  • 學位論文


The Money Attitudes of Junior High School Students in Taipei

指導教授 : 周麗端


本研究旨在探討台北市國中生的金錢態度,並從家庭觀點探討其相關影響因素。本研究採用立意取樣,抽取台北市五所國中之一、二、三年級,共16個班級,合計480位國中生進行問卷調查。研究工具包括:「國中生金錢態度量表」、「父母金錢教養實務量表」、「個人基本資料」。 本研究以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、二因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步迴歸進行統計考驗,研究結果顯示: 1. 「權力-名望」面向 受試者較不認為金錢為權力-名望之象徵。無儲蓄習慣者、零用錢金額較多者、愈常受到父母金錢教養者較傾向視金錢為權力-名望之象徵。 2. 「預算」面向 受試者對金錢規劃及處理傾向謹慎。有儲蓄習慣者、知覺家庭經濟狀況較佳者對金錢規劃及處理傾向謹慎。愈常受到父母金錢教養者對金錢規劃及處理較不謹慎。此外也發現,對於金錢預算態度,探討金錢使用方式會較探討零用錢金額多寡來得適切。 3. 「不信任」面向 本研究所探討的變項對不信任面向之影響及解釋甚為薄弱,只有在儲蓄習慣變項,無儲蓄習慣者對於自己金錢使用情形較感到懷疑、猶豫不決。 4. 「焦慮」面向 受試者對金錢焦慮的傾向並不明顯。在性別、年齡二因子的交互作用達顯著差異。進一步用單純主要效果考驗發現,二年級男生較二年級女生對金錢感到焦慮、二年級男生較一年級男生對金錢感到焦慮。無儲蓄習慣者、零用錢金額較多者、愈常受到父母金錢教養者對金錢較感到焦慮。 5. 「品質」面向 受試者對金錢品質的傾向並不明顯。在性別、年齡二因子的交互作用達顯著差異。進一步用單純主要效果考驗發現,購物時二年級男生較二年級女生著重商品的品質。無儲蓄習慣者、零用錢金額較多者、知覺家庭經濟狀況較佳者、愈常受到父母金錢教養者購物時較著重商品的品質。


國中生 金錢 態度 家庭 教育 父母金錢教養


The purposes of this study are to explore the money attitudes of junior high school students in Taipei, and the related effects from the view of family. This study used a questionnaire survey method and judgmental sampling. Samples were drawn from first, second, and third grade students of junior high schools located in Taipei, including sixteen classes (n=480). The instruments of this study included “junior high school students’ money attitudes scale”, “parents’ money rearing scale“, “personal background data”. The major results can be drawn as follows: 1.「Power-prestige」dimension Participants didn’t prone to view money as the symbol of power-prestige. Participants who have no saving habits, with more allowances, and often been reared with money by parents prone to view money as the symbol of power-prestige. 2.「Budget」dimension Participants have a tendency to use money carefully. Participants who have saving habits, and have better conscious of family’s economic situation have a tendency to use money carefully. This study also finds in the budget dimension, that it seems more suitable to discuss how to use money than the amount of allowances. 3.「Distrust」dimension The variables in distrust dimension are very weak. Only in the saving variables, participants who have no saving habits tend to be doubtful and hesitant about money. 4.「Anxiety」dimension There is no obvious tendency toward anxiety among participants. The result of two-way ANOVA (gender and grade) suggested that the interaction effect had significant difference. Further, in the simple main effects found second grade boys were more anxious than second grade girls and second grade boys were more anxious than first grade boys. Participants who have no saving habits, had more allowances, and often been reared with money by parents prone to be anxious about money. 5.「Quality」dimension There was no obvious tendency to quality among participants. The result of two-way ANOVA (gender and grade) suggested that the interaction effect had significant difference. Further, in the simple main effects found second grade boys more emphasized the quality of things than second grade girls. If participants have no saving habits, with more allowances, have better conscious of family’s economic situation, and often been reared with money by parents, then these kinds of participants more emphasize the quality of things.


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