  • 學位論文


The scientific student-teachers professional development under the educational policy reform : case-study

指導教授 : 黃芳裕


由於社會快速的變遷,社會的型態已呈現多元,從以往線性、保守、簡化轉而循環、開放、複雜的情況。過往我國社會受到實證哲學的影響,強調明確度以及精準度,但隨著時代的轉換,在進入後現代社會後,過去視為確知的真理、價值及技術,在後現代社會中,則被視為不確定的,有多重可能的情況。在此變動下,教育環境也隨之產生激烈的震盪,過往施行成功的教育政策,也不得不做一番修正與調整。教育政策的調整,首先遭受衝擊的便是學校與教師,而未來師資是往後擔負當前教育政策實行的主力,因而基於此種關係,我國目前的教學型態是否已隨著教育政策的改變,而已有所調整以及在教育政策轉換下,未來之科學師資在教育實習階段的專業成長影響因素,是本研究所欲探討的課題。研究主要採質性的研究法,分為兩個階段,第一階段施以問卷施測,經廣泛的收集資料後,以頻率(百分比)的方式呈現,並加以分析、討論,而後形成初步的推論。第二階段以深度訪談、現場資料收集、教室觀察等進入現場的方式進行實地觀察,並將所收集而得的資料,依據Murphy(1995)及相關研究,將實習教師之專業成長分成以下四個面向分析:(1).教學特性 (2).人際關係 (3).專業知識 (4).衝突管理。在完成兩階段的工作後,再將第二階段所得之結果印證第一階段所得之推論,而得到以下結論:(1).教育政策的轉換,帶給實習教師相當大的衝擊及影響 (2).實習教師若無法瞭解當前的教育政策走向,在教學上,則仍將以課本知識傳遞為主,以升學為主要目的;反之,若實習教師越能瞭解當前的教育政策,則在教學的表現上將更豐富 (3).實習教師若無較高的敏感度,則雖能以深厚的背景知識及經驗做出較正確的判斷,但缺乏儆醒的能力 (4).實習教師在實習階段若能把握面對問題的良機,並能以主動積極的態度處理,則在處理問題的能力上將有較大的成長 (5).實習教師的法定地位不明,造成實習教師在實習過程中產生相當大的困擾 (6).實習教師在實習過程中,對於未來的就業深感憂心。


Due to the rapid change in the society, the social environment has become diversified. It has changes from linear, standpat and simplistic to circulating, open and complex. In the past, the society was influenced by positivism, stressed explicitly, and precision. With the change of time, the certain truth, true value and precision technology in the past will be regarded as uncertain under multiple situations in the post-modern society. Under the change, the educational environment is also experiencing a violent shake. The past successful educational policy must be corrected and modulated. The current educational policy will strike against the schools and teachers first. However, the student-teachers are the main force to implement the current educational policy. Based on this relation along with the educational policy reform, whether our teaching style has already changed, and under the educational reform, the future teachers’ professional development factors in practice are the topics we would like to discuss. On the qualitative research, we have distinguished two stages: the first was examination papers test. After the widespread surveys were collected, we presented them in terms of percentage to analyze and discuss, and finally we formed the initial inference. In the second stage, we proceeded through interviews, field notes and observations of classrooms to gather data. Then in accordance with Murphy (1995) and the correlated research, we have distinguished the professional development of student-teachers into four dimensions: (1). teaching character (2). interpersonal relationship (3). professional knowledge and (4).conflict management. After the two stages, we took the results from the second stage to prove the initial inference, and then we concluded the following: (1). The educational policy reform impacted the student-teachers greatly; (2). If the student-teachers couldn't understand the current educational policy, when teaching, they would still pass on the knowledge of textbook mainly and take the enterance of a better school as the principal thing. On the other hand, if they understood the current educational policy, their expressions will be more plentiful; (3). If the student-teachers weren't more sensitive, although they could make the correct decision determined by their knowledge and experience, they wouldn’t have the ability of awareness; (4). If the student-teachers could take the chance to deal with problem actively, they would become more capable in problem solving; (5). Student-teachers often feel perplexed of their identity; and (6). During the practical training, student-teachers worry about their future jobs.


朱建民 譯(2000)。《實用自然主義導論》。台北:時英。Eames, S.


