  • 學位論文


The Study on a Dynamic Model of Web-assisted Adult Learners' Perception of Transactional Distance

指導教授 : 黃明月 博士 吳正己 博士


摘 要 遠距學習(Distance learning)做為人類教育活動的一種實踐,與其他教育實踐相較,在時空上顯然具備了空間距離感及時間非同步之特性。這種特殊的時空性既是遠距學習的發展條件,亦是其限制條件。 尤其近年來網路科技在遠距學習之應用日益普遍,網路學習已是全球化行動,遠距教育者確有必要重新檢視「互動性距離理論」。 面對遠距學習的質變,在研究典範上亦應適時調整,在傳統的問卷調查、迴歸分析等量化方法之外,本研究試圖打開另外一扇窗,採用演化觀點進行系統動態研究,期能觀照學習互動的動態過程。 因此,本研究之目的為:(一)以成人網路輔助學習者為研究對象進行本土性研究,檢視「互動性距離理論」的適合性;(二)以表徵轉換方法建立「互動性距離理論」的動態模型,以補靜態觀點之不足;(三)本研究所建立之動態模型可供實務工者做為學習診斷及系統評估之用。 本研究首先對研究個案進行量化的實証研究,根據結果建立「互動性距離」因果模型。然後再依據因果模型進行表徵轉換,建立其動態模型,並以現代系統理論對模型行為進行詮釋分析。 本研究之發現為:(一)「互動性距離」動態模型本身即是一個耗散結構系統;(二)其演化行為是一不可逆演化過程;(三)各子系統間存在著非線性的回饋作用;(四)各系統變數間存有動態因果關係;(五)系統行為型態反映出時間滯延效應。 本研究之限制為:(一)在研究對象方面,只以成人非同步網路輔助學習者進行個案研究,故在研究成果之外推適用(即外部效度)上有其限制;(二)在研究方法方面,因礙於研究者主客觀條件之限制,資料蒐集未能輔以質性方法,故後續研究者可兼採質量方法。 關鍵字:互動性距離理論、成人學習、現代系統理論、網路輔助學習


ABSTRACT As a praxis of educational activities, the space separation and time asynchronization are the major characteristics that distinguishes distance education from other forms of education. These features are both potential chances and limitations for distance education development. Especially, for recent years, distance education has used information technology and Internet to deliver its programs widely, and Web-based or Web-assisted adult learning has also become a global action. So, as a result of these changes, distance educators have a need for reexamining Moore’s Transactional Distance Theory. Facing the recent changes in the field of distance education, it is time for us to rethink the possibility and necessary of research paradigm shift. As regards to research methods, except for quantitative approaches, this study tries to adopt an evolutionary paradigm to do a system dynamics research to understand the dynamic process of interaction profoundly. The purpose of this study is :(1)to explore the applicability of Transactional Distance Theory to the study of web-assisted adult learning in Taiwan;(2)to build a system dynamic model based upon a web-assisted adult learner’s transactional distance perceptions;(3)Based upon the results of this study, to provide recommendations for further research and practice in distance education. According to the purposes mentioned above, this study conducted a survey and produced a causal model first, and then built a system dynamic model of the causal model, and finally interpreted the dynamic model from a Modern System Theory perspective. The major findings of this study include:(1)the transactional distance system itself is a dissipative structure system;(2)its evolutionary behavior is a irreversible process;(3)there are nonlinear feedbacks between the components of the transactional distance system;(4)there is a dynamic casual relationship between the system variables;(5)the behaviors of the transactional distance system reflect the time-delay effect. There are some limitations in this study, first, by a relatively small group of research subjects. So, the results of this research may have limited generalization to other populations and settings. Second, this study only employed quantitative methods to collect data, further studies might employ both quantitative and qualitative approaches to get data. Keywords: Transactional Distance Theory, Adult learning, Modern System Theory, Web-based learning, Web- assisted learning.


楊國賜 (民74)。系統分析在教育革新上的應用。台北市:水牛。


