  • 學位論文


An Action Research of The Effect of Interactive-Bioliotherapy on The Prosocial Behavior of A Junior High School Student Diagnosed as An Attention Deficit Disorders.

指導教授 : 郭麗玲


本研究的目的在探討運用互動式閱讀治療改善注意力不足國中生社會行為認知之成效,研究對象為台北市某私立中學的一名注意力不足的國七學生。本研究以兒童繪本與動畫作為閱讀治療之媒材,設計每次45~90分鐘,每週一~二次,共計二十單元,合計30次的繪本,對研究對象施以為期三個月的互動式閱讀治療活動。   本研究採行動研究,研究變項﹝社會行為﹞是指洪儷瑜(2000)編製的「青少年社會行為評量表」(Adolescent Social Behavior Scale,簡稱ASBS)七種社會適應行為中的四項分量表:合群互助、溝通技巧、尊重互惠、衝突處理。   研究結果在閱讀治療過程中,發現研究對象社會言行認知之改善程度頗大,在質性訪談觀察中,發現研究對象的同儕、父母及學校任課教師皆認為閱讀治療對研究對象的社會行為具顯著之改善效果;在量表的統計分析中,發現互動式閱讀治療對研究對象之溝通協調與衝突處理的社會行為有較大的改善效果。   本研究根據上述的研究結果,提出對注意力不足國中生社會行為改善及教育輔導之可行方案,包括提供學校教育輔導人員輔導學生及後進研究者在這方面持續研究之參考。


The study aimed to explore the effect of interactive-bibliotherapy on the prosocial behavior of a junior high school student diagnosed as an Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD). The participant in this study was a seventh grader studying at a private high school. The materials adopted in the interactive-bibliotherapy were mostly picture books and animation. The therapy lasted for three months, once or twice a week, forty-five to ninety minutes a session, totally 20 sessions. An action research was implemented in this study. The research variables of this study were group-related skills、communication skills、reciprocation and conflict-solving which were adopted from Adolescent Social Behavior Scale designed by Lee-Yu Hong (2000). The results of this study were analyzed in two parts. First, after the therapy, the participant’s parents and teachers were interviewed. The results showed that the parents and teachers agreed that there was an obvious improvement in participant’s social behavior. Second, through the evaluation form, it was found that there were both instant effect and follow-up effect on the participant’s social behavior in communicating with others and dealing with conflict. Based on the findings above, more possible ways of dealing with students with ADD in school were provided in the study.


Sears, D.O., Freedman, J.L., Peplau, L.A.( 1985) . Social psychology . New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
