  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 杞昭安


本研究旨在探討臺北市國民小學特教班學生家長對學校特教服務的滿意度,並分析不同背景變項家長對特教服務滿意度的差異。本研究以自編的「國小特教班學生家長對學校特教服務滿意度調查問卷」為研究工具,針對九十九學年度臺北市國民小學特教班的學生家長為研究對象,共寄出274份問卷,回收有效問卷214份,有效問卷回收率為78%。調查所得資料以次數分配、百分比、帄均數、t驗及單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。歸納本研究結果如下〆 一、家長對學校特教服務整體感受屬於滿意程度,以「同理性」向度的帄均數最高,其他依序為「反應性」、「有形性」、「可靠性」、「保證性」,而「融合」向度的帄均數最低。 二、在各向度中,除了「保證性」向度中學校提供法令訊息的狀況,及「融合」向度中回歸普通班的量感到「普通」外,其餘皆達到「滿意」。 (一)「有形性」方面,大部分家長對於教師的溝通聯繫感到滿意,少數不滿意學校的教學設備。 (二)「可靠性」方面,大部分家長滿意老師處理學生狀況、及調整教材的方式,少部分家長不滿意學校提供專業團隊及輔具的狀況。 (三)「反應性」方面,大部分家長對於孩子有突發狀況時,老師會馬上通知,並告知應注意的事項及目前的處理感到滿意,少部分家長不滿意學校立即解決疑問的情況。 (四)「保證性」方面,大部分家長滿意教師教學的內容、方式、及能清楚解釋疑慮,而有一成的家長不滿意學校提供法令、申訴管道、家長間討論機會不足的狀況。 (五)「同理性」方面,大部分家長覺得老師沒有偏見且關心孩子,少部分家長不滿意學校人員的態度及提供協助的狀況。 (六)「融合」方面,有近一成的家長對於回歸普通班的量、課程、及與 iii 普通生活動機會不足感到不滿意。 三、子女背景變項中,不同性別、尌讀特教班的時間、障礙類別、障礙程度對特教服務整體及各向度的滿度均無顯著差異。在家長背景變項上,不同關係、教育程度、職業的家長,對特教服務整體及各向度的滿意度均無顯著差異。 最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議,作為教育行政機關、學校行政人員、教師、及未來研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to examine the parental satisfaction with special education services and the differences based on parental backgrounds. Parents having children received services in the self-contained special class in elementary schools in Taipei in the the school year of 2010 were participants of this study. The questionnaire developed by the researcher was the tool of this study and used to obtain the data collected from a sample of 274 participants. There were 214 valid copies, and the valid response rate was 78%. The data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, average, t-test, and ANOVA.The results were as follows: 1. Overall, parents were satisfied with the special education service quality in school. Among 6 dimensions, while the average score of Empathy was the highest, Inclusion was the lowest one. 2. In Tangible, most parents were satisfied with the contact made by teachers, only a small percentage of parents were dissatisfied with the teaching equipment. 3. In Reliability, most parents were satisfied with the way teacher handled with the students and modified the curriculum, only a small percentage of parents were dissatisfied with the transdiciplinary team and assistive device being held. 4. In Responsiveness, most parents were satisfied with being informed by teacher promptly , only a small percentage of parents were dissatisfied with the school not solving problem immediately. 5. In Assurance, most parents were satisfied with the contents and method provided by teachers, only one percentage of parents were dissatisfied with the lack of legal information and grievance system. 6. In Empathy, most parents were satisfied with the teacher showing concern and treating students equally, only a small percentage of parents were dissatisfied with the attitude and assistance offered by school personnel. 7. In Inclusion, one percentage of parents were dissatisfied with the quantity, and the subject provided in general class, they were also dissatisfied with the lack of chance to get along with general peers. 8. There were no significant difference between parents with different relationship, education background, occupations, children’s sex, length of time studying in special class, categories and levels of severity of disabilities. Finally, the researcher would make a suggestion that based on the results of this study, of which can be taken for reference by those who are the special education authorities, school executive units, school teachers, and future researchers.


程婉毓、孫淑柔(2008):國小啟智班學生家庭需求及家庭支援服務之調查研究。特殊教育研究學刊,33( 3),55~75。


