轉變為觀光空間,觀光客對園區擁有不同的空間想像,將影響後續的觀光行為。本研究透過Lefebvre 的空間生產理論,來理解園區如何在歷史發展的脈絡中,生產出目前獨特的空間特性。此外,其他的空間使用者彼此間的互動方式,也必然對空間產生一定程度的影響力,在佈滿各式不同的符號象徵的園區內,本研究透過符號互動理論,來了解各空間使用者的互動意義為何。 本研究目的,旨在瞭解:(1) 探討不同的政治時期與歷史背景,如何形塑出兩蔣文化園區現今的空間特性;(2) 探討不同的空間使用者(觀光客、當地居民及觀光從業者)對於園區的看法以及彼此的互動模式為何;(3) 檢視兩蔣文化園區空間再生產過程的政治意涵。 根據研究架構與目的,使用的研究方法有:文獻回顧法、內容分析法、參與觀察法以及深度訪談法。先後順序為:先使用文獻回顧法,整理出兩蔣文化園區的發展沿革及歷史背景;再針對園區相關新聞採用內容分析法,分析園區目前的空間發展特質與概況;最後使用深入訪談法、參與觀察法與內容分析法,描述各空間使用者對於園區的看法、情感等,並分析其行為如何順應或改造園區空間。 研究成果如下:(1) 園區的『空間實踐』特質受現代政策主導,從日治時期至今,明顯地受到政治力介入操控園區空間,在不同的階段中,空間使用者感受到不同的空間特質,也將影響其自身在空間內的行為,繼而改變其空間特質;(2) 園區的『空間再現』:桃園縣政府觀光行銷局,對內以合約的方式操控著園區內的商品內容與活動項目,對外尋求中央政府與偏藍的新聞媒體合作,無形中,控制了對於園區的空間解讀方式;(3) 『再現空間』出現了兩種不同的行動:其一、進入園區空間內,消極、被動地接受一切政府主導的空間安排與設計;其二、藉由群體力量逐漸地起身反抗這強權所控制的空間體制,藉由以上一次次挪用或改造空間的行為活動,讓園區空間不再只是霸權控制的僵化空間。


『The Culture Resort of the Jiang』was established in 2006. Taoyuan County Government is predominant over making out this resort, and combine folk resources in Taoyuan County to successfully integrate all of the scenic spots in Dasi and Fushing into this resort. It’s a banding scenic spot and it represents that the space changes from political to sightseeing. The tourists have different space images of this resort and have different sightseeing behavior. In this research, Lefebvre’s theory of production of space was used to comprehend how The Culture Resort of the Jiang’s history influenced it’s development of the unique space.Besides, interaction of other space users will also have certain influence on this space. The space is filled with various symbols, and I adopt symbolic interaction perspective in this research to comprehend what meaning of all the space users’ interaction is. The research purposes:(1)investigate how different political periods and historical background formed today’s unique space in The Culture Resort of the Jiang;(2)investigate what impressions different space users (tourists, local residents and sightseeing entrepreneurs)have on The Culture Resort of the Jiang and how all space users interact;(3)survey what political meaning the process of the reproduction of space in The Culture Resort of the Jiang has. According to the research construction and purposes, the research methods are:literature review, content analysis, participatory observation and in-depth interview. In sequence:first, use literature review to understand the forming process and historical background of The Culture Resort of the Jiang;second, choose content analysis to analyze the qualities and the general situation of the resort presently in newspapers related to The Culture Resort of the Jiang;finally, use participatory observation, in-depth interview and content analysis to describe what impressions and emotions of all the space users on The Culture Resort of the Jiang and analyze how their behavior adjust or transform the space of this resort. The research results:(1)the qualities of spatial pratice in The Culture Resort of the Jiang are guided by today’s policies. From Japanese-Occupied Period to today, the space of this resort is obviously controlled by political power. In different periods, the space users feel various qualities of the space, and they will change their behavior in space and finally change the space of this resort;(2)representations of space  in The Culture Resort of the Jiang:Taoyuan tourism promotion bureau controls commodities and activities in this resort by contracts, and it seek central government and mass media with tendency towards the Kuomintang (KMT) to cooperate. Imperceptibly, Taoyuan county government will control the ways that all space users understand space;(3) spaces of representation  in The Culture Resort of the Jiang with two kinds of action:the one, all space users negatively and passively accept all the things arranged by government in the space of this resort;the other, the space users gradually resist the systems of the space controlled by political power, and they appropriate or divert the space once by once to cause the space of this resort is not anymore rigid space controlled by political power.


陳春燕,(2008)。時間與他者 後殖民全球化的“當下”。英美文學評論,13:119-155。
