  • 學位論文


A Study of Spatial Location and Management of the Underground Shopping Center in Taipei

指導教授 : 陳憲明


台北市為台灣地區繼高雄市之後再度發展出地下街之都市,隨著都市活動的遽增,及都市交通型態的轉變,在民國八十九年第一條地下街開幕後,陸續共有四處地下街在運作當中,且尚有兩處已完工但未營運、一處正在興建中的地下街,因此,台北市擁有目前全台最多數量之地下街。多處地下街之興建規劃顯示台北市的土地利用朝向多目標及集約使用,都市空間結構立體化的趨勢日益顯著。 本研究以台北市的地下街為研究主題,進行空間分布與區位特色分析,並對營運超過一年之三處地下街進行深入研究,透過與發展地下街經驗甚豐之日本相較、進行相關單位人員訪談、業者及消費者問卷調查,企圖尋求各地下街最佳之經營管理方式及經營業種,並找出未來地下街的理想營運模式。 研究中發現,台北市地下街的空間分布有四點特色:(1)與都市計畫關係密切;(2)以CBD所在之中正區擁有地下街的密度最高;(3)「與捷運共構」的地下街比例略高於「與捷運分構」的地下街;(4)以線型(帶狀型)為主。若根據經營規模、交通聚集性、商業環境等指標,則台北市地下街的區位可分為主都心型、副都心型及社區中心型三種型態。基本上,地下街的規模應根據其所在的區位而有等級之別,但目前台北市地下街的區位及其規模之間並無明顯相關,突顯政府在規劃地下街時未盡完善考量之責,足為台灣其他地區發展地下街之借鏡。 而從地下街業者與消費者的問卷調查可歸納出其特性與行為,在業者部分有:(1)店舖性質以「分店」比例最高;(2)內部區位及業種差異與營收滿意度間具有相關性;(3)業者對地下街整體經營管理偏負向評價。在消費者部分則為:(1)以女性為主,多在30歲以下,大學程度居多,職業則多為學生,個人每月可支配所得以1萬元以下的低消費能力族群為大宗;(2)以「多目的購物旅次」型為主;(3)對「東區地下街」的環境評價最高。至於地下街的經營管理方面,目前主要有三種型態,此三種經營管理方式雖各有擅場,但均有改善空間。此外,在營業項目上,經由研究比較結果,「台北捷運大街」及「台北地下街」應調降「文化百貨類」的比例,而「東區地下街」則須將過高的「服飾流行品類」比例降低,在安全為主要考量的前提下,增加「餐飲類」的店舖數量,如此對地下街的營運應有正面助益。 在經由多面向之探討後,本研究提出一理想營運模式以供未來開發之地下街之參考。至於目前已營運之地下街,除可依本研究建議修正經營管理方式與業種調整外,在促進營運的各種方式上亦須加強,多管齊下以使其有更大的發展空間,並提供未來各地區開發地下街之正向經驗參考。


Taipei, following Kaohsiung, is the second city developing the USC(underground shopping center) in Taiwan. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the spatial distribution, location characteristics and management of Taipei’s USC’s. In order to find out the best management strategies, appropriate commercial types for each USC and an ideal operational model, we observe the three USC’s which have run over one year, interview administrators and collect questionnaires filled out by proprietors and consumers. Besides, we compare Taipei’s USC’s with well-developed Japan’s. The results of this research can be summarized as follows: 1. The spatial distributions of Taipei’s USC’s share four characteristics. First of all, they have close relation to the urban development plan. Next, the location of the highest USC density is situated in Zhong Zheng District, which is also the CBD of Taipei. Third, the proportion of the USC’s “associated with MRTS ” is higher than that of the USC’s “dissociated from MRTS.” Forth, most of them are in the shape of ribbon development. 2. When the managerial scale, traffic gathering and commercial environment are taken into consideration, the locations of Taipei’s USC’s fall into three categories: the main urban center, the secondary urban center and the community center. Basically, the location of a USC is closely related to its scale. However, the schemes of the completed USC’s in Taipei didn’t follow this principle. 3. Questionnaires filled out by the proprietors show three facts. First, branch stores greatly outnumber the other kinds of stores. Second, profits are closely related to locations and commercial types. Third, the proprietors, generally speaking, don’t approve of the management of USC’s. 4. The consumer survey indicates female costumers, more than 80% under 30, are the main population of consumers. Most of them are college graduates with low ability of consumption; that is, they have to keep within a tight budget of at most NT10,000 per month. This type of consumers usually makes “multiple-purpose shopping trips.” Also, most of the consumers set a higher value on East Metro Mall. 5. The management of Taipei’s USC’s can be broken down into 3 categories, but presently all of them leave room for improvement. Besides, as far as commercial types are concerned, in Easy Mall and Taipei City Mall, the number of stationery stores should be decreased while in East Metro Mall, the number of fashion stores should be cut down. All of them, based on a safety premise, have to set up more drink and food stores. Finally, this study intends to offer an ideal tentative operational model for the future advance in the development of the USC.


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