  • 學位論文


A Study on Working Conditions of Non-Native Speaking Chinese Teachers- A Focus on Chinese Teachers in the US

指導教授 : 信世昌


本文旨在針對對外華語教學中一個較新的現象,對非母語的華語教師進行研究。研究的目的在於透過問卷調查和訪談,瞭解非母語者華語教師在語言和教學方面的特色,在工作上的情況以及對自己的看法和評價。 本研究以Medgyes在1984年首創針對非母語者英文教師的介紹性的研究調查為基礎。研究的過程中先使用37位非母語者華語教師的問卷調查,再透過個人e-mail採訪來更進一步地瞭解非母語者華語教師的特色。為了提供關於非母語者華語教師的來自另外一個角度的看法,本研究還包括一個,以母語者華語教師為研究對象的e-mail採訪,來補充主要研究的結果。 研究結果跟Medgyes的有些差異,就是母語者和非母語者華語教師教學態度,教學方法等上面的差別的原因不僅在於母語背景,而且文化背景也有很大的影響。本研究最重要的結論,雖然母語者和非母語者華語教師在語言能力,教學態度等多方面不同,但是都有價值的教學能力,如非母語者教師因為自己外語學習的經驗而比較容易瞭解學生的困難等,因此,兩種教師一樣的有當作很有效的華語教師的機會。


This study focuses on non-native speaking Chinese teachers (NNSCTs), a relatively new field of research in Chinese Language Teaching. The aim of this study is to better understand the language abilities, teaching methods, and working conditions of NNSCTs, and their self-reflexive opinions about being a NNST. This study is based on Medgyes’ pioneer research on non-native speaking English teachers. It opens with a questionnaire and a sample size of 37 participants, followed by e-mail interviews on specific topics. This research also includes e-mail interviews with native speaking Chinese teachers to provide a different point of view on the abilities of NNSCTs. The most significant difference between the results of this study and Medgyes’ is that the reason behind the differences in teaching methods between native and non-native Chinese teachers (besides native languages) is their cultural backgrounds. The most important conclusion of this study is that although native and non-native speaking Chinese teachers differ in many ways, they all have valuable qualities that would allow them to be effective teachers, such as the NNSCTs personal experience as a second language learner, which allows them to better understand students’ difficulties.


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