  • 學位論文


A Study on Generation Y Consumer Purchase Motivation and Conspicuous Value for NBA Star Endorsement Shoes

指導教授 : 程紹同


本研究之目的為探討Y世代消費者購買NBA明星代言鞋炫耀價值與購買動機之間的關係,以Y世代消費者為研究對象,採用立意抽樣的方式進行網路問卷調查,共回收446份問卷,所得資料以統計軟體SPSS 19.0 for windows進行描述性統計、項目分析、信度分析、探索性因素分析、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子多變項變異數分析、多元逐步迴歸、典型相關分析,並得到以下結論:一、NBA明星代言鞋之Y世代消費者以19~23歲男性,教育程度以大學為主、每月可支配消費金額為3,000元以下,最常購買的NBA明星代言鞋品牌為Nike、透過連鎖球鞋門市購買居多、消費最高金額在3,001~5,000元之間。二、Y世代消費者「性別」與「教育程度」對是否購買NBA明星代言鞋具有顯著差異。三、Y世代消費者「年齡」、「教育程度」、「每月可支配消費金額」人口背景變項在購買動機之「喜愛NBA」因素與「運動需求」因素均有顯著差異;四、Y世代消費者購買NBA明星代言鞋炫耀價值,以「生活品味」對Y世代消費者購買動機的預測力最大;五、炫耀價值為解釋NBA明星代言鞋購買動機的主要變數之一,主要透過第一個典型因素影響到「獨特創新」、「生活品味」與「羨慕嫉妒」因素。有鑒於此,本研究提出以下建議:一、建議運動品牌可針對可調查大學生之生活型態,擬定廣告策略,使大學生擁有對NBA明星代言鞋最即時的產品資訊。二、建議將女性Y世代消費者納入NBA明星代言鞋之產品區隔市場,設計較屬於女性的NBA明星代言鞋,開發女性對NBA明星代言鞋的興趣。 三、建議運動品牌可針對Y世代消費者會因喜愛NBA與運動需求特性,依照其需求制定產品行銷策略,以吸引其購買。四、Y世代消費者相當有消費主見,強調自身生活品味,在NBA明星代言鞋產品設計上,需融入平時生活適合搭配的元素。五、建議NBA明星代言鞋限量款式,必須具備獨特創新,且與高價精品市場有所連結,加上NBA明星球員對產品的獨特設計。


The purpose of this study was to explore Generation Y consumers to buy the NBA star endorsement shoes the relationship between conspicuous values and purchase motivations. The subjects were Generation Y consumers, who have the experience bought the NBA star endorsement shoes. Collect 448 Generation Y consumers sampled and given online questionnaire by convenience sampling. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS 19.0 for windows, use descriptive statistics, item analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, chi-square test, independent sample t-test, chi-square test, one way MANOVA, stepwise multiple regression, canonical correlation analysis. The results were as following: (1) the NBA star endorsements shoes of Generation Y consumers are male, 19 to 23 years old, student, level of education for the University of monthly disposable consumer the amount of $ 3,000, the most commonly purchased NBA star endorsements shoes is Nike, the most frequently purchased at a chain of shoe stores, had purchased a maximum of $ 3,001 to $ 5,000; (2) Generation Y consumers "gender" and "education" on whether to buy the NBA star endorsement shoes are significantly different; (3) Generation Y consumers "age", "education level", "the monthly amount of disposable" consumer demographic background variables in the purchase motivation of "favorite NBA" factors and "athletics demand" factors are significant differences; (4) Generation Y consumers to buy the NBA star endorsement shoes conspicuous value of "lifestyle" Generation Y consumers purchase motivations prediction; (5) The conspicuous value of the NBA star endorsement shoes is one of main variable factor to explain purchase motivation, primarily through a canonical factors affecting the "unique and innovative", "lifestyle" and "the envy of jealousy" factor. Base on the result, suggestions were as following: (1) Development of advertising strategies focus on the university students. (2) Focus on female consumers and market segmentation, design NBA star endorsement for female. (3) Attract Generation Y consumers as "favorite NBA" and "athletics demand" for NBA star endorsement shoes. (4) Design to integrate the lifestyle and match with elements on NBA star endorsement shoes. (5) With unique and innovative and some link with NBA star players on the product's unique design and high-priced boutique market.


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