  • 學位論文


Construction of Core Competencies and Certification System for the Health Education Specialists in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃松元 胡益進


摘 要 本研究旨在建構我國健康教育專業人員核心能力及認證制度。研究採德懷術研究法,問卷主要參考美國健康教育專業人員核心能力及認證制度相關文獻,在26位學者專家鼎力協助下,完成德懷術三回合問卷調查,主要結果歸納如下: 一、適合我國健康教育專業人員應肩負之七大任務為評估個人與社區對健康教育的需求、擬訂健康教育計畫、 執行健康教育計畫、評價和研究健康教育計畫、管理健康教育計畫、擔任健康教育資源人物及溝通和倡導健康與健康教育。 配合上述七大任務,應具備二十九項核心 能力及九十一項次能力 二、建構我國健康教育專業人員認證制度可依循之方向。 專家學者對國內健康教育專業人員證照考試的資格意見,考慮包括健康教育相關領域、學位及工作經驗。對換證時間也以三年、五年居多。換證要件,建議每年參加一定時數的在職進修,如參加健康教育研討會、認證、單位核備、研習、修習學分或工作坊。 根據結論,提出下列建議 一、後續研究者可繼續探討我國健康教育專業人員核心能力如何應用於國內不同職場。 二、繼續掌握全球性健康教育專業人員核心能力發展趨勢。 三、強化健康教育專業組織,推動專業認證制度,促進專業發展。


The purpose of this study was to construct the proposed major responsibilities, core competencies, and certification system for the health education specialists in Taiwan. The Delphi technique was utilized to collect the recommendations from 26 professionals in the field of health profession and health education with three rounds. The major conclusions are as follows: 1.The seven responsibilities which should be implemented by the health education specialists include:Assess individual and community needs for health education, Planning effective health education, programs, Implementing health education programs, Conduct evaluation and research related to health education programs, Administer health education programs, Serve as a health education resource person,and Communicate and advocate for health and health education. Correspond to aforementioned responsibilities, the health education specialists should fulfill 29 core competencies and 91 sub-competencies. 2.The requirements for developing the certification system for the health education specialists, including professional background, period of renew for the certificat, and in-service training. Based on the conclusions of the study, recommendations with regard to the development of professional responsibilities, and core competencies, the structure of certification system for health education specialities, and future studies have been drawn.


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