  • 學位論文


The Experimental Study of the Effect of Cooperative Learning on Children’s Ability in Communication and Expression.

指導教授 : 郭生玉 博士


中 文 摘 要 本研究以國小五年級兒童為研究對象,以社會科學習進行二十週的教學實驗,探討合作學習對兒童溝通表達能力的影響。 本研究之目的有二: (一)探討兒童的溝通表達能力受合作學習影響的可能性。 (二)了解兒童在合作學習或一般教學中,溝通表達能力的改變情形。 本研究以台北市某國民小學五年級兒童為對象,採用叢集抽樣方法,兩班為實驗組、兩班為控制組,進行社會科實驗教學,實驗組以研究者設計之「合作學習」方式學習;控制組依原班上課之課程內容、教學方式及既有學習方法,進行相同之課程。 本研究旨在考驗「合作學習」教學實驗,對國小兒童溝通表達行為的增進效果,在實驗設計上採取不等組受試者間受試者內混合設計,自變項為組別(實驗組、控制組)和口語能力(高口語表達能力、低口語表達能力),依變項為溝通表達能力。 本研究二十週的課程分為四個階段,於第五、十、十五、二十週時,對全體受試者,以情境故事為主題實施小組討論之「階段評量」,錄影小組成員於討論時所表現的行為,再以研究者自編之「溝通表達行為觀察量表」來評定其溝通表達能力。 本研究所使用之工具「溝通表達行為觀察量表」,為研究者參考溝通表達行為之相關理論及實徵研究編訂而成,全量表包括接收訊息、回應訊息、口語表達及溝通互動之各項具體行為表現,得分越高者表示其溝通表達能力越佳。 本研究的主要發現有三: 一、接受合作學習實驗組的兒童,在不同評量階段,其溝通表達能力優於 控制組兒童,除在階段評量二外,並不因兒童口語表達能力高低而有 交互作用存在。 二、接受合作學習的兒童,隨合作學習時間的增長,其溝通表達各分項能 力優於控制組兒童更趨明顯。 三、接受合作學習的兒童,其溝通表達能力在各階段的增進趨向,均顯著 優於控制組兒童。 由以上研究發現得到兩個結論: 一、就本研究所設計的合作教學模式,對兒童溝通表達能力之增進,有顯 著的影響效果。 二、合作學習教學模式對兒童的接收訊息、回應訊息、口語表達及互動溝 通四項溝通表達能力,均有影響效果。 基於研究的結果與發現,本研究分別就教學及研究方面提出建議,以供增進溝通表達能力的學習及進一步研究之參考。 關鍵詞:合作學習、溝通表達


The Experimental Study of the Effect of Cooperative Learning on Children’s Ability in Communication and Expression. Chao-Lien Shih Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of cooperative learning on children’s ability in communication and expression. A total of one hundred and three 5th graders participated in this social- learning- based experiment for 20 weeks. The main goals of this study were: (1)To explore the possibility of the influences of cooperative learning on children’s ability in communication and expression. (2)To compare the possible changing differincess for children's ability in communication and expression within either cooperative learning or regular learning environment. Cluster-sampling method was used to recruit a total of four classes of 5th graders from an elementary school in Taipei city. Among them, 2 classes were assigned as experimental group, and the other 2 were control group. The same social learning based content was the subject to learn in the experiment. “Cooperative learning-method” designed by the researcher was used in the experimental group, while the regular learning methodology was conducted in the control group The purpose of this study is to test the possible improvement of cooperative learning on children’s ability in communication and expression. Basically, the experimental design was unparallel between-within subject mixed design. Independent variables were group (experimental vs. control group) and the ability of oral expression (high vs. low), and dependent variable was the ability of communication and expression. The 20-week long experiment was divided into four phases. On the end of each phase (that is, the 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th week), all 103 children were given an selected theme for discussion, the process of their discussion was videotaped, and their ability to communicate and express was evaluated by the “Behavior observation checklist on communication and expression” designed by the researcher. After exploring related theories and empirical studies in the field of communication and expression, the researcher designed the instrument “Behavior observation checklist on communication and expression”. This inventory is divided into 4 categories: signal perceiving, responding, oral expression and interactive communication. High score means high ability to communicate and express as well. The results of this study were: (1)On each phase, experimental group showed superior ability in communication and expression than control group. Group (experimental vs. control group) by the ability of oral expression (high vs. low) interaction was found at the 2nd phase only. (2)There is a tendency that as the cooperative learning process getting longer, the experimental group shows better communicative and expressive performance while compared to the performance of the control group. (3)On every phase, the slope of the performance curve for the experimental group is significantly larger than the slope showed in the control group. There are two conclusions for this study: (1)The “Cooperative learning method” designed by the researcher improved children’s ability in communication and expression significantly. (2)“Cooperative learning method” has a significantly positive effect on children’s ability in signal perceiving, responding, oral expression and interactive communication. Based on results of this study, future suggestions on teaching and research in the area of communicative and expressive ability were also provided. Key Words: Cooperative learning, Communication and expression


Program. ERIC Document, ED410039.


