  • 學位論文


Identifying Reading Disabilities in Taiwanese Aboriginal Students

指導教授 : 洪儷瑜 曾世杰


對原住民兒童學業表現低落的現象,一般都歸因於缺乏主流的文化經驗或社經地位低下,但有些兒童他們的困難可能來自於學習障礙,但在特教的鑑定上,這兩群人卻不易區分,本研究的目的旨在透過提供文化調整的補救教學,檢驗轉介前的介入是否能將疑似學障學童從低成就群體中區分。研究主要分為兩個部份,第一部份是,檢驗原住民低成就學童是否能在轉介前介入方案中獲益;第二部份是,檢驗補救教學的教學反應是否能夠區分出「一般低成就」與「疑似閱障」群體,並以多元的方式考驗教學反應區辨的效度。 本研究以台東市78位原住民學童低成就學童為對象,採準實驗設計,實驗組和控制組各有47和31人,教學實驗共進行為期11週75節的補救教學。主要發現有(一)原住民低成就學童的語文能力,經過補救教學有顯著的提升,但二年級主要在低階的識字能力進步較明顯,三年級則在聽寫以及高層次閱讀理解也有明顯的成效;(二)實驗組在語文能力的學習成效比控制組佳,但以「前測」為共變的成效比較,兩組學童只有在高層次的寫作能力有顯著差異;(三)根據教學反應可以區分出對教學反應較佳的「一般低成就」與對教學反應較差的「疑似閱障」群體,二年、三級的教學反應指標分別是「看字讀音速度」和「聽寫」;(四)在效標考驗部份,以學障定義中的「認知缺陷」為效標,研究發現,教學反應較差的「疑似學障」群體,其「聲韻覺識」和「唸名速度」整體比教學反應較佳的「一般低成就」差,但兩組的工作記憶差異不明顯;(五)以學障定義中的「學業困難」和「內在差異差距」,以及專業心評教師的「學障研判」為效標,研究結果均顯示,教學反應指標有不錯的診斷敏感度,且犯偽陰性的比率低,但教學反應指標診斷的特定性較低,且犯偽陽性的比率較高。研究結果大致支持轉介前介入具有區分「一般低成就」和「疑似學障」的區辨效度。 基於研究結果與發現,本研究進一步提出執行原住民低成就學童的轉介前介入模式,以及教育實務和未來研究提供相關的建議。


Poor academic performance, especially by Taiwanese aboriginal students, is often attributed to lack of mainstream culture experience or poor socioeconomic status. However, some students perform poorly due to reading disabilities, which are difficult to detect. By examining students' learning response to a reading remedial program, this study focuses on how to accurately identify the students who perform poorly in literacy due to reading disabilities from the students who perform poorly for other reasons. The research study includes two parts. The first part is to examine if the low achieving aboriginal students benefit from pr-referral intervention, and the second part is to examine whether students’ learning response to a reading remedial program will identify the students who perform poorly in literacy due to reading disabilities from the students who perform poorly. And the discrimination validity of teaching response will also be examined through various methods. Seventy-eight low achieving aboriginal students from Taitung City participated in the study. They are divided into two groups, forty-seven in the experimental group and thirty-one in the control group. During the period of remedial program, researchers provided seventy-five forty-minute sessions for a total of eleven weeks. The important findings of this research are: 1. With the help of remedial program, the performance of the aboriginal students improved as a whole. The second graders improved significantly in the low-level word recognition, and the third graders also improved in dictation and high-level reading comprehension. 2. In the basic reading skills, the experimental group outperformed control one. However, when using pretest as a co-variate, only high-level writing skills of students from both groups made significant difference. 3. The ‘low achieving group’ which responded better and the ‘possible reading-disabled group’ which does not respond so well could be discriminated according to the teaching response. The indexes of teaching response of the second and third graders are ‘speed of word recognition’ and ‘dictation’. 4. In the testing of validity index, the ‘recognition defect’ taken from the definition of learning disability is applied. The research has found that the ‘possible learning-disabled group’ that responded poorly to teaching, in the category of ‘phonological awareness’ and ‘naming speed’, on the whole, performed poorer than ‘low achieving group’ that responded better to teaching. However, the working memory of both groups did not make a significant difference. 5. The research findings have shown that the diagnostic sensitivity is good for the index of teaching response. Furthermore, the percentage of false negative is comparatively low, but the diagnostic specificity of the index of teaching response is low, and the percentage of false positive is comparatively higher. The research findings support pre-referral intervention do discriminate the differentiating validity of ‘low achieving’ and ‘possible learning-disabled’ groups. Based on the research findings, this study makes a further suggestion to propose a model for conducting a further research of pre-referral intervention of low achieving aboriginal students. This study also includes recommendations for future researchers of the relevant topic and educational practices.


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