  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃賢堅


一般運動時能量的選擇會因不同強度、持續時間而有所不同。短時間高強度運動以碳水化合物為主要的能量代謝來源,而長時間的運動能量代謝來源則慢慢的由碳水化合物轉向脂肪。因此就能量系統方面來看,體內能源物質過度消耗,會造成能量供應不足(如ATP、PC、肝醣、葡萄糖的減少)而導致疲勞,疲勞是在運動過程中影響運動表現之重要因素,尤以需長時間運動的運動員(Wilmore & Costill,1999;Powers & Howley,2001;謝伸裕,1997)。本研究目的在探討超級馬拉松跑與跑步機進行單次最大運動疲勞時對人體生化之影響及其差異情形,所得資料以描述統計法進行分析結果。本實驗乃針對目前國內最優秀的男性馬拉松選手進行個案研究,受試者的年齡為24歲,身高164公分,體重49公斤,100公里跑最佳成績為7:55’57”。本研究分為二個階段,第一階段為受試者參加100公里跑的比賽,並對受試者在比賽前1天和比賽後5分鐘、0.5小時、2小時、24小時、48小時進行採血,第二階段為受試者於電動跑步道上,依Bruce法進行單次最大運動測試,其抽血點同第一階段。以觀察選手在進行超級馬拉松比賽(全長100公里)與跑步機上進行單次最大運動後,其體內乳酸(LA)、血醣(glucose)及血脂肪(HDL、LDL、TC、TG)的變化情形。本研究結果經討論後,得到下列結論:一、受試者在參加100公里馬拉松跑後,其體內TC及LDL有下降的現象;乳酸有上升的情形,於賽後2小時還高達11.6mmol/L;TG含量有立即上升的情形;而血醣及HDL含量的變化並不顯著。二、受試者於跑步機上進行單次最大運動後乳酸、血醣及HDL均有上升的情形,但乳酸值於運動後0.5小時即恢復至安靜值;而LDL、TG、TC的變化都不明顯。三、100公里超級馬拉松跑與單次最大運動後其體內乳酸、血醣、高密度脂蛋白、低密度脂蛋白、三酸甘油脂及總膽固醇量會有不同的變化情形。 During regular exercise, the determination of the energy system varies with the intensity and duration of exercise. The main source of energetic metabolism comes from carbohydrate during short duration, high intensity exercise, while during long duration exercise, the source switches gradually from carbonhydrate to fat and protein. Therefore, as far as energetic system goes, the over-consumption of bodily energy substance will lead to the inadequate supply of energy and resulting in fatigue. Fatigue is the key factor to the performance during the exercise of the runner, especially of those who participate in long duration exercise(Wilmore & Costill, 1999; Powers & Howley, 2001; Hsieh, 1997).This study is aimed at the bio-chemical influence variations on the ultramarathon and maximal treadmill exercise.Descriptive statistics will be used to analysis the results. The study selects the best male marathon runner in Taiwan as the subject of this case study. The runner is 24 years old, 164 centimeters height and weights 49 kilograms. The best record of 100-Km marathon is 7:55’57”. The study is divided into two stages. In the first stage, the runner attends a 100-Km marathon race, and his blood were sampled one day before the race and 5minutes, half an hour, 24 hours, 48 hours after the race respectively. In the other stage, the runner receives the single maximal treadmill exercise test by Bruce protocol and the blood sampling were examined in the same way as described above. The study then observes of the change of LA, glucose,HDL, LDL, TC and TG of the runner in the ultramarathon race and in the treadmill for his maximal exercise. The conclusions of the study, after a keen discussion, are as follows: I. During post-ultramarathon period, the plasma LA and TG concentrations increase; the plasma LDL and TC concentrations dwindle, while Glucose and HDL concentrations do not show significantly different. II.No great changes were found in LDL, TG and TC, whereas the concentrations of LA, glucose and HDL increase after treadmill maximal exercise. III.After ultramarathon and single maximal exercise,We found the change conditions of LA,glucose,HDL,LDL,TC and TG are different.


During regular exercise, the determination of the energy system varies with the intensity and duration of exercise. The main source of energetic metabolism comes from carbohydrate during short duration, high intensity exercise, while during long duration exercise, the source switches gradually from carbonhydrate to fat and protein. Therefore, as far as energetic system goes, the over-consumption of bodily energy substance will lead to the inadequate supply of energy and resulting in fatigue. Fatigue is the key factor to the performance during the exercise of the runner, especially of those who participate in long duration exercise(Wilmore & Costill, 1999; Powers & Howley, 2001; Hsieh, 1997).This study is aimed at the bio-chemical influence variations on the ultramarathon and maximal treadmill exercise. Descriptive statistics will be used to analysis the results. The study selects the best male marathon runner in Taiwan as the subject of this case study. The runner is 24 years old, 164 centimeters height and weights 49 kilograms. The best record of 100-Km marathon is 7:55’57”. The study is divided into two stages. In the first stage, the runner attends a 100- Km marathon race, and his blood were sampled one day before the race and 5minutes, half an hour, 24 hours, 48 hours after the race respectively. In the other stage, the runner receives the single maximal treadmill exercise test by Bruce protocol and the blood sampling were examined in the same way as described above. The study then observes of the change of LA, glucose,HDL, LDL, TC and TG of the runner in the ultramarathon race and in the treadmill for his maximal exercise. The conclusions of the study, after a keen discussion, are as follows: I. During post-ultramarathon period, the plasma LA and TG concentrations increase; the plasma LDL and TC concentrations dwindle, while Glucose and HDL concentrations do not show significantly different. II.No great changes were found in LDL, TG and TC, whereas the concentrations of LA, glucose and HDL increase after treadmill maximal exercise. III.After ultramarathon and single maximal exercise,We found the change conditions of LA,glucose,HDL,LDL,TC and TG are different.




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