  • 學位論文


The Verification of English Learning Process Model and A Study of the Effects of Theme-Constructive Language Learning Strategies on English Performance

指導教授 : 張景媛博士


本研究主要目的有五:一是統整有關學習理論、外語學習與習得理論、學習動機與情感等相關因素,建構一個國中生「英語學習歷程模式」。二是探討學生在英語學習時會產生的錯誤類型,並探究不同程度學生的英語學習情形。三是依據國中生「英語學習歷程模式」中的重要變項及學生英語錯誤分析結果,設計一套適合國中生有效學習的「主題建構式語言學習策略」之教學課程。四是探討「主題建構式語言學習策略」教學實驗對國中生英語學習表現之影響。五是深入瞭解在接受「主題建構式語言學習策略」教學後,學生的英語學習歷程與轉變情形。 針對上述研究目的,本研究分「研究一」、「研究二」與「研究三」三部分來進行。在研究一中,本研究者提出一個以英語為特定領域,包含情意反應、行動控制、後設認知與學習表現四個成分的「英語學習歷程模式」,並就此一模式加以驗證。研究對象來自國內北、中、南區九所學校共449名國中二年級學生。研究工具包括:英語情意反應量表、英語行動控制量表、英語後設認知量表、英語成就測驗(聽力、閱讀、寫作)等四種。模式考驗結果發現,除易受樣本數影響的卡方考驗外,在基本適配度、整體模式適配度和模式內在結構適配度等方面,都顯示本研究所提出的「英語學習歷程模式」跟一般國二學生的觀察資料可以適配。換言之,本研究所提出的「英語學習歷程模式」可以用來解釋一般國中二年級學生的觀察資料。 在研究二中,本研究者先針對學生英語學習錯誤進行質的分析。受試為英語高、中、低能力的學生各五位,採用放聲思考來瞭解學生英語學習情形。結果發現:這些學生在英語學習時會有跨語言間的錯誤(語際干擾、忽略規則)和普遍性語言學習錯誤(過度類化、過度使用)等錯誤類型產生。因此,本研究二依據研究一所建構的「英語學習歷程模式」的四個重要成分(情意反應、行動控制、後設認知、學習表現)與對學生英語錯誤的瞭解與發現,來設計「主題建構式語言學習策略」以進行教學實驗。在課程設計完成後,由於研究學校是採「兩班為單位的能力分組教學」,所以本研究以國中二年級學生共147名為對象,分為實驗組(A、B)與控制組(A、B)進行教學實驗。藉由英語情意反應量表、行動控制量表、後設認知量表、英語聽、說、讀、寫四方面的成就測驗(前、後測)等工具的實施,以三因子混合設計變異數分析的方法進行統計處理。研究結果發現: 1. 本研究的「主題建構式語言學習策略」教學課程有助於維持實驗組學生在英語學習情意反應(價值、期望、成就動機)、行動控制(認知控制、他人控制)、後設認知(自我監控、自我評鑑、自我修正、策略使用)、與學習表現(閱讀、寫作、口語)等方面的表現,甚至在口語表現上呈逐漸進步的趨勢,反觀控制組學生在這些方面則從初期到後期呈逐步下滑的趨勢。 2. 不論能力高、低,學生在聽力表現上從初期到後期呈逐漸下滑的趨勢。 3. 在口語表現上,實驗組的低能力者顯著優於控制組的低能力者。 在研究三中,本研究深入瞭解學生英語學習歷程與轉變情形。本研究三採用質性研究方法,以研究二的實驗組A、實驗組B共72名學生為研究對象,針對他們的英語學習歷程進行一學期的研究,將所得資料從情意反應、行動控制、後設認知、學習表現與個別學生學習歷程探討等方面來進行分析。結果發現,接受「主題建構式語言學習策略」教學後,不僅A組學生會善用策略來保護學習意向與主動對自己的英語學習進行監控、評鑑與修正;B組學生藉由多元、有趣的英語課程,逐漸對英語感興趣。他們學會覺察與控制行動意向並利用策略來幫助自己評鑑與修正英語學習情形。從學習歷程上可知,A、B兩組學生在接受實驗教學後,都對英語學習更有信心,也更願意去學習。 綜合而言,透過研究一的模式考驗、研究二與研究三的實證研究結果,本研究所提出的「英語學習歷程模式」可以獲得支持。而本研究依據模式所設計的「主題建構式語言學習策略」教學課程從研究二與研究三的結果可知對於學生的英語學習有所助益。最後,研究者根據研究結果,提出幾項建議做為英語教學及未來進一步研究的參考。


