  • 學位論文


Dr. Sun Yet-sen's Cultural Thought and The Change of Chinese Culture in The Twentieth Century.

指導教授 : 黃城


論 文 摘 要 本論文的研究主題主要是「孫中山文化思想」與「二十世紀中國文化變遷」,研究主軸主要是透過對文化哲學觀念的探析,以比附的方式從文化哲學觀點析論孫中山思想的文化意涵,並依據文化哲學的探析建立起文化變遷觀的應然,據以建立衡量文化變遷歷史事實的衡量指標,依文化變遷衡量指標檢視二十世紀中國文化變遷的狀況,並依檢視結果,依歷史的因果律則,推斷當代中國文化在二十世紀中國文化的影響下,面對哪些挑戰並提出回應主張。依上述研究主軸,本研究有以下發現,茲分述如下: 在孫中山文化哲學部分:本研究透過對文化觀念的探析,析論出文化的核心意涵應是「群體的價值共識」(意識型態),並從文化的屬性,推斷出文化變遷的動力是人類對環境挑戰的回應、文化變遷的目的是追求人理想的存在樣態,文化變遷的原則是每一階段的文化變遷皆會經歷「衝突」→「整合」→「均衡」的歷程,不同階段的文化變遷模式是一種螺旋向上層進的模式,透過比附方式,本研究亦發現從文化哲學的觀點探討孫中山思想,孫中山思想亦具有完整的「文化思想與變遷觀」。依上述發現,本研究並提出下列五項衡量中國文化變遷的應然指標: 一、 在文化接觸上應採「開放且平等互待之文化接觸態度」。 二、 在對待文化傳統上應「批判的繼承與創造性的轉化傳統以維持文化的主體性」。 三、 在文化的適應能力方面則應「維持多元的文化環境,以保持文化自身創造發明能力」。 四、 在文化理想的追求上則需「接受符合人道關懷的普世價值」。 五、 承認「多元一體世界文化體的形成」。 在二十世紀中國文化變遷檢視部分:本研究發現,二十世紀中國文化變遷是處在中、西文化的辯證螺旋中,二十世紀前期中國文化變遷在五四新文化運動後,展現向西方傾斜的發展狀態,並陷落西方文化傳統自身左右對立的辯證發展歷程中,這樣的陷落造成台海兩岸文化變遷的分歧,台海兩岸經歷了五十年的個別變遷後,在文化精神、社會與物質層次,都存在著相當大的歧異,是處在變遷的過渡階段。 本研究並依據對二十世紀中國文化變遷的檢視結果與當代中國文化所處環境,推斷出當代中國文化變遷所面臨的內、外部挑戰。在內部挑戰部分:本研究推斷出當代中國文化面臨「傳統與現代接合」、「兩岸文化整合」與「中西文化融合」三大挑戰;在外部挑戰部分:本研究推斷出當代中國文化面臨「全球化」、「文化衝突化解」與「人與自然合理關係建構」的三大挑戰。本研究除個別針對上述挑戰皆有提出回應主張外,本研究亦發現透過「解構」→「對話」→「重構」歷程,可以去除各文化體受自身文化傳統制約所形成「價值意識絕對化」的偏執,在「理想言談情境」與「溝通雙方皆認可的對話規則」中,各文化體透過相互「對話」所形成的「共識」,不僅具有跨文化特質,亦具有堅實的基礎。本研究依上述歷程,在「重構」的探討部分則針對現階段人類文化變遷狀態,提出符合「解構」、「對話」要求的既超越又內在於各文化體的「世界文化觀」的價值主張,作為當代中國文化變遷現階段的願景,以回應當代中國文化現階段的挑戰。 關鍵字:孫中山思想、文化哲學、文化變遷


Abstract The main studies of this dissertation are both “ Dr. Sun Yet-sen’s thought” and “The Change of Chinese Culture in The Twentieth Century.” The main structure of the study is to analyze Dr. Sun Yet-sen’s thought use “ the philosophy of culture” as a tool to study. And through this study the another try to build some measuring characteristics to evaluate the change of Chinese Culture in the twentieth century. With the measuring characteristics of cultural changes, the twentieth Chinese culture situation is examined. Under the effects of the situation above, according to the results, what challenges are faced and should be answered, with the rules of historical causalities. According to the main study structure, some things are found out as followings. At the part of “The cultural thoughts of Sun Yet-sen,” this study figures out the center meaning of culture should be called “the group’s value consensus” (the ideology). And from the attribute of culture, the study found that the education of the cultural changing power can be called the response of human beings’ challenges to the environment. The purpose of the cultural change is to pursuit the ideal existence of human and, cultural change will go as followings: “conflict”-“organizing”-“balance.” Different stages show one kind of model of corkscrew-up. Through comparison with the ideas of the Philosophy of Culture, this study also find out the thoughts of Dr. Sun Yet-sen own complete “cultural thought and complete viewpoints of cultural change”, too. As what’s written above, this study would offer five measuring characteristics of the change of Chinese culture: A: The cultural contact should be open and equal. B: The attitude to deal with traditional culture should be critically acceded and creatively transformed. C: The cultural adapting ability should be complex in order to maintain the culture’s self-ability of creation. D: The pursuit of ideal culture should accept the general values of humane concerns. E: The base of the “complex whole world” culture should be admitted. At the part of “The Change of Chinese Culture in The Twentieth Century,” this study finds out that the change of Chinese culture in the 20th. Century still stays in the dialectic corkscrew of Chinese and Western cultures. The change of Chinese culture after the May Fourth Movement was west-oriented. And it falls into the adversary situation to western culture itself. The fall makes the cultural differences between the Taiwan Strait. Both sides of the Taiwan Strait maintain conflicting ideas in cultural spirits, society and material, and it keeps on changing. This study examines the results of the change of the situation in today’s Chinese culture and infers both the inner and outer challenges of today’s change. At the inner side, this study infers that today’s Chinese culture faces three challenges: the combination of the tradition the modernism, the re-organization of the culture between both sides of Taiwan Strait, and the organization of Chinese and western culture. This study infers today we’re facing three challenges: globalization, the counteraction of cultural conflict and the set-up between the Nature and human beings. We try to solve the challenges in this study. Through “deconstruction,” “dialogue,” and “reconstruction,” we can get rid of the bigotry of “the positiveness of the ideology” through feeling self-culture constraints. When the ideal conversation condition comes and the dialogue rules are agreed by both dies, each culture will have consensus. According to the transition, we talk about the status of today’s cultural change in “reconstruction and offering the viewpoint of “world culture”. The viewpoint of “world culture” is a solution to the challenges of today’s Chinese culture in “deconstruction” and “dialogue.” Key Words: Dr. Sun Yet-sen’s thoughts, cultural change, The Philosophy of Culture


史懷哲(A. Schweitzer)著,鄭泰安譯,〈文明的哲學〉,台北:志文,民62年。
