  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 洪志明 楊永華


「電化學」概念是國中學生在學習上感到較為困難的部分,常會出現一些迷思概念。因此本研究的目的,探討如何幫助學生建立正確的化學觀念,有助於其有意義的學習。探討的主要內容分為三部分﹕第一部分是使用電腦軟體製作動畫教材。第二部分是探討自製的電腦動畫教材融入講解式教學法、實驗教學法、小組示範實驗教學法,是否可達到輔助教學的效果?是否可減少學生在電化學學習上的迷思概念?第三部分是探討學生對媒體輔助教學和研究者的上課方式之反應。 本研究對學生在「電化學」學習上有融入媒體輔助的教學策略,包括講解式教學,實驗教學法和小組示範實驗教學法。每一教學法進行之後,實驗組與控制組學生分別在教室進行討論、綜合歸納,此時實驗組配合電腦動畫輔助教學,而控制組則否。 研究結果顯示,(1)電腦動畫融入講解式教學法時,對低分群學生的學習,有顯著的成效。(2)電腦動畫融入實驗教學法時,對學生學習成效有顯著的成效。(3)電腦動畫融入小組示範實驗教學法時,對學生學習成效不顯著。由問卷結果顯示,學生認為使用本研究製作的電腦動畫輔助教學 (1) 可提高學習理化的興趣。(2) 可輔助講解式教學。(3)可輔助實驗教學。(4) 幫助學生進入溶液中的粒子微觀世界。(5)「科學史的動畫」幫助瞭解科學的演進是奠基於前人的足跡。在教學策略方面,(1) 沒有一個學生認為「做實驗是一件很浪費時間的事」。(2)上理化課,學生認為先到實驗室做實驗,再和老師、同學討論,學習效果較佳。(3)講解式的教學時,學生喜歡以黑板板書為主,輔助其它教具或媒體。 研究者建議科學教師在引導國中學生學習時,必須慎重選擇適當的教學資源與教學方法,盡量讓學生親身參與具體的學習活動,以提高他們的學習動機和興趣,但遇到抽象觀念,或需要電腦模擬實驗時,可以融入合適的電腦教學媒體,達到「高品質教學教學過程」,使我們的科學教育走向優質教育的新境界。


電化學 電腦動畫


It is difficult and confusing for junior high school students in learning “Electrochemistry” The purpose of this research was to investigate how to help student to build up proper concept of chemistry, and achieve meaningful learning results. The investigation included three parts: The first part was to design computer animation teaching material. The second part was to use these animation media in teaching for the lecture, experiment and small-group demonstrated experiment, and evaluate the effectiveness of students’ learning. The third part was to investigate the response of students to media-aided teaching material and investigator’s teaching methods. The strategies of media-aided teaching electrochemistry in this research included lecture, experiment, and small-group demonstrated experiment. Followed with separate strategies offered, both of experimental group and controlled group students were undergoing discussion separately, but only experimental groups were given computer animation teaching material for teaching aids during discussion. The key finding from this study were (1) the lecture when combined with computer-aided animation media would result in significant learning efficacy for low-graded students. (2) Group experiment when combined with computer animation teaching media would result in significant learning efficacy for both groups’ students. (3) Demonstrated experiment combined with computer-aided animation showed no significant difference in students learning. The students’ response from the questionnaires with regard to the computer animation-aided media were : (1) could raise learning interest, (2) could assist lecture teaching method, (3) could assist experiment teaching method, (4) could help student enter into the world of microscopic particle in the solution, (5) the ”Animation of History of Science” could help understand the steppingstone of science development As to teaching strategies, (1) none of the students thought “experiment wastes time”, (2) students indicated experiment and group discussion prior to lecture would result in better learning efficacy, (3) As to lecture, students preferred to use black-board and be supported by other teaching media or material. In summary, it was suggested that the science teacher should carefully choose proper teaching resources & methods to lead student’s learning, and enable students to actively participate in their learning activity in order to raise student’s learning motivation & interest. For abstract concept, it would be helpful to use proper computer animation teaching media in order to achieve “high quality teaching process of teaching”. Key words﹕electrochemistry、computer animation.


electrochemistry computer animation


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35. Matthews,M.R.(1994). Science teaching﹕The role of history and Philosophy of Science.N.Y.﹕Routledge.
31. 董家莒、張俊彥、蕭建華、戴明國(2001):多媒體電腦輔助學習歷程對學生地球科學學習成就之影響,師大學報,民國90年,46(1,2),43-64。
10. 林陳湧、童麗珠(2000):生物實驗教學能力重要性評估比較研究,師大學報:科學教育類,民國89年,45(2),21-38
18. 張俊彥、陳盈霖(2000)﹕不同電腦輔助教學模式對高中學生「恆星演化」學習成就極其態度之影響。師大學報﹕科學教育類,民國89年,45(2),1-20。


蔡仁杰(2005)。以Game Maker編製電腦教材元素與化合物單元之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2004200715271998
