  • 學位論文


The Impact of Internet Users’ Characteristics, Behaviors, and Psychological Traits on Internet Addiction for Taiwanese High School Students

指導教授 : 鄔佩麗


本研究旨在藉由瞭解台灣高中職的學生網路使用者特性及使用行 為,來探討高中職學生網路沈迷的現況及相關的影響因素,而能就研究 結果提供做輔導人員實務上的參考。 本研究以台北市、台北縣、桃園縣六所公私立高中職的一至三年級 學生,共342名為研究對象,採問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,所使用的研 究工具包括:「中學生網際網路使用行為問卷」、「中文網路成癮量表」、 「人際關係量表」、「自尊量表」、「貝克憂鬱量表」、「中學生生活壓力量 表」等量表,並將研究分為兩個階段進行。首先,就調查所得資料,進 行台灣中學生網路使用者的人口特性、網路使用行為描述,且依據「中 文網路成癮量表」排序前5%篩選出的「網路沈迷高危險群」;其次, 以多變量變異數分析法進行使用者特性及網路使用行為在網路沈迷傾 向上的差異性比較,並進行本研究者所提出中學生網路使用時間、心理 特性與網路沈迷關係的結構方程模組考驗。 本研究主要發現如下: 中學生網路沈迷者的平均年資約為1.96年,而每週平均使用時間 約為12.5小時。除了性別之外對網路沈迷傾向差異性有顯著影響,其 他的使用特性包括:學校類別、學校地區、就讀年級、年齡的差異並不 會影響網路沉迷現象。在網路使用行為上,一些具社交功能且互動性高 的活動如:E-mail的使用、聊天交友活動、情色網的使用則較容易造成 網路沈迷傾向的不同。 在網路使用時間、心理特性與網路沈迷關係分析上,由結果可知「使 用時間」、「生活壓力」、「憂鬱傾向」對網路沈迷有直接的影響力。當中 學生面臨生活壓力時,為了逃避生活壓力的挫敗感容易造成網路沈迷。 而因生活壓力的過大而產生情緒、認知、人際人格型態的失調, 藉由網路的使用,最大的滿足來自於情緒的抒解。因而網路中虛擬人際 關係中溫暖的情緒支持,是會讓中學生沈溺於這樣的網路互動活動而難 以克制的。然而,藉由這樣的互動,想逃避較深層的自我價值低落及人 格型態的缺陷,甚或期待在自我價值低落及人格型態不良適應上改變學 習上是有限的,因而在未能有所正增強,所以中學生的網路沈迷現象和 自我價值及人格型態無明顯的關聯性。 最後,針對本研究結果並提出在研究上可努力的方向及從網路沉迷 行為及相關影響因素提出教育輔導上的建議。


The purpose of this study is to understand characteristics and behaviors of Internet users in high school.It is to explore how the users involve in the Internet world and related factors.The result will be helpful for the school counselor in working with the students. The data is collected by paper - and pencil questionnaires from 342 students who study in high school in Taipei ,and Tao Yuan . Instruments used in this study include “The Internet Using Behaviors for High School Students Survey”, “Chinese Internet Addiction Scale”, “Interpersonal Relationship Scale”, “Self -acceptance Scale”, “Beck Depression Inventory”, “The Stress of Live Event for Adolescent Scale”.In this study,it is divided into two stages. First , the study explores characteristics and behaviors of Internet users in high school. Based on “Chinese Internet Addiction Scale”,the top 5% scores are chosen to the addict group.Then,it is compared to the addictive degree with the users’characters and behaviors by using MANOV.Using Linear Structural Equation Modeling, I analyze the association among the time of using , psychological traits , internet addiction. The primary findings as follows: The average time of using Internet per week is 12.5 hours. Most Internet addictive students started to use internet since 1.96 years ago.There is significant difference in gender.Other factors include school systems, school locations, grades, and age do not affect the Internet addictiveness. Other factors inculde social Internet functions, for instance, E-mails, chat rooms, pornography web pages, tend to increase the degree of addictiveness easier. In the analysis of Internet time of using, and psychological traits, It concludes that “time of using”, “stress of living”, and “depression” have direct influences on Internet addictiveness. Most students try to escape the setbacks and failures in reality through the net space. These students feel relived in this fantasy space. For students who have great pressure on living issues, the emotional or communi- cation problems could easily be forgotten in the Internet world. The intimate social lives are rather heart-warming for these users. Therefore, the interactions and addictiveness are hard to prevent. However, these kinds of interactions are difficult for low self-esteem users to change the current status, or improve their learning abilities. These results show that the Internet addictiveness doesn’t not has direct linkage with the personal characteristics and self evaluated values. Now this research provides several directions and suggestions for related studies. Nevertheless, it looks forward to assist educational counseling for Internet addictiveness issues.


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