  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 吳麗娟


本研究旨在探討性別與依附風格傾向與分手解釋、分手因應之間的差異與相關情形。本研究係以就讀台北地區有分手經驗之公私立大專學生共224人為研究對象。本研究採問卷調查法進行資料收集,所使用研究工具包括「分手解釋量表」、「因應量表」及「人際依附風格量表」。調查結果分別以t考驗、皮爾森積差相關與典型相關等統計方法進行處理。本研究主要發現如下: 一、有分手經驗的大學生依附風格傾向分佈狀況:不同性別之依附風格傾向之分佈上,僅有拒斥依附風格達顯著水準外,男生高於女生,其餘則未達顯著。 二、有分手經驗的男女大學生在解釋分手事件時有差異性:在「愛情控制性」、「愛情變動性」、「困惑不解」三方面,是有差異存在。在「愛情控制性」、「愛情變動性」得分上,女生高於男生;但在「困惑不解」得分上,男生則高於女生。在「關係衝突歸因」、「負向自我歸因」則無顯著差異。 三、有分手經驗的男女大學生在面對分手事件之因應方式有差異:在「面對問題」、「情緒處理」兩種因應方式具有差異,其中在「面對問題」方式為男生高於女生,在「情緒處理」因應方式為女生高於男生。「逃避問題」因應方式則無顯著差異。 四、有分手經驗的大學生之依附風格傾向與分手解釋有典型相關存在:當安全依附風格傾向愈高,且逃避依附風格傾向與焦慮依附風格傾向愈低時,愈不採取「負向自我歸因」,對分手事件愈不感「困惑不解」,且愈能接受「愛情變動性」。 五、有分手經驗的大學生之依附風格傾向與分手因應有典型相關存在: (一)安全依附風格傾向愈高,且逃避依附風格傾向愈低時,愈傾向採取「面對問題」與「情緒處理」因應方式,愈不採取「逃避問題」因應方式。 (二)拒斥依附風格傾向與安全依附風格傾向愈高,焦慮依附風格傾向愈低時,愈採取「面對問題」因應方式,且愈不傾向採取「情緒處理」因應。 (三)安全依附風格傾向、拒斥依附風格傾向與焦慮依附風格傾向愈高,逃避依附風格傾向愈低時,愈傾向採取「面對問題」、「逃避問題」、「情緒處理」之因應方式。 六、有分手經驗的大學生之分手解釋與分手因應方式有典型相關存在: (一)對分手事件不「困惑不解」,愈能接受「愛情變動性」,且不以「關係衝突歸因」分手事件時,愈傾向採取「面對問題」因應方式,愈不採取「逃避問題」因應方式。 (二)愈能接受「愛情控制性」與「愛情變化性」,愈以「關係衝突歸因」面對分手事件,且不感到「困惑不解」時,愈傾向採取「情緒處理」、「面對問題」與「逃避問題」之因應方式。 最後,根據本研究發現提出具體建議,提供大學教育與諮商實務工作者及未來研究參考之。


The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships among the gender, the attachment style, the interpretation of break-up, and the coping strategies. The sample consisted of 224 adults who had break-up experience from university students in Taipei. The way of questionnaire was adopted in this study. Such study tools as “Interpretation of Break-up Questionnaire”, “The COPE Scale” and “Attachment Style Scale”. The data obtained in the study was processed statistically with methods as “t-test”, “Pearson product-moment correlation” and “Canonical Correlation Analysis”. The results of the study were as follows: 1. The proportions of the attachment styles among all participants who had break-up experience were as follows: in terms of gender, gender had significant differences on the dismissing attachment. Male of university students’ attachment styles were more tended to dismissing than female ones. 2. In terms of gender about the interpretation of break-up:gender had significant differences on the “love controllability”, “love change” and “confusion”. Female were more tended to accept that love was controllable and changeable than male. Male were more confused than female. 3. In terms of gender about the coping strategies: gender had significant differences on the “problem-oriented coping” and “emotion-oriented coping”. Male were more tended to use problem-oriented coping strategies than female. Female were more tended to use emotion-oriented coping strategies than male. 4. The canonical correlation between participants’ attachment styles and the interpretation of break-up: when the participants were more “secure”and lower “fearful”, “preoccupied”, they had lower “negative-self attribution” and “confusion”, and higher “love change”. 5. The canonical correlation between participants’ attachment styles and the coping strategies: a.when the participants were more “secure” and lower “fearful”, they had higher “problem-oriented coping” , “emotion-oriented coping” and had lower “avoidant coping”. b.when the participants were more “dismissing”,“secure”,, and lower “preoccupied”, they had higher “problem-oriented coping” , and had lower “emotion-oriented coping”. c.when the participants were more “secure”, “dismissing”, and “preoccupied” and lower “fearful”, they had higher “problem-oriented coping” , “avoidant coping” and “emotion-oriented coping”. 6. The canonical correlation between participants’ interpretation of break-up and the coping strategies: a.when the participants had lower “confusion” and “relation- conflict attribution”, and had higher “love change”, they had higher “problem-oriented coping” and lower “avoidant coping”. b.when the participants had higher “love controllability”, “love change” and “relation- conflict attribution”, had lower “confusion”, they had higher “emotion-oriented coping”, “problem-oriented coping ”and “avoidant coping”. Finally, recommendations were provided according to the findings of this study for educator and counselor and future study.