The purposes of this study were: (1) to verify the goodness of fit between empirically observed data and English Learning Process Model proposed by the author; (2) to investigate students’ errors in learning English with the use of qualitative analysis, and further to explore the ways how different students construct English concepts; (3) to design a teaching program based on "theme-constructive language learning strategies" (4) to examine the effects of the "theme-constructive language learning strategies" teaching program developed by the author; (5) to analyze the learning process of the students with the use of qualitative analysis and portfolio process assessment. In order to accomplish these purposes, the whole study was divided into three parts. In Study I the researcher proposed an English Learning Process Model which included the components of affective reaction, action control, metacognition, and learning performance and verified the goodness of fit of the English Learning Process Model. The participants were 449 eighth-grade students from nine junior high schools in northern, central, and southern Taiwan. The instruments employed in this study include: Affective Reaction Inventory, Action Control Inventory, Metacognition Inventory, and English Achievement Test. Except the Chi square test that was easily influenced by the sample size, the results indicated that the English Learning Process Model fitted the observed data well in preliminary, overall, and internal structure model fit criteria. In Study II, the researcher first investigated students’ errors in learning English with the use of qualitative analysis involving thinking-aloud and thinking-by-questioning methods. The participants were 15 eighth-grade students from three groups with high, middle, and low ability in English. The results indicated that mother language played a key role in students’ English learning process and their errors could be classified into two patterns: cross-language errors (interference, neglecting of the rules) and universal errors (overgeneralization, overuse). Then, according to the results of Study I and error analysis, the researcher designed a teaching program of theme-constructive language learning strategies and examined the effects of the program. The participants were 147 eight-grade students belonging to experimental group (A, B) and control group (A, B). The instruments employed in Study II include: Affective Reaction Inventory, Action Control Inventory, Metacognition Inventory, English Achievement Tests (Pretest and Protest). The data thus obtained were analyzed by three-way mixed-design ANOVA. The results of Study II were presented as follows: 1. "The Teaching Program of Theme-Constructive Language Learning Strategies" could help the experimental group maintain their performance in affective reaction(value, expectation, and achievement motivation ), action control(cognitive control and others control), metacognition(self-monitoring, self- evaluating, self-modification, and strategizing ), and English learning performance(reading, writing, and speaking). But the performance of the control group in these inventories and tests were declining. 2. The performance of the students in high-ability group (A) and low-ability (B) group was on the decline from the listening pretest to listening protest. 3. The oral performance of the low-ability students in experimental group was better than their counterparts in control group. In Study III the researcher analyzed students’ learning process in English more deeply with the use of qualitative analysis and portfolio process assessment. The participants were 72 eight-grade students from experimental group (A, B). The data collected were analyzed from five aspects: affective reaction, action control, metacognition, learning performance, and case developmental process. The results indicated that after the teaching, the students in experimental group A could use the strategies to retain their learning intentions and be active to monitor, evaluate, and modify their English learning. The students in experimental group B were gradually interested in learning English. They were aware of their learning and tried to concentrate themselves, and then used the strategies to help them evaluate and modify what they learned. In short, from the analysis of students’ English learning process, the students in experimental group (A, B) became more confident and willing to learn English after the teaching program of theme-constructive language learning strategies. To conclude, the results of Study I, II, and III support the effects of the "English Learning Process Model" proposed. Based on the results of the study, the researcher also provided a discussion in which some recommendations have been made regarding instructional assistance and future studies.


程炳林 林清山(民89)。行動控制教學課程之教學效果研究。教育心理學報,31(2),頁1-21。
程炳林 林清山(民88)。國中生學習行動控制模式之驗證及行動控制變項與學習適應之關係。教育心理學報,31(1),頁1-35。


黃秋燕 (2004). 思者為王: 運用小組策略閱讀之探究式教學法對台灣高中生進行英語閱讀教學的成效 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2004200709064210
