  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林勇


二次世界大戰之後,世界各主要都市由於小汽車的廣泛使用,卻礙於都市空間之有限,而造成嚴重的交通問題,諸如道路擁擠、停車困難、環境污染…等,嚴重者甚而導致市區機能衰退,影響都市發展甚鉅,為此各國市政當局莫不致力於都市交通問題之改善。繼而發展大眾運輸系統則成為世界各大城市改善上述交通問題之主要對策;且在具備相當條件下,引進捷運系統以利用其速度快、運量大的特性發揮大量運輸的功效,更是發展大眾運輸系統方案時的首要之選。 捷運地下車站出入口建築物之規劃設計一直充滿著爭議性,其爭論點則是明顯的因人而易。誠如前述,本研究在訪查期間亦對其重要性與複雜程度有深刻之體驗,整體規劃設計過程甚為繁瑣,參與之人員更是眾多,除了政府主管部門及工程顧問公司外,尚須納入專家學者、民意代表及當地民眾之各項意見,最後尚須營造單位之可行性評估…等,可謂是工程浩大。 我國自民國76年6月起展開台北捷運系統之基本規劃設計工作,發展捷運系統至今已十餘年,如何經由調查分析將這些寶貴經驗予以呈現是一件非常重要的工作,是以本研究嘗試經由文獻探討及分析、專家訪談、實地調查紀錄及問卷調查等方式來進行歸納與分析,並獲致下列建議事項供參: 一、規劃設計需廣納、統整民意 在與當地居民充分溝通之下,必能在規劃設計上更為貼近民眾之需求,從而獲得滿意度較高之出入口建築物。 二、出入口建築物規劃設計以交通便利為最終考量 雖然出入口建築物所牽涉之層面極廣,但大部分之民眾仍認為以交通便利為考量才是重點。 三、重視地區差異性,發展地方特色 文化城市意識高漲的今天,大家對自身文化的探討已非常的重視,因此如何在建築物內涵及外型上達到地方特色的展現,這有待大家的凝聚共識及共同努力。 四、增設遮陽避雨設施 台灣氣候多變化的特性不能加以忽視,相信如能配合鄰近建物做好相關設施,使用滿意度必能大為提升。 五、減少人行道設置出入口,鼓勵民眾參與聯合開發 一般民眾對聯合開發模式多存有正面反應,是以政府應擬具可行之策略,鼓勵民眾多參與聯合開發模式,以提升環境生活品質。


A Study on the current situations of underground MRT platform exits and enterances Taking Bannan Line, from Kunyang station to Xinpu station, as the example. Abstracts Since the end of World War Second, the soaring growth of perosnal automobiles coupled with the limited available spaces in most metropolises around the worldl has led to some terrible traffic problems,such as congestion,lack of parking lots,air pollution and so on. Besides, some problems get worse and even put a hamper on metropolitan development. To improve these sitautions has been one of the major issues to most of the municipalities.Considering the safety,efficiency and capacity, the MRT System has been one of the most palatable solutions to these traffic problems. The planning and design of underground MRT platform exits and entrances has long been full of controversies due to the opinion collisions among people.As the aforementioned, we’ve well understoond the importance and complexities of the planning and design of underground MRT platform exits and entrances while making the study.Yet the planning and design of underground MRT platform exits and entrances is full of complexities and gets,besides the related government office branches and construction consulting firms, lots of experts,local opinion leaders and people involved in. And finally,the estimation reports coming from the construction units responsible for the project are the must-have process.Really a project on grand scale ! Taipei MRT System Company has been in such kind of planning and design for Taipei MRT System bases since 1988, knowing well how crucial it is to correctly apply the precious data and experience coming from lot of analyses and studies to the real pratices for such a big and important project.Usually the conclusions are drawn from the detailed analysis, which involved in the interviews with the experts, reserching,surveying and studying on the spot and the references to related reports, records and so on. The major conclusions are as follows : 1.The planning and desgin of underground MRT platform exits and extrances must get the opinios of the public. Then integrate these opinions with the related construction units. With that well done, the planning and desgin results will get closer to the real needs of the public,making us know which exits and ecxtrances on planning will be more highly accepted by the public. 2.The planning and design of the exits and extrances must fully consider the traffic convenience and regard it as the ultimate judgment. Although the planning and design of the exits and extrances involves lots of deeper concerns and layers, people still regard the traffic convenience as the top priority; this opinion must not be ignored and have to be dealt with carefully! 3.Developing the specialities among different areas. Nowadays,most people have the same sense that the public projects not only must be the landmarks, but also stand for or work with the specialities of the places where they live to show the best of the local area. This is a goal needing everyone to put efforts and unite consensus for. 4.No sunlight and rain. In Taiwan, the climate is often variable; we must consider this fact carefully while planning the project. By doing so, the public will be no doubt more willing to support the project. 5.Reduce the exits and enterances of sideways and encourge the collaboration between the public and the related units for the project. According to some studies, most of the people living along the MRT buildings usually show a stronger positive reponse to join venture proposal than people not living along the MRT buildings. The related government office branches or construction units should take advantage of this and try to develop palatable strategies to appeal more people to sink in join venture for a better living standard.




