  • 學位論文


Strategy fro Academy-Industry Alliances of Aerospace Technology Education

指導教授 : 孟繼洛教授 饒達欽教授


航太科技教育產學聯盟策略之研究,係探討如何有效提升國內航太科技產學合作教育品質,以期整合產學合作教育資源,支持國內航太工業發展之人力資源需求;研究目的為探討國內航太科技教育產學聯盟重點發展領域中,引導大專校院發展產學策略聯盟及發展航太科技教育產學聯盟策略之普遍性(generalized)模式。研究方法分別以「由外而內」及「由內而外」之策略規劃方式進行,「由外而內」係以文件分析法,針對國內航太工業人才培訓策略性方案,及國外產學合作教育模式考察報告,進行普遍性分析,並輔以召開策略規劃諮詢會議,探討如何配合國內航太工業發展趨勢,調整航太科技產學合作教育發展方向及改進方法。「由內而外」係以應用行動研究法及德爾菲專家決策模式,導引大專校院航太領域相關系所教師,架構自主性產學聯盟組織,及建立聯盟計畫運作機制,並根據行動研究歷程之觀察及省思,歸納發展航太科技教育產學聯盟策略之普遍性模式。 我國未來航太產業仍以飛機維修及系統件、零組件製造產業為發展主流,國內大專校院航太、機械、電機、電子、工業工程等系所,均為航太產業人才培育來源,普遍上仍須加強基礎專業知識之紮根教育,及外語能力培養。航太科技教育之特色產學聯盟,「品保驗證」聯盟應加強與「航電」、「維修」、「零組件製造」聯盟進行資源之橫向串聯。航太產業經營管理人才培育亦迫切需要,是項人才培育應以在職進修方式進行。 產學聯盟發展起始階段,宜採由上而下方式,訂定產學聯盟計畫發展重點與計畫運作原則,並確定負責各特色領域產學聯盟之教學資源中心學校,接續則以由下而上方式,由各產學聯盟自行尋求夥伴學校及合作企業黟伴,並研擬聯盟計畫書,循序漸進發展聯盟計畫運作機制,建立策略性資源,強化航太科技教育產學聯盟策略之實踐。 現階段國內高等教育機構已有發展產學聯盟之空間,惟仍須依賴產學聯盟計畫推動辦公室進行主導性規劃,同時於產學聯盟計畫研擬及執行階段,機動性召開聯盟工作會議及諮詢委員會議,促進產學聯盟成員分享心得及經驗,並與專案諮詢委員保持雙向交流,充分掌握產學合作教育資源投入之重點,並自主性檢討聯盟計畫運作成效,加強夥伴成員貢獻取向之角色規劃,方能促使產學聯盟永續性發展。 航太科技教育產學聯盟,提供拓展國際合作之平台,未來須擴大聯盟成員之參與,強化其學習意願與成長,及協助政府相關部門或機構之橫向連繫。航太科技教育產學聯盟發展模式,可供國內其他重點學門推動產學合作教育之參考。 關鏈字:航太工業人才、產學合作教育、產學聯盟、行動研究


In order to meet the demands of human resources from aerospace industry, the intent of this research was to probe the revolutions of the academy-industry cooperation on aerospace technology education. The objectives of this research were first to investigate the focused domains of the academy-industry alliances; secondly, to map the ways to direct the development of the alliances, and finally to generate a model of evolutions of the alliances. The “outside-in” and “inside-out” strategic planning approaches of the alliances were employed. As to the outside-in approach which is aiming to fulfill the development of aerospace industry, the documentary analysis of national strategic position papers along with holding the authority meeting on strategic planning of human resources were accomplished. To guide the evolution of the alliances, the inside-out approaches of action research and Delphi Expert-Decision model application were utilized in light of the subtle market of aerospace industry due to Taiwan-Mainland China cross-strait political issues. Based on the findings and feedback in the course of this research progress, a generalized model of the alliance was concluded. The focused domains of national aerospace industry were maintenance and components manufacturing. The human resources were fostered through aerospace technology, machinery engineering, electronic machinery engineering, electronics engineering, industrial engineering and management departments in universities or colleges. However, the fundamental knowledge of aerospace profession and the English as second language were in need of greater enhancement. The alliance of “aerospace quality assurance” should make connections with the alliances of “avionics”, “maintenance” and “components manufacturing”. The managerial talent was crucial for aerospace industry, which could be fostered by on-job training through cooperation between industry and academy. In order to initiate the academy-industry alliance, it was imperative to take the top-down measures such as planning the focused domains and identifying the managers for the individual alliance. Following the initiation, the bottom-up autonomy within the alliance members was in activities such as constructing the alliance configuration; proposing the alliance projects; and developing the operational mechanisms among the alliances. Consequently, the strategic resources accumulated from the evolution of the academy-industry strengthened the social validity of this research. The academy-industry alliances have funneled and integrated the relative efforts and resources for the target domains in national aerospace industry. However, the survival of alliance depended on the steering planning from the authorized office to provide the platform for interchanging and sharing resources among alliance partners. Further, the self-criticism within alliance members is the key to improve the achievement of alliance projects. In the near future, the missions of the alliance should be expended. In addition to provide the platform for academy-industry as well as international cooperation, it is important to seek out the resolutions for enhancing the learning intent of students as well as teachers. The cross-linkages among government, industry, academy, research institutions and training bureaus or relative organizations will be the major tasks for the alliances. The model of evolution of academy-industry alliance on aerospace technology education is generally applied to the relative industrial domains. Index Terms—human resources of aerospace technology education, industry-academy cooperation on education, academy-industry alliance, action research


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