  • 學位論文


The misconceptions and metal models of s junior high and senior high schooltudents in acids , bases, and salts.

指導教授 : 邱美虹


本研究的主要目的在於探討我國國中及高中學生有關酸鹼鹽概念之理解程度、迷思概念及心智模式的類型。研究對象是取自台北縣立甲國中學生合計共330人、高級中學學生共240人。 研究重點以國中理化、高中基礎理化教材為主,統整其中的酸鹼鹽概念,建立重要的教學目標,據此完成概念圖及命題陳述以發展相關工具(包含開放式紙筆測驗及晤談),並根據所得的資籵再發展成二階段診斷測驗及作定性及定量的分析,找出學生的迷思概念及其背後所隱含之心智模式類型。茲將主要研究結果摘錄如下: 一、在溶液酸鹼性質單元中迷思概念類型共有九種,其主要之心智模式類型共有五種,比例較高的有三種分別是:現象模式、名稱模式、化學組成模式。 且此三種模式以國中學生為主,高中學生比例較低。 二、在酸鹼混合單元中迷思概念類型共有共有五種,其主要之心智模式類型共有四種,比例較高的有二種即:解離程度模式、電中性模式。解離程度栚式除高一學生外比例隨年級增加而下降;電中性模式國三到高二隨年級增加而比例下降。 三、在氣體溶解溶液酸鹼性單元迷思概念類型共有共有七種,其主要之心智模式類型共有四種,比例較高的是:溶劑種類模式及壓力模式。溶劑種類模式中認為溶液無關溶解度的比例由國一到高二隨年級有上升之趨勢;壓力模式之壓力變大溶解度變小之概念比例由國一至高二隨年級而降低。 四、在電解質解離單元中迷思概念類型共有共有七種,四種迷思概念之心智模式,比例較高的是:不解離模式、完全解離模式及離子引力模式。不解離模式國一至高二比例隨年級增加並無明顯之上升或下降趨勢;完全解離模式中國一至高二比例隨年級而降低。離子引力模式之特徵中,以離子引力大,溶液中離子多的比例,國一至高二隨年級而增加。 五、在酸鹼強度與氫離子濃度單元中迷思概念類型共有共有十九種,有八種心智模式,比例較高的是:濃度模式、濃度和體積模式、pH值模式、溶劑種 類模式、溶液酸鹼性模式、溫度上升模式及導電模式。這些主要模式國一到高二比例隨年級上升並無明顯之上升或下降趨勢。 六、弱酸弱鹼稀釋單元迷思概念類型共有十種,其主要之心智模式類型共有四種,比例較高的是體積改變模式,而國一至高二比例隨年級上升並無明顯之上升或下降趨勢。


酸鹼鹽 迷思概念 心智模式


The main purpose of this study was to explore the comprehensive level of our junior high school and high school students in regard to misconceptions and metal models about acids,bases,and salts. There were 340 junior high and 320 senior high school students for clinic interviews and further discussions were from local schools in Taipei. This study was based on the present physical science textbooks for junior high school students and fundamental physical science for high school students. It attempted to reorganize the concepts of acids, bases and salts mentioned in those textbooks, to construct concept maps and proposition statements. The research instruments included open-ended paper-and-pencil questionnaire, interviewing questionnaire, and a set of two tier test items. Analyses of the quantitative and qualitative data were done according to the students’ responses in order to find the types of misconceptions and mental models. The following were the main conclusions of this study: 1. In the acidity or basicity of a solution, these students held 5 mental models of misconceptions, the higher percentage were:a phenomenon model, a name model, a chemistry components model. 2. In the unit of neutralization, the students held four mental models of misconceptions, the higher percentage were:an ionize model, an electricity neutral model. 3. In the unit of a solution dissolve gas either acidic or basic, the students held four mental models of misconceptions, the higher percentage were:a solvent model, a pressure model. 4. In the unit of electrolyte to ionize, these students gave four mental models of misconceptions, the higher percentage were:a not to ionize model, an ionize absolutely model, an attraction by ion model. 5. In the unit of strength of acid and base, and the concentration of H+, the students held eight mental models of misconceptions, the higher percentage were:a concentration model, a concentration-volume model, a pH model, a solvent model, a acidity or basicity of a solution model, a increase temperature model, a conduct electricity model. 6. In the unit of weak acids and bases to dilute,the students held two mental models of misconceptions, the higher percentage were:a volume model.




劉小鈴(2016)。台灣與中國國中自然教科書之內容分析比較 ―以酸鹼鹽單元為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201600544
