  • 學位論文


One hundred issues of “Há i-Ang Taiwanese Literary Magazine ”as its scope

指導教授 : 姚榮松博士


本論文以《海翁台語文學雜誌》前百期的囡仔詩為範圍,研究台灣閩南語囡仔詩歌的種種。在理論上,是採用陳正治等的兒童詩相關論述,並兼採宋筱惠、藍淑貞的囡仔詩歌教學理論,和其他台語教學者的看法,作為基礎,予以探討。 全論文共分七章: 第一章,緒論。 第二章,囡仔詩的起源:從台灣歌謠的溯源、戰後囡仔詩的萌芽,到九十年代囡仔詩的勃興;旨在論述囡仔詩的演進史。 第三章,《海翁台語文學雜誌》前百期囡仔詩作者和作品的特色、囡仔詩的題材。 第四章,囡仔詩主題和修辭的探討。 第五章,探究囡仔詩的押韻、句式和結構。 第六章,囡仔詩活用於小學語文教學。 第七章,結論。 在相關章節中,本論文也比較囡仔詩和囡仔歌的差別。在研究《海翁台語文學雜誌》所有囡仔詩之後,發現其深具教育和教化意義,又充滿文學的優美性。論文中,把囡仔詩歌在小學語文教學上的貢獻,作了一番的論述。另又發現入聲和押頭韻詩的數量很少。 本論文能帶給囡仔詩歌愛好者若干啟示,寫出不一樣的詩歌作品。而在教學上,可當作教師的一種輔助教材;也可作學生的課外讀物,幫助學生更有效的學習,以及喜愛台灣閩南語詩歌。


This thesis takes the children’s poetry from the first one-hundred issues of Hái-Ang Taiwanese Literary Magazine as its scope, and uses as its basis the theories of Chen Cheng-chih and Song Hsiao-hui on the analysis of children’s poetry, the theory of children’s poetry education of Lan Shu-chen and other viewpoints of Taiwan language scholars. This thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first is the introduction; the second deals with the origins and history of children’s songs, tracing the evolution of the poetry from the Taiwan ballad and the beginnings of postwar children’s poetry to its growth; the third chapter deals with the authors and the characteristics of their works; the fourth chapter deals with the theme, subject and rhetoric of the poems; the fifth chapter deals with the rhyme, the meter and the structure; the sixth chapter deals with the flexibility of children’s poetry in education and the seventh chapter finishes with the conclusion. This thesis also compares children’s poetry and children’s songs. Research of the children’s poetry from the first one-hundred issues of Há i-Ang Taiwanese Literary Magazine reveals the educational nature of the poems, although those that are full of rhythmic devices such as the use of clipped tones and repetition are not many in number. This thesis can bring enjoyment to the lover of children’s poetry and songs and inspire others in its composition. It can also assist the educator in providing teaching materials and can give the student home reading that should help him or her to learn more effectively and develop a love for Taiwanese poems and songs.


林文寶 (1995)《兒童詩歌研究》新竹縣:銓民國際股份有限公司
黃永和(2009)《情境學習與教學研究》國立編譯館 主編


