  • 學位論文


A Public High School Experience on Data Using Process for School Development

指導教授 : 潘慧玲


自1980年代以來,歐美主要國家普遍以學校本位管理作為教育改革的主流策略,強調學校應作為教育的主體。學校被賦予更多自主經營的空間,學校成員也扮演更積極的角色。美國自2002年布希總統頒佈《不讓孩子落後法案》(No Child Left Behind Act, NCLB)後,講求標準本位績效責任使資料運用與科學本位研究成為美國教育文化的一部份,越來越多國家亦透過學校效能與改進國際學會(International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, ICSEI)分享資料運用的知識與經驗,以瞭解資料運用在不同教育體制和政策下的實施情況。 然而,綜觀我國針對資料運用之相關研究發現,其研究內容皆著重於瞭解目前我國各級學校之資料運用現況,此外,對於學校如何運用資料以促進學校發展的實踐歷程之探討更是付之闕如。基於此,研究者透過實際參與「評鑑導向的學校發展計畫」的過程中,採取質性的個案研究取徑,運用文件分析法、訪談法與觀察法蒐集資料,以瞭解個案學校─洛陽高中之背景脈絡,進而探討其一步步自「評鑑」、「診斷」、而「計劃」以促進學校改進的資料運用歷程,最後則進一步分析影響洛陽高中資料運用之因素。 根據研究結果,提出本研究的結論如下: 壹、洛陽高中在重新定位再出發的脈絡下參與資料運用計畫 貳、洛陽高中學校成員對於「評鑑導向的學校發展整合型計畫」從一開始的疑慮觀望轉為積極主動 參、大學研究團隊與洛陽高中之協作關係有助其實踐資料運用之循環歷程 肆、資料有助洛陽高中學校行政人員正視問題,資料運用歷程有助洛陽高中整體學校發展 伍、促動洛陽高中學校成員運用資料的因素為外在政策的壓力與校長的導入 陸、影響洛陽高中學校成員運用資料之因素有時間不足、教師認同與個人使用資料的能力 基於本研究的發現與結論,文末針對學校以及未來研究提出建議。


Since the 1980s, major countries from European and the U.S. generally regard school-based management as the mainstream of education reform strategy, and emphasized schools as an educational subject. Schools have been given more space to operate independently; members of the school also play a more active role. Since 2002, the U.S. President Bush issued the “No Child Left Behind Act, NCLB”, the emphases on standards-based performance make data use and science-based research as a part of American Education Culture. Many countries also share data using knowledge and experience through the International Association of School Effectiveness and Improvement, IESCI, to understand the data use process in different educational institutions and policy implementation. However, earlier studies on data use usually focus on schools at all levels to understand the current status of the data used, in addition, there is little study about how schools to use data to promote the practice of school development process. Based on this, the researcher through actual participation in “Evaluation-oriented School Development”, used qualitative case study as the research approach, through document analysis, interviews and observation to collect data. The purpose of this research was to understand the background of the case school context, and then explore its data using process form “Evaluating”, “Diagnosing”, “Planning” to improving. Finally, further analysis of the elements that affect data using in case school. Based on the results, the research proposed the conclusion as follows: 1. Lao-Yang High School engages “Evaluation-oriented School Development Plan” in the context of re-positioning. 2. Lao-Yang High School members’ attitudes of “Evaluation-oriented School Development Plan” were changed from doubts to active involvement. 3. The university research team and Lao-Yang High school’s collaborative relationship positively assisted the practice of case school to use data. 4. Data helped Lou-Yang high school administrators to address the issue, and data using process helped Lou-Yang high school’s sustainable development. 5. The pressure of the external policy and the principal’s leadership were the factors that motivated Lou-Yang high school members to use data. 6. The factors that influenced Lou-Yang high school members to use data were the lack of time, and teacher commitment and capacity of data use. Some suggestions for the education authority and future studies, according to the findings of this research were raised.


