  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 邱美虹 博士


許多的研究均指出圖片對學生學習有幫助,而漫畫擁有大量的圖像,且深受青少年的喜愛,故本研究將漫畫圖片加入地球科學課本當作插圖,探討是否能引起學生的學習動機與促進學生的學習成就表現。 本研究以國中二年級學生共121名為研究對象,使用四種不同表徵的閱讀教材(純文字、文字與無劇情的短漫畫、文字與有劇情的長漫畫、有劇情的長漫畫)讓學生自行閱讀理解,並以學生紙筆測驗的成績比較學生在整體、不同題型(記憶題型、理解題型、困難主題、簡單主題)、不同能力(讀圖能力與學習成就)與記憶保留的表現有何差異。選取16位學生進行晤談以了解學生的迷思概念與概念改變情形。最後以問卷了解學生的對教材與地球科學喜愛的情形。 研究結果發現如下: 一、學習成就方面:1.整體來看四組學生的學習成就無顯著差異;2.四組學生在記憶題型的學習成就無顯著差異,但在有文字的情況下,長、短漫畫對理解題型的學習有幫助;3.四組學生在困難主題的學習成就無顯著差異,但是在有文字的情況下,短漫畫可以幫助學生學習簡單主題;4.在有文字的情況下,長、短漫畫能幫助高讀圖能力的學生學習,沒有文字時,純長漫畫也能幫助高讀圖能力的學生學習;5.在有文字的情況下,長漫畫與短漫畫對高學習成就的學生有幫助。 二、記憶保留方面:1.純文字教材從整體、不同題型、低能力學生來看,間隔一週的記憶保留效果較好;2.高讀圖能力學生使用純長漫畫者,在一週後有較好的記憶保留效果。3.高學習成就學生使用有文字與長漫畫教材者在一週後有較好的記憶保留效果。 三、迷思概念與概念改變方面:學生在天文教材容易有的迷思概念有1.只要會發光的星體就可以叫做恆星2.光年的「年」是時間單位,所以光年也是時間單位。學生在溫室效應教材容易有的迷思概念為1.二氧化碳過多會破壞臭氧層,使進來地球的陽光(紫外線)增加導致地球溫度上升2.一天當中進到地球的太陽能量應該會比出去的多。 四、學生對教材與地球科學的喜好方面:1.文字加短漫畫組的學生對自己的閱讀教材與地球科學的態度表現得最為正向;2.如果讓學生自由選擇,學生最歡喜文字加上有劇情的長漫畫教材。


漫畫 概念改變


Many studies suggest that pictures are helpful to students’ learning. Comics have a lot of pictures and many young people love reading comics books. The purpose of this study was to use comics for illustrations of scientific concepts in an earth science’s textbook to investigate the effectiveness of students’ learning achievements and motivation. Totally, 121 8th graders participated in this research. Students were categorized into four groups:group A reading a text with only words, group B reading a text with words and a short version of comics, group C reading a text with words and a long version of comics, and group D reading a text only with a long version of comics. The researcher designed the test items and conducted written tests before and after reading the materials and a deferring test. Then, analyses were made in order to get students’ achievement in whole, at different levels of comprehension (memory, comprehension, difficult, easy), with different graphing abilities (interpreting graphs ability and achievement), and on a deferring test. The researcher selected 16 students to be interviewed and then analyzed their misconceptions and processes of conceptual change. Finally, the researcher used a questionnaire to examine student’s attitude toward the reading materials and field of earth science. The results of this study were as follows: 1、 Learning achievement:(1) There was no significant difference of all learning achievements among four groups. (2) There was no significant difference in memory questions among four groups. But, text with words along with long or short comics helped students understanding better on comprehension questions. (3) There was no significant difference among four groups in astronomy. But, text with words along with short comics helped students in greenhouse learning. (4) Text with words along with long or short comics helped the high graphing ability students to learn better, and text with only long comics is, too. (5) Text with words and long or short comics helped the high achievers to learn better. 2、 Memory retention:(1) From the whole achievements and different question types, group A outperformed other groups. (2) Also among low ability students, the group A outperformed other groups. (3) The high graphing ability students in Group D performed better on the deferring test. (4) The high achievers in Group C performed better on the deferring test. 3、 There were several misconceptions found in this study. As for misconceptions in astronomy:(1) A fixed star looks shine. (2) The word 「year」 in Chinese is a unit of time, so a light-year is also a unit of time. As for the greenhouse effect:(1) The carbon dioxide destroys ozone layer to allow more amounts of sunlight or ultraviolet ray in, therefore the earth become warmer. (2) On a certain day, the absorption is more then the emission of solar energy. 4、 Student’s attitude toward reading material and earth science:(1) Group B had more positive attitude than other groups. (2) The Students chose text with words and long comics as their most favorite reading materials.






