  • 學位論文


Using Structured Teaching Principles to Meal Preparation Training for the Students with Intellectual Disability .

指導教授 : 胡心慈


結構式教學對國中資源班學生餐飲製作學習之成效研究 摘 要 本研究旨在探討國中資源班學生接受結構式教學在餐飲製作課程學習之成效。研究分為兩大部分:一為編製 「餐飲工作評量表」以供評量身心障礙學生餐飲實作課程表現之用。二為實驗教學,探討運用結構式教學,對國中資源班學生進行餐飲製作的學習成效之立即效果、保留效果及類化效果。所得結果如下: 一、「餐飲工作評量表」之編製 為達成研究目的,研究者根據文獻探討編製「餐飲工作評量表」,以高職特教班及教養機構之智能障礙學生為對象,進行預試工作,計回收有效樣本113份。預試資料進行項目分析及信效度等研究,據以建立本評量工具之有效性。 二、結構式教學的餐飲製作訓練結果 在實驗教學部份,實驗對象為九十三學年度積穗國中特殊技藝教育班的學生共24名,以「餐飲工作評量表」做為前測,以班級為取樣單位分為實驗組及控制組各十二人。實驗組學生接受結構式教學法;控制組學生接受工作分析教學法進行餐飲製作。研究中所採用的工具分別為「餐飲工作評量表」、「餐飲製作文字食譜」、「餐飲製作學習評量表」、「餐飲工作表」及「情境類化表現訪談表」。所得的資料以單因子共變數分析、百分比及質性訪談等方法,進行統計考驗或資料分析後,有以下發現: 1.結構式教學有助於國中資源班學生餐飲製作表現之增進,實驗組學生在形成性評量的「餐飲製作學習評量表」的準備材料及清潔工作兩項的表現,均有顯著之效果提升;在總結性評量的「餐飲工作評量表」之立即後測、追蹤後測的表現亦優於控制組工作分析法教學的學生。 2.結構式教學有助於國中資源班學生餐飲製作表現之類化,從實驗組中選取高、中、低分的個案,在「餐飲製作學習評量表」之表現,顯示有類化效果。 3.針對三名個案家長進行質性訪談,訪談內容亦支持個案在家庭中的餐飲製作能力有明顯的類化表現。 根據上述研究發現,結構式教學法的餐飲課程訓練對國中資源班學生而言,確實有顯著的訓練成效。研究者並根據研究結果提出對特教教師、家長在教育上的建議;以及未來的研究之可行方向。 關鍵字:認知功能障礙者、結構式教學、餐飲製作、職業教育、餐飲工作評量表


Using Structured Teaching Principles to Meal Preparation Training for the Students with Intellectual Disability . Abstract The purpose of this research was to discuss the effect of using structured teaching principles to meal preparation training for the students with intellectual disability. There are two main parts in this research: (a) the development of “meal preparation rating system”, (b) the meal preparation training experimental design. The findings are as follows: 1.Findings of meal preparation rating system On developing the “meal preparation rating system”, literature was reviewed to set up the structure of the rating system. The testing subjects of the rating system were all the students with intellectual disability 113 questionnaires were usable for statistical analysis, which contained items analysis, validity and reliability analysis. 2.Findings of the structured teaching principles to meal preparation training experiment There are 24 subjects in this experiment , two groups, experimental group was taught by structured teaching; control group was taught by task analysis, ex-post test design was adopted, the experimental data were analyzed through one way ANCOVA, percentage, interview files. The conclusions are stated as follows: 1.The structured teaching principles to meal preparation training can enhance the subjects’ meal preparation performance. The experimental group performed better than the control group. 2.The structured teaching principles to meal preparation training can help the subjects generalize their meal preparation performance. 3.The interview data about the structured teaching principles to meal preparation training also showed good generalizeation effect. According to these findings, several suggestions for special education teachers and parents were proposed. DESCRIPTORS: intellectual disability, structured teaching, meal preparation,vocational education, meal preparation rating system.


王欣宜(民92)高職階段智能障礙學生社交技巧課程綱要 發展與應用成效之研究。國立台灣師範大學特殊教育 學系博士論文。未出版。


