  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳李綢


本研究在分析國小教師應用「課程地圖」在閱讀教學活動中的歷程,探討教師在課程設計及教學行動上改變的情形以及對一年級學童閱讀學習的影響。研究以校本特色課程「閱讀」為發展主軸,採行動研究法,參與對象為一年級2位教師及55名學童;研究過程中,教師互為教學觀摩對象,提供改進意見。研究結果發現當教師掌握課程地圖的要旨與精神後,能充分善用課程地圖的彈性去規劃閱讀教學內容,而教師在課程的規劃、設計和執行上更能表現出自主專業的一面;對於學生在閱讀學習方面的表現也有正向的影響。研究主要結論如下: 一、教師應用課程地圖有助於發展閱讀教學 教師掌握課程地圖統整、規律、系統等特性,考量學生需求,並歸納指標作為課程設計的依據,透過繪本課程圖像檢視內容重複與不足之處,教師間的討論互動及教學時的觀察記錄,發現學生的問題,作為調整的依據,使閱讀課程內容完整性提升,且,教師的閱讀教學進行的更有依據、有方向。 二、實施閱讀課程地圖提升了教師的閱讀課程設計與教學行動能力   幫助教師建立了專業的閱讀教學策略和規範,並且提升教師專業課程設計的能力,對於教師長久以來所習以為常的教學習慣有所改變。 三、教師的閱讀教學促進一年級學童在閱讀學習上的正向表現 豐富學生的閱讀學習,改變學生原來對閱讀課程【無趣】的看法,並且訓練一年級學生能透過自己閱讀策略的展現更清楚自己所學,能喜愛閱讀,並且有策略的進行繪本的閱讀。 四、學校提供的閱讀教學資源有限、建置教學互動平臺有困難 課程地圖強調提供一個教師討論、獲取課程與教學相關資訊的空間,但人力上的不足是小學教育中的困境,因此在有限的教育資源環境中,再加上每位教師在資訊運用的熟練度上有極大的差異,因此,互動平臺無法建置實屬研究之憾事。 五、教師教學經驗豐富但學理立論知識不足 教師有著豐富的教學經驗,卻沒有興趣探討教學理論的根據,經常造成實際教學與理論的分道揚鑣。教師在教育現場時間越久,對於每日教學活動越純熟,相對的,就更缺乏鑽研理論的動力。因此,如何讓理論做為教師教學實踐的信念,促使理論與教學實踐相互結合,仍是目前在教育現場中需要再努力的。 根據研究結果與討論,本研究分別對教師在進行閱讀課程地圖上、學校行政單位以及對未來研究提出相關建議,以供未來應用之參考。


This study analyzes elementary school teachers’ implementation of「curriculum maps」 during a reading instruction activity to investigate the changes made to curriculum design and instruction methods and the effect of these changes on first-year elementary school students’ study of reading. The study employs action research and is grounded in the special「Reading」course offered by the elementary school. Participants in this study were 2 first-year elementary school teachers and 55 students. Throughout the course of the study, the 2 teachers served as models for each other and shared their thoughts on ways to improve instruction. The study finds that once the teachers grasped the concept and purpose of curriculum maps, they were fully able to take advantage of the flexibility of the curriculum maps to plan out the content of their reading instruction. Moreover, in regard to curriculum planning, design and implementation, they were better able to demonstrate their independence and professionalism, which had a positive impact on the students’ study of reading. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: I. The teachers’ use of curriculum maps was beneficial to the development of their reading instruction The teachers made use of curriculum maps’ structured, orderly and systematic qualities in considering the students’ needs, and included specific indicators as the basis of curriculum design. They were able to use curriculum pictures to see clearly what content was repeated and what was lacking. From their mutual discussions and recorded observations of each other’s instruction, the teachers were able to pinpoint student problems and use them as the basis of adjustments to their instruction, making the content of the reading curriculum more comprehensive and giving their reading instruction a more solid foundation and a clearer direction. II. Implementing curriculum maps made the teachers more effective curriculum designers and instructors Implementation of curriculum maps aided the teachers in establishing professional plans and strategies for reading instruction, made them better able to design professional curricula, and brought about changes in their established teaching habits. III. The teachers’ instruction had a positive influence on their students’ study of reading Students’ study of reading was enriched, changing the minds of students who had previously felt that the reading curriculum was boring. The first-year elementary students were taught to use their own reading strategies to demonstrate clearly what they had learned. Moreover, they were able to enjoy reading, and had strategies for actively reading picture books. IV. The reading instruction resources provided by the school were limited, and it was difficult to establish an interactive platform Curriculum maps notably provide teachers with a space to discuss and get information related to curricula and instruction. However, lack of sufficient human resources remains a dilemma for primary education; such that the resource-limited teaching environment, compounded by the great difference in teachers’ skill in appropriately applying information, made it impossible to establish an interactive platform. V. Teachers have ample experience but insufficient theoretical knowledge Teachers have ample experience in educating, but they have no interest in exploring education theories, a fact which often causes the theory and practice of education to diverge. The longer teachers are in an educational environment, the more familiar they become with daily education activities; however, they become proportionately less motivated to carry out theoretical research. Thus, how to make theory the guiding principle behind the practice of education and unite theory and practice in a mutually supportive way remains a problem which educators must work more diligently to solve. Based on the study results and discussion, this study offers suggestions to teachers implementing curriculum maps for reading, school administrators and future research, for the sake of providing a reference for future applications.


