  • 學位論文


A Case study of School-based Teacher Education for Elementary English Teachers

指導教授 : 甄曉蘭


學校本位教師進修是近年來促進教師專業成長的一重要策略,而國內以個案學校為背景,針對學校本位教師進修所進行的研究卻相當缺乏,本研究的主要目的,即在於探討兩所個案實施學校本位教師進修的歷程與成效,並區分為學校實施背景、實施策略、實施成效與實施問題等四方面,分別加以探討,最後綜合文獻分析與研究發現提出結論與建議,做為實施學校本位教師進修時的參考。 為達上述研究目的,本研究首先蒐集相關文獻,探討學校本位教師進修的意涵、重要性與相關研究,並選擇正在推動實施學校本位教師進修的兩所台北市立小學,以個案研究的方法進行研究,針對個案學校如何藉由學校本位之英語科教師進修,協助英語教師充實其專業知能,以及英語教師專業成長情形,與實施的相關問題,以觀察、訪談與文件分析的方式,進行資料蒐集的工作。 綜合文獻探討與個案研究的發現,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、實施背景方面 (一)學校文化是實施背景之一重要因素 (二)實施背景影響策略選擇與成效 二、實施策略方面 (一)實施前先評估校內外條件 (二)營造開放、安全、智性的校園學習文化 (三)善用各項不同策略 1.提供學習的支持性環境,可提昇教師學習意願 2.教學研究會是教師進行團隊學習的重要機制 3.授權與參與管理可拓展思考範圍及增加學習機會 4.藉助外部專家或資源的引入,可刺激成員的學習 三、實施成效方面 (一)英語教師的實踐與反省是影響實施成效的關鍵 (二)語文領域內外的互動關係是推展的重要因素 (三)協商對話的歷程是影響實施成效的重要因素 四、實施問題方面 (一)變革所引發的抗拒力量是實施初期的共同現象 (二)兩校所需解決的問題不同 (三)缺乏外在機制刺激教師學習成長 此外,本研究並提出相關建議如下: 一、對各校實施學校本位教師進修之建議 (一)學校行政人員方面 1.持續專業成長,成為學校學習楷模 2.重視服務與溝通,共塑學習型校園文化 3.跨越學校圍牆的心理界限 4.積極推動學校團隊與組織學習 5.建立學校本位教師進修專責制度 (二)英語教師方面 1.善用各種校內學習機會進行專業成長 2.以合作積極的態度參與學校本位教師進修 3.將校內進修學習成果轉化至教學實踐中 4.以資訊科技協助研究學習成果的儲存與轉移 二、對教育行政機關之建議 (一)提供學校本位經營的發展空間 (二)將實施學校本位教師進修的相關理念列入領導者與教師專業成長的重點 (三)協助學校實施學校本位教師進修的相關經費與資源 (四)修訂相關法令配合實施學校本位教師進修 1.改進現行教師進修方式,實施學校本位教師進修 2.實施教師分級制,鼓勵教師不斷學習 三、對後續研究之建議 (一)兼採質化與量化的研究工具 (二)進行不同性質個案與科目實施經驗之探究 (三)擴展研究範圍 (四)延長研究時間 (五)採兩階段進行成效評估


The school-based teacher education is an important strategy to enhance professional growth of teachers. In Taiwan, there are only a few studies focusing on school-based teacher education. This study is to look into the processes and effects of the school-based teacher education for English teachers in two case elementary schools, with attempts to explore school context, strategies adopted, effects resulted, and obstacles encountered in the implementation of school-based teacher education for English teachers. To fulfill above purposes, this study firstly undertook the task of literature review. Then, the qualitative case study approach was applied to examine the school-based teacher education for English teachers in two elementary schools in Taipei. Data were collected through observations, interviews and various kinds of documents. Research results are as follows: 1.Aspect of school context (1)School culture is an important factor in the implementation of school-based teacher education. (2)School background influence the choice of the implementing strategies and the effects of the implementation. 2.Aspect of strategies (1)Before implementing school-based teacher education, administrators have to consider the internal and external contextual of the school. (2)Creating a safe, open, and intellectual school learning culture to encourage professional growth is important.. (3)Various implementing strategies should be wisely adopted. 3.Aspect of effects (1)The English teachers’ pedagogical practices and reflection are the key to a positive implementation of school-based teacher education for English teachers. (2)The interaction among teachers in different fields is an important factor to disseminate school-based teacher education. (3)The process of negotiating is an important factor of implementing school-based teacher education. 4.Aspect of obstacles (1)Resistance caused by organizational change is a common phenomenon in the implementation of school-based teacher education for English teachers. (2)Strategies for removing obstacles in this two schools are varied. (3)Elementary schools lack of outside mechanism to stimulate teachers professional growth. At last, suggestions are provided for educational policy-makers as well as for principals, administrators and teachers at elementary schools, and for further studies.




