  • 學位論文

學齡前兒童提前學習注音符號之研究- -以高雄縣旗山區為例

Learning phonetic symbols in kindergarteners in Qishan Kaohsiung.

指導教授 : 張鑑如


多年以來,注音符號教學在學前教育階段是個充滿模糊、曖昧的爭議話題,研究者身為現場教師,在教育政策與招生現實間,必須做出提前教學注音符號與否的抉擇,對此感到衝突與矛盾。研究者希望能藉由本研究,對學齡前兒童提前學習注音符號現況有更進一步的瞭解,協助個人教學理念之釐清;同時,透過實證研究探討近代提前學習注音符號成效之相關因素,亦可作為後續追蹤研究之前測數據,對學術研究盡份微薄之力。 本研究對旗山區幼小教師進行半結構式訪談,瞭解幼小教師對學齡前兒童提前學習注音符號所持立場;採用「國小注音符號能力診斷測驗」評量受訪幼師授課班級內,智力正常的學齡前兒童之注音符號測驗成績;向家長發放自編「幼童家庭背景與學前注音符號經驗之調查表」,蒐集受測兒童的不同背景資料。 本研究以逐字稿編碼、描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t考驗與多元迴歸來分析資料。本研究結果如下: 一、幼師與小師對學齡前兒童提前學習注音符號的看法 (一)幼小教師對於學齡前兒童提前學習注音符號現象普遍之成因解釋,提出四個因素,包括:順應社會潮流與滿足家長的期待、因應少子化現象所致的招生壓力、教育部規範不明確、鼓勵學齡前兒童透過注音培養獨立閱讀的能力與習慣。 (二)旗山區幼小教師曾對此作法感到猶豫,後因各自考量,轉為不反對或支持的立場。 二、個人背景變項的性別與年齡在「聽寫能力」及「認讀能力」,沒有顯著差異。 三、家庭背景變項的母親國籍、複習頻率、家庭收入、父教程度、母教程度與父親職業在「聽寫能力」及「認讀能力」,有顯著差異。 四、家庭背景變項的家庭結構、主要使用語言、學習期望與母親職業在「聽寫能力」及「認讀能力」,無顯著差異。 五、學校背景變項的教育年數、學校型態、教學目標在「聽寫能力」及「認讀能力」,有顯著差異。 六、學校背景變項的學校地區在「聽寫能力」及「認讀能力」,沒有顯著差異。 七、學校型態與父親職業對旗山區學齡前兒童注音符號「聽寫能力」具預測力。 八、學校型態、教學目標、父親職業及父教程度對旗山區學齡前兒童注音符號「認讀能力」,具預測力。 最後,針對本研究之研究結果,提出建議給未來研究者、幼兒園、教師、家長與教育行政機關。


For many years, Chinese phonetic alphabets pedagogy at pre-school education has been a controversial issue full of vagueness and ambiguity. As a teacher, the author must decide whether or not Chinese phonetic alphabets should be instructed in advance, which is conflictive choice when taking educational policies and enrollment situation into consideration. It is hoped that this research can further the understanding of the status quo of Chinese phonetic alphabets pedagogy and help teachers specify their teaching ideas. At the mean time, through empirical research, this thesis explores the relevant factors that influence the effect of learning Mandarin phonetic symbols. The derived results can be used as references to the subsequent further research as a little contribution to academic research. This research carried out semi-structured interviews among kindergarten teachers in Qishan area and learned their standpoints on the pre-school children’ learning of Mandarin phonetic symbols; moreover, it used the Elementary Mandarin Phonetic Ability diagnostic Test to get the phonetic test grades of those pre-school children taught by these interviewed teachers. This paper also gave parents self-composed questionnaires about the family background and Chinese phonetic symbols learning experience of pre-school children to collect the different background information of those tested children. This study used word-for-word coding, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, independent samples T test and multi regression to analyze relevant information. The research results are listed below: 1. The viewpoints of kindergarten and elementary school teachers on pre-school study of Mandarin phonetic symbols: (1) The interviewed teachers concluded that four factors lead to the common phenomenon of learning phonetic symbols at pre-school phase, namely: following the social trend and the expectation of parents, responding to the enrollment pressure caused by the family plan, unclear specifications of the Education Department and encouraging pre-school students to develop habits and abilities of independent reading through learning phonetic symbols. (2) Elementary teacher once doubted the propose, but later changed to take the neutral or supporting side. 2. Among the personal background variables, the gender and age have no impact on children’s dictation and recognition ability. 3. Among the family background variables, the nationality of mothers, the homework review frequency, family income, the educational background of parents and the profession of fathers have remarkable effects on children’s dictation and recognition abilities in phonetic symbols. 4. Among the family background variables, the family structure, dominant language, learning expectations and the profession of mothers are of little account for children’s the dictation and recognition abilities in phonetic symbols. 5. Among the school background variables, the length of education, the school type and teaching objectives make great difference in students’ dictation and recognition abilities in phonetic symbols. 6. The school site variable among the school background variables does not influence dictation and recognition abilities in phonetic symbols noticeably. 7. The school form and the profession of fathers can predict the phonetic symbol dictation ability of pre-school students in Qishan area. 8. The school form, teaching objectives, the profession and educational background of fathers have predictive function on students’ recognition ability. Lastly, based on the study findings, this thesis provides some recommendations to the future researchers, kindergartens, teachers, parents and administrative agencies of education.


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