  • 學位論文


A Study of Counselor’s Coping Process with Separation Anxiety Client in Termination

指導教授 : 王麗斐


本研究之目的在了解諮商員在與有分離焦慮議題案主結案的過程中,其所知覺的結案挑戰、內在反應,以及因應的歷程和結果。本研究邀請四位曾與有分離焦慮議題案主諮商且結案的諮商員,運用半結構式的深度訪談法進行資料蒐集,以現象學取向的方法步驟進行資料分析與歸納。本研究的結果與發現如下: 一、諮商員的結案諮商歷程:依據四位受訪者的結案經驗分析,諮商員處理與分離焦慮案主結案的歷程可分為三個階段:1. 諮商初期:轉介與關係建立;2. 諮商中期:分離議題浮現;3. 諮商後期:分離議題重現與經驗重建、真實分離的失落。 二、諮商員面對與分離焦慮議題案主結案的內在反應:諮商員在面對與有分離焦慮議題案主結案時的內在反應特色說明如下:1.挫折、焦慮、懷疑、自我批評是主要面對結案困境的情緒與認知反應;2.諮商中容易被案主強烈的情緒觸動或認同;3.案主分離議題重現,容易引發諮商員的個人議題與複雜情緒;4.諮商員本身的失落經驗可載舟也可覆舟;5.正向反移情多於負向反移情。 三、諮商員面對與分離焦慮議題案主結案的因應方式及其結果:本研究之受訪者處理結案的方式大致可朝諮商架構、情緒處理、回顧成長、兩人關係、未來計畫、評估概念化等六大方向。而影響分離焦慮案主失落情緒之轉變的影響因素包括:1.分離討論需奠基在穩定關係的基礎上;2. 案主意願影響諮商效果;3.諮商員也需準備好自我結案的心情;4.善用諮商關係討論分離;5. 歷程回顧與討論是重要的項目。 最後根據本研究的結論與發現,分別對未來研究者及諮商實務工作者提出若干建議。


分離焦慮 結案 因應歷程


The purpose of this research is to understand counselor’s coping process with separation anxiety clients in termination. Four counselors who had counseling and termination experiences with separation anxiety clients were interviewed. The research used semi-structured interviews to collect data, and the data were analyzed according to the principles of phenomenological approach. The result and conclusions are as follows: 1. According to the participant’s termination experiences, the termination process have to go through three stages, such as: (1) The beginning of the counseling: refer and construct counseling relationship; (2) The middle of counseling: separation problems appear; (3) The end of the counseling: separation problems reappear, experiences reconstruct, and the loss of real separation. 2. The participant’s reactions included: (1) Frustration, anxiety, doubt and self-criticism are the most emotion and recognition reaction in difficult position; (2) Counselors are easily touched or identify client’s strong emotions; (3) When client’s separation problems reappear, counselor’s countertransference issues are easily triggered; (4) Counselor’s loss experiences can load the boat, can also cover the boat; (5) Positive countertransferences are more than negative countertransference. 3. The coping aspects included: construct the frameworks of counseling, deal with emotions, review progress, counseling relationships , future plans, evaluation and conceptualization. Also, counselor need to keep an eye on: (1) A stable relationship is the foundation of separation discussion; (2) Client’s will affects the counseling effect; (3) Counselors also have to prepare the emotions for termination; (4) Using counseling relationship to discuss separation; (5) Discussing and reviewing the counseling process is important to the end. In the end of this study, the researcher concludes the findings and offers substantial suggestions for counselors in the future.


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