  • 學位論文


The Study on the Learning Effectivenes in Evloution Concepts of the Elementary Students: the Prehistoric Exploration Exhibition in National Taiwan Museum for an Example.

指導教授 : 張永達


博物館之異於學校教育場域,乃於其具有較豐富的實物或文物(object)的存在。藉由展示與教育活動互相連結,可以提供觀眾有效的學習。對於自然史性質之博物館而言,觀眾群有絕大的比例為國小學童。本文以博物館的展示為基礎,以「生物演化」的概念為旨,實施不同的解說服務,加以評量國小學生的學習成效,為探討不同解說方式的實施成效,即以國立臺灣博物館「古生物探祕展」展覽為實例,依準實驗研究法設計,分為實驗組和控制組,前者以博物館現場的標本實物進行解說,後者以博物館製作的簡報媒體在課室解說。本研究將學習成效分為認知與情意兩部分,藉由前測、後測和延宕測的重複測驗評估學生的學習成效。 總計發出164份問卷,收回有效問卷153份。所得資料以描述性統計、獨立t檢定和重複量數變異數分析進行資料處理,結果顯示無論是實驗組或控制組,經由博物館解說活動後,學習成效中的認知和情意皆有顯著提升。但不同解說方式並未對兩組學生的學習成效產生顯著差異。實驗組的學生在歷經一個月的延宕測時,認知表現有退步的情形,然情意表現有進步且持平的情形。控制組的學生認知表現較佳且持續較久,但情意表現並未因解說活動有顯著改變,顯示情意學習以具體實物解說方式為優。 依據本研究發現,學生對於博物館的活動多抱以正向肯定的態度,建議博物館教育活動應增加學生與展品互動認識的時間,以加深學生學習的印象。學校可配合課程,利用博物館場域和解說資源,提昇學生在情意方面的學習成效。


The learning condition in museum is different from school lie in to the existence of objects or artifacts. Through the connection between exhibitions and education activities, effective learning can be provided to the audiences. In terms of the nature historical museum , there is great proportion from primary school children in visitors. This article explores the implementation of different guide services based on the museum’s display, the purpose of the display was the concept of biological evolution. It was assessed that the effectiveness of learning and to illustrate the differences between Museum Field of sensory stimulation and images showed in school. To explore the effectiveness of the implementation of explanation in different ways, that is the Prehistoric Exploration Exhibition in National Taiwan Museum as an example. According to the quasi-experimental research method, the study was divided into experimental and control groups. The former group went to the museum and having explanations based on objects. The latter group was explained based on brief made with images by the museum in the classroom. The effectiveness of learning was assessed, which was divided into cognitive and affective in this study, by pre-test, post-test and delayed test. To analyze the questionnaire results showed that both groups experienced the museum explanations, learning effectiveness in both cognitive and affective significantly improved. The different ways of explanations did not produce significantly different results between two groups of students on learning effectiveness. Students in the experimental group showed deterioration on cognitive performance, however, progressive on affective performance while they experienced a month of delay test. Students in control group showed better performance on cognitive but no change on affective performance. According to this study, the museum activities was helpful for students to hold a positive attitude. Museum education activities should increase interaction time for students’ understanding with the exhibits, deepening the impression of learning. The schools should tie closely to Museum Field to use the explanation resources in curricula, to improve students’ affective learning.


