  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 呂昌明


摘 要本研究之主要目的在探討職場員工之運動行為改變計劃介入對實驗組研究對象之自覺運動利益、自覺運動障礙、運動自我效能、運動階段及身體活動量的成效。採用「準實驗設計」,實驗組、對照組前後測方式進行。實驗處理是實驗組接受運動行為改變介入計劃活動,而對照組則不接受任何的實驗處理。以立意取樣方式選擇南部某電信公司全體員工為實驗組研究對象。同時,另外選取某通信分公司之全體員工為對照組。本研究根據員工自己參與的意願,進行運動行為計劃之介入,結果前後測收案資料共有193人,其中實驗組有133人,對照組有60人。研究工具之結構式問卷包括運動階段、自覺運動利益、自覺運動障礙、運動自我效能、基本資料及身體活動情形。運動行為改變計劃之介入內容,針對不同的運動階段的員工,應用跨理論模式中改變過程之策略,設計的運動行為改變計劃:包括各運動階段的教學活動、辦公室柔軟操及優秀健康體能選拔活動等。資料處理係以SAS for Window 6.11版之統計軟體進行分析,統計方法含描述性統計分析、t檢定及卡方檢定、配對t檢定、Bowker’s test of symmetry、共變數分析、單因子變異數分析、薛費氏事後比較及皮爾森積差相關。研究對象平均年齡為46.3歲,年齡層多數集中在36-55歲之間,以男性、已婚、自覺健康狀況為「普通」者、無罹患慢性疾病、沒有擔任運動代表的經驗、無參加任何運動團體經驗者及無運動傷害經驗居多。主要研究結果如下:一、實驗組在計劃介入實施後比計畫實施前運動人口有顯著的增加,計劃實施前「規律運動者」有37.6﹪,計劃實施後「規律運動者」有57.1﹪,計劃實施後規律運動人口增加近20﹪。而對照組在計畫介入前後運動人口無產生明顯的變化。二、計畫介入前後運動社會心理因素之變化,實驗組在計畫介入後,自覺運動利益及運動自我效能皆顯著高於計畫介入前,而自覺運動障礙顯著低於計畫介入前,但對照組此三者之計畫介入前後結果則無顯著差異。三、計畫介入前後身體活動量之變化,實驗組在計畫介入後,「平日身體活動量」及「平日中重度身體活動量」均未顯著高於計畫介入前,而「假日身體活動量」、「假日中重度身體活動量」、「三日身體活動量」及「三日中重度身體活動量」則顯著高於計畫介入前。而上述六項身體活動量對照組在計畫介入前後則無顯著差異。四、經兩組前測為共變項之共變數分析之後,實驗組後測之「自覺運動利益」及「運動自我效能」分數皆顯著高於對照組後測之分數。而實驗組後測之「自覺運動障礙」分數顯著低於對照組後測之分數。五、經兩組前測為共變項之共變數分析之後,實驗組後測之「平日身體活動量」及「平日中重度身體活動量」與對照組後測之間的差異,皆未達顯著水準。而實驗組後測之「假日身體活動量」、「假日中重度身體活動量」、「三日身體活動量」及「三日中重度身體活動量」顯著高於對照組後測。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of exercise intervention on improvement of perceived exercise benefit, perceived exercise barrier, exercise self-efficacy, stages of exercise, and physical activity. A Quasi-experimental design was utilized and purposive sampling was conducted at a telecom worksite of southern Taiwan. One hundred and ninety-three subjects were assigned into experimental and control group. The experimental group, which consisted of 133 subjects, participated a program of exercise intervention. The intervention program applied the Transtheoretical Model to aid subjects in developing effective approaches within different stages of the exercise change. It included teaching activities for the different stage of exercise, flexibility exercise of office, and health-related fitness test. The control group, which consisted of 60 subjects, had no treatment. The subjects completed a structured questionnaire, including stages of exercise, perceived exercise benefit, perceived exercise barrier, exercise self-efficacy, and physical activity, at the pre-test and 5-month follow-up test. Statistical analyses included descriptive statistics, t-test, chi-square test, paired t-test, Bowker’s test of symmetry, analysis of covariance, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s post hoc comparison and Pearson product-moment correlation. After exercise intervention, the results in the experimental group of follow-up test showed that (1) the percentage of regular exercise increased significantly, approximately 20%, (2) perceived exercise benefit, perceived exercise barrier, and exercise self-efficacy improved significantly, (3) the weekend day and the average of the weekday and weekend day had higher estimated energy expenditure than those of pre-test, (4) perceived exercise benefit and exercise self-efficacy had significantly higher than those in the control group of follow-up test while perceived exercise barrier had significantly lower than those in the control group of follow-up test, and (5) the weekend day and the average of the weekday and weekend day had higher estimated energy expenditure than those in the control group of follow-up test.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of exercise intervention on improvement of perceived exercise benefit, perceived exercise barrier, exercise self-efficacy, stages of exercise, and physical activity. A Quasi-experimental design was utilized and purposive sampling was conducted at a telecom worksite of southern Taiwan. One hundred and ninety-three subjects were assigned into experimental and control group. The experimental group, which consisted of 133 subjects, participated a program of exercise intervention. The intervention program applied the Transtheoretical Model to aid subjects in developing effective approaches within different stages of the exercise change. It included teaching activities for the different stage of exercise, flexibility exercise of office, and health-related fitness test. The control group, which consisted of 60 subjects, had no treatment. The subjects completed a structured questionnaire, including stages of exercise, perceived exercise benefit, perceived exercise barrier, exercise self-efficacy, and physical activity, at the pre-test and 5-month follow-up test. Statistical analyses included descriptive statistics, t-test, chi-square test, paired t-test, Bowker’s test of symmetry, analysis of covariance, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s post hoc comparison and Pearson product-moment correlation. After exercise intervention, the results in the experimental group of follow- up test showed that (1) the percentage of regular exercise increased significantly, approximately 20%, (2) perceived exercise benefit, perceived exercise barrier, and exercise self-efficacy improved significantly, (3) the weekend day and the average of the weekday and weekend day had higher estimated energy expenditure than those of pre-test, (4) perceived exercise benefit and exercise self-efficacy had significantly higher than those in the control group of follow-up test while perceived exercise barrier had significantly lower than those in the control group of follow-up test, and (5) the weekend day and the average of the weekday and weekend day had higher estimated energy expenditure than those in the control group of follow-up test.




Mchorney, C. A, (1999). Stage of regular exercise and health-related quality


